Date:  08/04/2023
Event:  1st online theory training for whole members
Agenda:  iGEM competition background information training



Date:  15/04/2023
Event:  2nd online theory training for wet lab
Agenda:  Academic frontier of genetic engineering - Literature reading and analysis of classical routes of genetic engineering.



Date:  22/04/2023
Event:  3rd online theory training for dry lab
Agenda:  How to tap into market demand - questionnaire design and market research methods.



Date:  29/04/2023
Event:  4th online theory training for wet lab
Agenda:  Essential for Introduction to Biological Experiments - Basic Research Methods of Modern Molecular Biology 1.



Date:  06/05/2023
Event:  5th online theory training for dry lab
Agenda:  Hands-on teaching you to complete a high-quality interview - expert interview tips and examples.



Date:  13/05/2023
Event:  6th online theory training for wet lab
Agenda: Advanced Teaching of Biological Experiments-Basic Research Methods of Modern Molecular Biology 2.


Date:  20/05/2023
Event:  7th online theory training for dry lab
Agenda: How to creatively disseminate scientific information - popular science education activities and materials.


Date:  27/05/2023
Event:  8th online theory training for whole members
Agenda: Use synthetic biology to "build blocks" - biological elements and gene circuits.


Date:  03/06/2023
Event:  9th online theory training for whole members.
Agenda: From 0 to 1: The Road to Product Commercialization - Business Planning and Product Implementation Strategy



Date:  10/06/2023
Event:  10th online theory training for whole members

Agenda: "Speak" with data-modeling methods and diagrams to teach.



Date:  17/06/2023
Event:  11th online theory training for whole members

Agenda: Demystifying The Rule Off iGEM Challenge I



Date:  24/06/2023
Event:  12th online theory training for whole members

Agenda: Demystifying The Rule Off iGEM Challenge Ⅱ



Date:  20/07/2023
Event:  offline training with both wet and dry lab

Agenda: Self-introduction, reserve captain campaign, background explanation of the topic. Team discussion: team name, logo, Slogan, VI, Team, Mission, uniform, social platform account.


Date:  21/07/2023
Event:  offline training with separated wet and dry lab

Agenda: 1. Learn the safety rules.

2. Configure LB solution.

3. Complete the process of PCR system.

4. Prepare target gene fragment CBD and MS18 solution.

5. Prepare target plasmid PET28A samples.



Date:  22/07/2023
Event:  offline training with separated wet and dry lab

Agenda: 1. Extract empty target plasmid.

2. Add restriction enzymes.

3. Finish the process of homologous recombination.

4. Extract target DNA gel.

5. Transform recombinant products.

6. Coat the plate with bacteria.


Date:  23/07/2023
Event:  offline training with separated wet and dry lab

Agenda: 1. Pick monoclonal bacteria and culture it by shaking.

2. Finish the process of PCR of bacteria solution.

3. Configure stock liquid of Tris Buffer, NaCl solution, imidazole solution.

4. Configure SDS-page gel.



Date:  24/07/2023
Event:  offline training with separated wet and dry lab

Agenda: 1. Configure LB solution.

2. Shake bacteria solution.

3. Configure SDS-page gel.

4. Configure Tris-HCl.

5. Configure His Buffer A and His Buffer B.

6. Measure absorbance of samples by Microplate Spectrophotometer

7. Extract the plasmid and convert the validated recombinant plasmid into BL21.



Date:  25/07/2023
Event:  offline training with separated wet and dry lab

Agenda: 1. Expand cultivation

2. IPTG induced protein expressionOvernight


Date:  26/07/2023
Event:  offline training with separated wet and dry lab

Agenda: 1. Extract the target protein by high-speed centrifugation and ultrasonic crushing;

2. protein purification by nickel column (6x His).

3. Dialysis (overnight)



Date:  27/07/2023
Event:  offline training with separated wet and dry lab

Agenda: 1. Determination of protein concentration;

2. SDS PAGE analysis;

3. designing experiments to map out the optimal reaction conditions of the system: different concentrations of TMB and different enzyme-catalyzed reaction times (model)



Date:  28/07/2023
Event:  offline training with separated wet and dry lab

Agenda: 1. System function test: detect different concentration gradients of bacterial solutions

2. draw standard curves through the results, as the basic data of the app for detection.



Date:  30/07/2023
Event:  offline training with both wet and dry lab

Agenda: 1. Write lab reports and related text materials.

2.Prepare for the internal presentation rehearsal.



Date:  31/07/2023
Event:  offline training with both wet and dry lab

Agenda: Internal presentation rehearsal


Competition Milestones


Date:  14/09/2023

Event:  Team Project Promotion Video Submission



Date:  18/09/2023

Event: Preliminary Judging Form  Submission



Date:  12/10/2023

Event: 1. Wiki Freeze.

            2. Judging Form Freeze.

            3. Project Attributions.

            4. Form Freeze.

            5. Registry Part Pages Freeze.

            6. Project Title and Abstract.


Date:  19/10/2023

Event: 1. Presentation Video Submission



Date:  2~5/11/2023

Event: Grand Jamboree


Date:  16/11/2023

Event: Wiki Thaw.



Date:  14/12/2023

Event: 1. Wiki Archive.

            2. 2023 Competition Closing