In this era of deep integration between science, technology, and society, understanding and harnessing the potential of synthetic biology is crucial. To achieve this, we strive to bridge complex biotechnological concepts with everyday applications. These efforts primarily revolve around three core areas, each playing an indispensable role in disseminating the ideas and values of synthetic biology:
Firstly, there is public science communication, making synthetic biology more accessible to the general public. Secondly, there is education and training for students, nurturing the next generation of scientists and thinkers. Lastly, there is Conference exchange, ensuring that knowledge is not confined solely to the academic realm.
By adopting such a multi-faceted approach, aimed at broadening the influence and acceptance of synthetic biology, we demonstrate our comprehensive thinking in promoting this discipline. These three aspects ensure that synthetic biology is not merely an academic pursuit but also a societal movement driven and engaged by informed individuals, passionate youth, and professional communities.
Public Science Communication
In this section, our goal is to succinctly convey knowledge of synthetic biology in a manner that is closer to and more accessible for the general public. To achieve this, we have chosen various media forms that are well-known to the public, including games, festival activities, community events, and comics, as channels for dissemination. Through these means, we aim to convert the complex concepts of synthetic biology into vivid, interactive, and closely related content that aligns with everyday life. This strategy not only allows the public to gain a preliminary understanding of synthetic biology but also sparks their strong interest in the field. Our core concept is to combine education and entertainment, with the hope of inspiring the public to transition from passive learners to active participants in the realm of synthetic biology.
Create a synthetic biology board game
Based on our survey of the public, we have decided to integrate gaming with synthetic biology education. We have developed a board game called "Engineered Microorganism: Under the Sword of Damocles", inspired by the ancient Greek legend of the Sword of Damocles. In this game, scientists use anti-escape system to stop genetically modified cells from fleeing the laboratory, while the modified cells attempt to break free, creating a gripping story of microbes entwined with scientists.
The inspiration for the game comes from our project, the "wind-up cell," which is a kill switch based on epigenetic modifications. We cleverly blend the epigenetic modification techniques used in the project with CRISPR technology and other synthetic biology knowledge, combining popularization of synthetic biology with entertainment. The game includes essential genes, non-essential genes, sequences without PAM sites, Cas9 protein, gRNA, and epigenetic components as characters. Each card contains relevant synthetic biology knowledge about these characters, allowing players to not only deepen their understanding of our project within the game but also learn about synthetic biology.
In the game, gRNA and Cas9 protein must cooperate to cleave genes, and non-PAM site sequences are not easily recognized and cleaved by CRISPR Cas9, reflecting real-world scenarios and adding uncertainty and cooperation elements to the game.

Figure 1. The card we designed.

Figure 2. The design of the packaging of the board game.

Figure 3. The design of the cards of the board game.
The details of the design and the functions of each role in the board game are as following:

Currently, our cards are already being sold online, and according to purchase data, we have already had an impact in most provinces in China. Additionally, during exchanges with Tianjin High School and high school student summer camps, we have given board game cards to participating students. They provided feedback that synthetic biology is so interesting, and our board game allows them to delve deeper into the study of synthetic biology knowledge.

Figure 4. We have opened an online sales channel.

Figure 5. The scope of influence of the card.
We hope that through this game, we can enrich high school students' extracurricular activities, sparking their interest and passion for synthetic biology. We believe that this fun and educational game will inspire the younger generation's interest in science and encourage them to delve deeper into the field of synthetic biology.

School Open Day
During the campus open day, known as the Magnolia Festival, in April 2023, we showcased the charm of synthetic biology to students, teachers, and the public through a variety of creative formats, making the promotional activities engaging and entertaining.
Highlights of Our Campaign
Firstly, we prepared captivating display boards that introduced a series of remarkable events in the field of synthetic biology. For example, we highlighted how a team from Tianjin University utilized DNA storage technology to preserve Dunhuang murals, seamlessly blending ancient culture with futuristic technology, showcasing the limitless possibilities of synthetic biology. The vivid murals alongside the double helix DNA patterns captured people's attention, sparking intense interest and imagination.
Additionally, we organized a series of fun activities, including origami DNA tutorials, microbial doodle and more. These activities not only aroused interest in synthetic biology but also made the knowledge lively and enjoyable. During the event, young children, guided by their parents, sketched microbial outlines on kites, while middle-aged individuals curiously discussed the mysteries of synthetic biology with us. We engaged with people of all ages, including children, high school students, and middle-aged individuals. They left questions, expressions of fondness, and dreams related to synthetic biology on our message board, providing new perspectives for our science outreach.
Positive Outcomes
Our efforts yielded positive results. On the message board, an anonymous high school student wrote, "See you at Tianjin University Synthetic Biology in 2024!" This event not only enhanced everyone's understanding of synthetic biology but also instilled confidence in some individuals to explore the subject further. Through this event, we realized that there is still a long way to go in public education about synthetic biology. Engaging and easily understandable educational formats can have unexpected impacts when communicating complex scientific concepts to the public. We will continue our efforts and contribute to the popularization of synthetic biology through accessible and enjoyable educational initiatives.

Figure 6. Our booth was filled with students.

Figure 7. Our team leader was explaining to passersby how DNA storage works.
Science Popularization Comics
We, in collaboration with the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou University, Beijing Normal University, Hainan University, Ocean University of China, Wuhan University, and Guangxi University, have jointly initiated a science popularization activity focused on the history of synthetic biology. The objective is to educate the public about significant developments in synthetic biology through the comics. This event encompasses the following key milestones:
- 1953: Publication of the DNA double helix structure
- 1957: Establishment of the Central Dogma
- 1965: Artificial synthesis of bovine insulin
- 1970s: Discovery of plasmids
- 1990s: Human Genome Project (HGP)
- 2002: Artificial synthesis of the poliovirus genome
- 2003: Engineering of the artemisinin precursor pathway
- 2017: Artificial synthesis of a yeast chromosome
Through the comics, we vividly portray these significant events to the audience. The comics are concise and visually appealing, aiding in a better understanding of the history of synthetic biology. Furthermore, we have included simple question-and-answer sessions to reinforce the knowledge conveyed by the comics. Additionally, we have initiated discussions on synthetic biology questions on platforms such as Zhihu and Quora, encouraging readers to exchange insights and promote the broader sharing of scientific knowledge. Our educational comics have been read by thousands of people, and discussions on platforms like Zhihu and Quora are lively. Readers have praised our comics for being vivid and entertaining, and they appreciate this approach to synthetic biology education.

Figure 8. We've released the Synthetic Biology Science Comic.
Community Popularization of Science
We actively reached out to the Yuhewan Community in Hongqiao District, Tianjin, aiming to conduct public outreach activities centered around biosafety. We designed informational brochures covering some hot topics: the definition and significance of biosafety, relevant laws and regulations, issues related to invasive alien species, gene therapy and artificial synthesis of a yeast chromosome Starting from the basic concepts of biosafety, we detailed biosafety issues closely related to the daily lives of community residents. The objective was to enhance their understanding of biosafety, raise awareness, and provide suggestions on maintaining biosafety. In addition, we included biosafety-related surveys in the brochures, which garnered valuable feedback.
Through biosafety outreach targeted at the community, we educated more people about the biosafety issues they might face in their daily lives, especially concerning relevant laws and regulations. The feedback from community residents helped us clarify the direction for further scientific outreach. This community-based science outreach not only increased residents' scientific knowledge but also heightened their awareness of biosafety issues.

Figure 9. We put up science posters in the community.

Figure 10. Residents are reading our science publicity newspaper.
Education and Training
Education is the cornerstone of any scientific discipline, and synthetic biology is no exception. Collaborative projects with schools, particularly in remote areas, emphasize the importance of equitable education. These efforts ensure that students, regardless of their geographic or institutional backgrounds, have access to practical training and knowledge in synthetic biology. Through specialized training and interactive courses, we aim to nurture the next generation of scientists, innovators, and thinkers. We believe that miracles can be achieved when passion and curiosity are supplemented with the right resources.Helping high schools build iGEM team
During the school's open day , we provided a detailed introduction to synthetic biology and the iGEM competition to visitors from Tianjin High School. Specifically, we highlighted the complete process of high school students participating in this competition. These students showed a strong interest in synthetic biology and expressed considerable curiosity about the iGEM competition. After the event, they expressed their desire to participate in the iGEM competition.
Why are we cooperating with Tianjin High School?
We established a collaboration with Tianjin High School because the principal of Tianjin High School informed us that the number of high schools participating in the iGEM competition in China is gradually increasing. However, it is regrettable that they have not yet formed a complete iGEM team. Additionally, due to the breadth of the high school curriculum, students have limited opportunities to engage with synthetic biology concepts, which are largely unfamiliar to them before their university courses. This situation hampers their chances to explore and develop an interest in synthetic biology.
How are we helping Tianjin High School?
To expose high school students to synthetic biology, we decided to initiate the first exchange activity on July 6th. During this exchange, our team captain introduced the iGEM competition process and shared our competition experience with Tianjin High School students. After the meeting, we visited their laboratory and introduced them to the basic experiments of synthetic biology and the instruments required for the experiments
We decided to further our cooperation.
Considering that Tianjin High School currently lacks a dedicated teacher for guidance, laboratory experiments can be challenging for any beginner due to unexpected situations that may arise during experiments. Therefore, we invited Tianjin High School students to our laboratory, where our team members provided them with theoretical explanations and hands-on training in experimental procedures.
After learning some experimental principles and techniques, Tianjin High School students played a board game designed by our team along with our members. After the game, they provided feedback and suggestions, pointing out some shortcomings in the game. To enhance the game mechanics, we plan to add downloadable content (DLC) to the card game, aiming to improve the gameplay and make it more enjoyable and appealing. Through these efforts, we hope to offer Tianjin High School students a richer and more practical experience in synthetic biology, sparking their strong interest in this field。

Figure 11. We explain to students how to prepare for the iGEM competition.

Figure 12. Playing the board game we created with Tianjin High School students.

Figure 13. Our team members are teaching high school students how to extract plasmids.
Education in Remote Areas
In June, we visited Tianzhu County in Gansu, a relatively remote area. Although local schools have comprehensive teaching facilities, they lack educational resources, especially a sufficient number of high-level teachers. We learned that, even though they had established biology-related clubs, they faced a shortage of specialized teachers, making it challenging to offer students specialized training.
Given this, we decided to utilize the existing biology club to introduce the students to iGEM. Taking into account the current knowledge level of the students, we formulated a systematic teaching plan: starting every Wednesday, we would offer biology-related courses for them, focusing on essential knowledge of synthetic biology, such as the structure of genes and the expression and regulation of genes. Students have shown strong interest in these courses, and some even plan to major in synthetic biology in the future. These systematic courses not only laid a solid foundation for them, but also inspired their enthusiasm for learning.

Figure 14. Our team members are explaining synthetic biology-related knowledge to students in rural areas.
Summer camps for high school students
During the summer vacation, we actively participated in high school student summer camps, where we organized a series of engaging educational activities and promoted the iGEM competition to high school students.
Microbial Painting
We have been brainstorming ways to make biology more enjoyable. Our inspiration came from a painting activity our teacher introduced in microbiology class, but we approached it in a unique way: using microbes as paint and pipette tips as brushes. Different microbes and various fluorescent proteins offered us endless creative possibilities. Considering the constraints of time and complexity, we chose Escherichia coli carrying RFP and GFP fluorescent proteins as our painting materials. The students were enthusiastic about this activity and created some very interesting artworks.

Figure 15. The microbiological artworks created by the students using fluorescent proteins.
Microscopic World
We prepared an experiment for the students to observe microbes under a microscope. Considering that high school experiments usually only involve observing plant cells, we provided an opportunity to observe fungi, introducing students to the morphological features of fungi and the operation of microscopes. Some students admitted to having forgotten how to use a microscope but regained these skills during this process. This experience highlighted the importance of organizing science outreach activities, as they can rekindle students' interest in science while also reacquainting them with laboratory techniques.

Figure 16. Our team members are explaining how to use a microscope to high school students.
Competition Promotion
We provided detailed information about the iGEM competition to the students, showcasing the allure of iGEM through the official promotional video. The students were captivated and fascinated by what they saw. Following that, we presented our iGEM projects from both this year and last year, demonstrating the board games we designed. The students present were enthusiastic and actively asked questions. One high school student exclaimed, "I didn't know there was such an interesting competition!" These activities not only spread knowledge about synthetic biology but also ignited a strong interest in science among the students.

Figure 17. The captain is introducing the iGEM competition and synthetic biology.

Figure 18. Students are actively ask questions.
Our summer camp activities have led high school students into the world of microbiology and introduced them to the iGEM competition. Here, high school students have opened the doors to synthetic biology and planted the seeds to participate in iGEM and use their knowledge to change the world.
Conference and Communication
In rapidly evolving fields like synthetic biology, ongoing dialogue and discourse are essential. We participate in large-scale conferences and host debates. Large conferences provide a platform to showcase the latest advancements, ensuring that knowledge is not confined solely to the academic realm but also reaches industry experts, policymakers, and enthusiasts from the general public. Meanwhile, debates foster a culture of critical thinking and reflection, particularly concerning ethical and biosafety considerations. These activities underscore the need for a synergy between scientific progress and public engagement, thereby achieving comprehensive and sustainable development.
Debate on Biosafety and Bioethics

Figure 19-1. Approaches Perceived by Respondents to Mitigate Biosecurity Incidents. Figure 19-2. Approaches perceived by respondents to enhance biosafety awareness of public.
We conducted a public survey on biosecurity, and after analyzing the questionnaire survey of the public, we found that there was a strong interest in online biosafety educational activities. Based on these results, we are planning to organize an online debate focusing on the topic of biosafety.
In August 2023, we co-hosted an online debate with the BIT-China team from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) and invited judges Professor Yi Wu and Professor Yingxiu Cao from Tianjin University, along with Professor Bing Hu from Beijing Institute of Technology. The event attracted a wide audience of high school and university students.
Debate Topic
The debate centered around "The Promotion/Hindrance of Scientific Research by the Formulation of Biosafety and Bioethics Regulations." We took the opposing stance. In this intense debate, the BIT-China team elaborated on avoiding biosafety and bioethics risks, ensuring fair and effective review, and increasing public trust. We, on the other hand, presented our arguments from the perspectives of legal lag behind biotechnological development, constraining scientists' cutting-edge innovations, and the existence of better alternative measures. Throughout the debate, we delved deep into the discussion of regulatory scope and the criteria for defining "hindrance" and "promotion." Through mutual rebuttals, our viewpoints gradually became clear. This debate was not merely a competition but a response to public concerns and an effort to stimulate critical thinking in the early stages of biosafety and bioethics regulations.
Impact of the Debate
This debate had a profound impact on both us and the audience. One of our debaters was a high school student who, through this debate, gained in-depth knowledge about the cutting-edge technologies in synthetic biology and biosafety regulations. While attempting to express this knowledge, she not only learned a lot but also deepened her interest in delving into the field of synthetic biology in the future. The debate process also served as a form of outreach. Many high school and college students in the audience understood the reasons behind the biosafety and ethical controversies that biotechnology might trigger. They learned about relevant regulations and expressed, " The debate was very interesting, I hope there will be more interesting activities like this in the future!
This debate also made us realize the need to pay special attention to biosafety issues while advancing our projects. It also inspired our exploration of the significance of kill switch applications. We hope that Wind-up Cell not only promotes biosafety but also drives the establishment of new standards and systems for the application of biotechnology. Through this debate, we have become even more certain about our direction and have contributed to the safe application of biotechnology.

Figure 20. Online Debate on Biosafety and Bioethics.
World Intelligence Congress
In May, we had the privilege of participating in the World Intelligence Congress(WIC), organized by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology. Our team had a booth at this prestigious event, dedicated to showcasing synthetic biology. Our themes included the design and synthesis of artificial genomes, DNA storage, as well as intelligent, automated, and flexible artificial cell factories. At our booth, we shared cutting-edge knowledge about synthetic biology with the public.
The congress attracted over 200,000 visitors, and our booth was a tremendous success, welcoming thousands of attendees. During interactions with the audience, we found that the most common question we were asked was, "What is synthetic biology?" Our presentation allowed them to engage with synthetic biology, and to our delight, we discovered that both professionals from various fields and audience members of different age groups exhibited a high level of interest and enthusiasm for synthetic biology. We patiently answered their questions, deepening the public's understanding of synthetic biology.
Through this congress, we showcased the immense potential of synthetic biology to the world, sparking deeper reflections on the integration of artificial intelligence and biological sciences. We firmly believe that synthetic biology will play an even more significant role in the future, bringing about greater innovation and advancement for human society.

Figure 21. Our team members are introducing synthetic biology to passersby at the World Intelligence Congress.