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The experiment of this project was carried out in the Science and Technology Building of Beibei Campus of Southwest University in China

Experimenter safety:

• Experimenters need to pass the experimental safety examination before entering the laboratory for the first time, and need to carry out experimental learning accompanied by instructors.
• All laboratory personnels must wear laboratory coats when entering the laboratory building, and they need to wash their hands and cannot take out the lab clothes when leaving the laboratory.
• When using experimental instruments with certain risks, it is necessary to strictly follow the operation specifications.
• Wearing lab coats, masks, gloves, goggles and surgical caps during the experiment to reduce skin exposure and avoid direct contact between skin and drugs.

Laboratory equipment:

• Laboratory equipment needs regular maintenance and inspection.
• The laboratory should be equipped with emergency equipment, such as eyewashes and the first aid kit.
• Carry out experimental operation in strict accordance with the operation specifications.
• After using the experimental equipment, you need to register and turn off the instrument, and if there is a problem during using, you need to respond to the professional immediately.
• Setting up hazard warning signs.


Experimental Substances and Waste Treatment:

• The use of irritating drugs should be carried out in a fume hood, and should be put into the corresponding medicine cabinet after use, all drugs should be marked and correctly classified.
• Before using, the risk assessment of experimental drugs should be carried out, and corresponding guidelines for use should be formulated.
• The source of experimental drugs and experimental materials must be legal and compliant, especially when using experimental animals, comply with corresponding regulations and ethical standards.
• Different experimental wastes should be placed in different locations according to standards and be treated by special personnels.
• Liquid waste should be poured into the waste bucket, and some dangerous drugs need to be collected and treated separately.

Ethics and regulations:

• Experiments must comply with ethical principles and applicable laws and regulations.
• Respect the rights and privacy of experimenters and ensure compliance during the experiment.