
With the rapid development and maturity of medical technology, the five year survival rate of cancer has been continue to rise. However, according to the government of PRC (National data, 2023), the death rate due to chronic diseases has increased to 88%, malignant tumor, which is cancer, has the largest proportion, which takes up to 27%. Without doubt, cancer has become a struggle for a large group of people. It’s a serious problem that worth people to rise awareness and be addressed. Our product has the ability to assist traditional therapy by increasing accuracy and minimize side-effects. To gain a deeper understanding of the background information, we first did the research of the overall market. Then, we started to arrange different social activitiesthe aim is to inform people about cancer therapies and the fundamental function of our product.

Our brainstorm map regarding Integrated Human Practice is shown below:

(figure 1 Mind map of HP/IHP activities)

Questionnaire Survey

To find out what people know about cancer and the new blue light regulatory switch and how to bring it to market, we released an online questionnaire on the topic of "Public Awareness Survey on Cancer and its Treatment." From the results, we clearly understand that most users do not understand the new blue light control switch, but most of users recognize that this product has a potential market. We can know the main science popularization direction and market development.

So far, we collected 371 questionnaires. among the respondents, the number of men and women is basically the same, slightly more men. Nearly 80% are under 30 years old, indicating that there are more young people answering.

(figure 2 .Question 1: Do you know anyone who has had cancer?)

The graph tends to show how much impact the cancer have among our life. It is clear that there is 33.42% people don’t know anyone who has had cancer. However, 66.58% of the population know someone that has cancer, which means that cancer is a common disease among our life. Based on the data, we believe that there is a great demand for new blue light control switches as a possible treatment method in the future.

(figure 3 .Question 5: What types of cancer do you know?)

(figure 4 .Question 6: What do you know about the causes of cancer?)

These questions are meant to learn how much do people know about cancer and its cause. According to the data, only less than 6% of the respondent know nothing about the cancer or its cause, which indicates that the public do have certain level of understanding about the disease. Yet, we realize that there are still many people only know little about the cancer and its cause, since the cancer is really common in our life, we plan to conduct popular science activities for related topics.

(figure 5 . Question7: Do you think current cancer treatments (surgery, medication, chemotherapy, etc.) have drawbacks?)

(figure 6 . Question9: How much can you expect for cancer treatment?)

We had designed some questions to learn what do people think about the current cancer treatments. As the result shows, more than 83% of the population think the current cancer treatment is too expensive. Around 75% of the respondent worry about side effect and high surgical risk of current cancer treatment. Moreover, most people expect the treatment cost from 10,000 - 30,000 yuan, it proves the high cost again. These data provides us with valuable insight for our project product and business plan: we will pay attension to the side effect and any kind of risks related to our product, more importantly, it is vital for our project product to be more affordable for the potential buyers.

(figure 7. Question 11: What is your attitude towards the development prospect of the new blue light regulated switch targeting cancer therapy?)

(figure 8 . Question10: Did you know about the new blue light regulated switch targeting cancer treatment?)

(figure 9. Question 12: What do you want to know more about the "new blue light control switch"?)

For the last part of the questionnaire, we plan to learn the publics awareness and attitudes to the blue light technology which is the core technology of our team project. In 371 respondents, nearly 60% of the respondents hold a favorable attitude to the new blue light control switch, its likely to reflect a promising future for our project. However, more than 80% of respondents replied that they dont know much about the new blue light technology or the blue light control, which inspired us to conduct related education activities to educate the public about the science as well as our project. To be specific, we have learned what do people want to know about the blue light, it appears that most people are interested in the theory knowledge. So we created such education materials for our education work afterwards. (Please click hereto check Education)

Inspiration and reflection

1.Cancer is a common issue in peoples life today, as most of the questionnaire respondents know someone who has cancer. It refects that the cancer problem is not just a health issue, it is a social issue as well since it influences plenty of people everyday. Our team aims to make some contribution towards the cancer issue, maybe even solve the issue in the future, hopefully.

2.Even though the cancer issue is very common, peoples understanding and knowledge about it is not comprehensive. Especially in the area of cause and types of cancer that could harm our health. As a result, our team aims to make some effort on education that allow more people to better understand the disease and take it seriously

3.According to the results of the questionnaire, there is little understanding of the new blue light regulated switch targeted therapy for cancer specifically. It granted us a great opportunity to further develop our project since its rather new. In the follow-up activities, popular science promotion can be carried out to introduce the public to emerging cancer treatment methods in order to increase public awareness and understanding of new technologies. Also, it will reflects our project product positively in the business plan

4.Survey also shows that most people believe that current cancer treatments have some drawbacks, such as risks of side effects and high prices. This provides valuable feedback for us when designing our project goal and product. Follow-up activities could be strengthened to explain the causes of these abuses and the latest advances in related treatment areas.

Stakeholder Interviews

3.1 Interview with CAR-T expert Dr. Song Xiaopeng

Expert background and research introduction

In order to understand the basic situation and current treatment of the target disease, cancer, we have the honor to interview Dr. Song Xiaopeng about cancer and Car-T technology. Dr. Song graduated from the Institute of Life Sciences of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Medical Research Institute, after graduation, he has been engaged in tumor Car-T cell therapy work, with many years of research work experience in this area. Currently, Dr.Song is working in a domestic emerging listed company, as a senior scientist in the cell therapy group. Dr.Song has rich academic experience within this area, and published articles "Cerebral vascular endothelial cell Prmt5 gene knockout leads to microglial activation and affects blood-brain barrier integrity", "AAV-BR1-CRISPR-mediated gene editing of cerebral vascular endothelial cells in adult mice" etc.

(figure10. Dr.Song Xiaopeng)

(Dr.Song has agreed with uploading his photo)

Interview Takeaways

Basic knowledge about cancer and CAR-T

In the course of the interview, Dr.Song told us about some of his professional knowledge. We first learned about cancer and CAR-T: what CAR T is, how it works, and some of the challenges and issues that remains. Car-T is a cancer treatment that modifies T cells to precisely find tumor cells and kill them. Through the cases explained by Dr.Song, we learned that CAR-T has a good therapeutic effect and advantages.

The differences between new treatment methods and traditional methods

We then asked Dr. Song a number of questions about different types of cancer and their treatments. Our team want to learn the differences between new treatment methods and traditional methods (radiation, chemotherapy, etc.), and the relationship between cancer and genetics; Dr. Song said: Cancer is a disease of genes, genetic mutations are the root cause. Although tumor is not a genetic disease, it has a certain genetic tendency, and the onset is due to external factors leading to gene mutations in the later period. It is not permanent and may not be passed on to the next generation.

The advantages of Car-T therapy over radiotherapy and chemotherapy are relatively controllable side effects and excellent targeting. Traditional treatment methods usually damage normal tissues and cells in the body, which is harmful to the human body. Car-T method, on the other hand, aming at eliminating cancer cells, and its side effects are relatively easier to control.

(figure 11a&b. We were talking to Dr. Song and taking notes)

As for why cancer treatment is generally expensive and long treatment cycle, Dr.Song explained in this way: "We know that this is because cancer treatment is gene therapy, the raw materials for cancer treatment are difficult to obtain, the finished product process is complex, and technical personnel and equipment have extremely high requirements." Long treatment cycle is because the cancer cells have the potential to come back and sometimes it takes several sessions to get rid of."

Inspiration and suggestions for future activities

Dr. Song's interview has provided inspiration for our follow-up activities. We learned more about the current pain points in the cancer and oncology market. We plan to continue our research on CAR-T therapy to further understand the cancer therapies on the current market and to find broader applications for blue-light regulated switches. Also, we plan to promote the latest progress and results of our product to patients, medical personnel and the public, to strengthen the awareness of cancer treatment and improve social acceptance and support for emerging treatment methods. Professional networks for cancer treatment can also be established to facilitate the sharing of medical resources and experiences. Form a cross-regional and cross-disciplinary cooperation platform to promote the popularization and progress of cancer therapy. In the later activities, we will evaluate the value of different cancer therapies, including treatment effectiveness, economic benefits and other aspects. It is helpful to formulate more reasonable medical policies and resource allocation. To provide more effective treatment options for cancer patients, and provide useful references for future research and clinical applications.

(figure 12. We were talking to Dr. Song and taking notes)

3.2 Blue Light Expert Dr. Zhao Zhiwei

Background of Experts

(figure 13. We were in the online meeting room with Dr. Zhao)

In order to understand the current principle and development of novel blue light modulation, we invited Dr. Zhao Zhiwei, who is currently an assistant researcher at the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology(IPPE) and the Center of Excellence in Molecular Plant Science(CEMPS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS). Dr. Zhao’s main research interests include photobiology, synthetic biology, and neurobiology, etc, and he is very generous to guild us to further understand the blue light technoloty.

Interview Takeaways

Principle and functional advantages

Optogenetics belongs to the more traditional way of regulation, which is a kind of chemical induction system. For synthetic biology, the principle is that when the bioreactor grows to a certain level, it can synthesize or regulate the synthesis of some metabolites by applying chemical compounds using its own galactose, and the optics will be more accurate. It can regulate the editing of transcribed DNA or RNA, chromatin interactions or DNA recombination, this technology is still in the development stage, so there are fewer applications closer to clinical use. Nonetheless, it will be a better technologies compare to others, which means that it will be more targeted to cells quantitatively, so the technology will be relatively safer and less body reaction.

Difficulties and Challenges

The use of nano-optical materials may involve biocompatibility problems, unless such problems are solved by introducing exogenous genes through endogenous gene editing or genetic recombination without involving exogenous switches. Moreover, the toxicity of blue light is very small if it is not sustained at high doses, for example, cell phone screens emit blue light, and most people experience this blue light without any problems. Therefore, this technology is relatively safe.

Blue light in the material has certain limitations——its penetrating ability is not as strong as long-range light and infrared light. However, through the research found that it can be solved by some optimization means, such as through some implanted in the body of some nano-optical materials to external support, impose infrared light and converted in the body to excite the blue light.

At present, this technology is still in the research and development stage, so the beginning of the application of the time will go to involve debugging the sensitivity of the material and dosage, etc. The input cost of research and development will be relatively high, so it will have some limitations on its promotion.

Development prospects

This technology is mainly related to photobiology, synthetic biology, neurobiology, medical treatment including diabetes and tumor therapy. Therefore, this technology can play a role in regulating the cellular information flow in many aspects. Some tools have already been developed. This treatment could be useful not only for cancer, but also for many other aspects of biological research. Some of the tools that have been developed are combined with a new type of ct to treat tumors, which is equivalent to a targeted therapy. If this optical printing switch is added, it can have an optimization of the precision and reduce the situation of causing damage to the organism.

Market status

Since this product is targeted at diseases that tend to be highly prevalent, such as tumors or diabetes, the demand should be relatively high. Although there will be competing products in the market, there are still no products similar to this technology, so the market competition is not fierce. Despite it is difficult for this product to enter the market in a short period of time, the development of this pharmaceutical field is also very rapid and can enter the public eye in decades.


The specific application direction of this technology is mainly in diabetes and tumor therapy, and it can have certain applications in the fields of photobiology, synthetic biology and neurobiology.

The future development prospect is more considerable, but because it is still in the preliminary stage of research and development, the price of this process is relatively high, so it may not be able to do a wide range of promotion among the public in a short period of time.

(figure14. We were talking to Dr. Zhao and taking notes)

As long as it does not involve exogenous switch, the safety and biocampatibility is high. It also provides an in-depth study on the principles of optogenetics. In addition, with these different aspects of knowledge allows us to look at the new blue light modulation switching technology from some perspectives we never envisioned.

Inspiration and suggestions for future activities

After the interview, we have a deeper understanding of the new blue light control switch technology. On this basis, we hope that the public can also understand the advantages of the new blue light switch technology in the later popularization. Most importantly, it has inspired our project goals and product: combingning blue light switch and CAR-T to better treat serious disease like cancer.

3.3 Interview with Prof. Zhang Liang, an Expert in Precision Medicine

Expert background and research introduction

In order to understand whether the new blue light modulated switch can be used in cancer therapy and the current development of targeted drugs, our team invited Prof. Zhang Liang to carry out an expert interview, in which we are going to learn what the molecular mechanism of DNA and RNA epigenetic demethylase is; the difference between lead drug and traditional drugs; the advantages of screening targeted anti-tumor compared with traditional tumor therapies, The future market share share of targeted therapies and other issues.

Prof. Zhang Liang is the leader of the Shanghai Tumor Chemical Biology Group, recipient of the National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund, Shanghai Shuguang Scholar, Shanghai "Oriental Scholar" Distinguished Professor, and recipient of the Tang Lixin Outstanding Scholar Award from Shanghai Jiaotong University.

(figure 15. We were in the online meeting room with Prof. Zhang )

Interview Takeaways

Molecular mechanisms of DNA and RNA epigenetic demethylases

The main discussion is about the molecular mechanisms of genetic demethylation enzymes for DNA, RNA and protein expression. The most classical of which is the use of oxygen to oxidize the methyl group so that it falls off the base. Chemically it is an oxidative process, using oxygen as a substrate, which is then mediated by a metal and catalyzed by coal. Then the methyl group is oxidated to strong methyl group, full group, and carboxyl group——products of oxidation automatically fall off from these bases.

Difference between precursor drug discovery and conventional drugs

First, there are pioneer drugs within traditional medicines, but new discoveries have been made in them. The discovery of new drugs has been going on all the time, so traditional drugs also come from pioneer drugs. Nowadays the so-called discovery of drugs is not the same as in the past when traditional drugs is now more oriented towards precision medicine——the same disease, different people, different pathogenesis, different drugs. Different people with different pathogenesis for the same disease use different drugs, so the discovery of lead drugs is now more about selectivity.

Advantages of targeted therapy

The advantage of screening targeted anti-tumor lies in the fact that it is now necessary to find precise targets. For the precision medicine advocated by the state now, the same disease, different people, different mechanisms, according to different mechanisms to find specific targets. Therefore, the future development of the drug is to have specificity for this kind of mechanism.

Specific Applications of the Novel Blue Light Modulated Switches

Above all, CAR-T and blue light switch binding method and its specific steps. Generally speaking, switches have specific action sites to realize the delivery and targeting of CAR-T cells in the body through the binding mode of some specific antigens and antibodies. Then the blue light switch must be placed on the antigen or antibody on the surface of these cell membranes. So that it can potentially realize its on or off function. But first, we need to know what the functional unit is, in order to install these blue light switches on the functional unit to realize the final regulation of its function.

Second, the use of the new blue light switch. Now the system of light control is widely used in biology and medicine, but it is not currently utilized in CAR-T. For the blue light switch, one kind of application is in the research of nervous system, which is to change the process of neurotransmission through the form of light control. The other application is in medicine, through the light to realize the release of this drug targeting.

Market Prospects and Development

First of all, we found that it is hard to get clear statistic about the market share. Since it is now exactly in a non targeted therapy and targeted drug discovery, there is no clear definition of the market share for this precise targeted market share has not yet been clearly defined. In the long run, it is a process of developing from a traditional drug to a specific medical drug, but the current technology and development cannot estimate its share.

Secondary, the product competitiveness. Regarding the installation of blue light switch on CAR-T, the first thing to be clarified is that what kind of problem is solved by this product. If it improves a certain function of CAR-T, then it is an upgraded version compared with similar products, which is related to innovation, not competition. Competition exists only if other organizations are making similar products.

Thirdly, there are similar products that are currently available. Now there have been competitors in the market, such as a new development of targeted small molecules that specifically target mutant tumors to generate second-generation anti-lung cancer drugs that kill tumors. Now in the third or even fourth generation, this is also a classic targeted drug. This is also a classic targeted drug.

Fourthly, about the return and cost. First of all, if CAR-T blue light modulation products can solve the clinical problems that cannot be solved, enhance its efficacy or reduce its side effects, they will slowly replace the existing drugs, and the profit will be very considerable. As the product is combining CAR-T and blue light modulation switch which belongs to somatic cells, these cells will die after a period of time in the human body, so it is necessary to input CAR-T cells for repeated times, and naturally, its cost will be much higher than that of chemical drugs.


Based on the above, we have a relatively clear understanding of genetic engineering and targeted therapy in this interview as follow:

a) Using oxidation reaction to remove methyl groups of DNA and RNA.

b) Compared with traditional drugs, lead drugs are more inclined to precise treatment, the same disease, different people, different pathogenesis, with different drugs.

c) The advantage of screening targeted anti-tumor is more precise——the same disease, different people, different mechanisms and different treatments.

d) The blue light switch generally has to be placed on the antigen or antibody on the surface of the cell membrane in order to realize its function of on or off. Blue light modulation switch has now been in the nervous system as well as medicine have applications.

e) There is no clear definition of the future market share of targeted therapies, as the current targeted therapies are still in a vague stage in the middle. In that circumstances, its development is not complete, so the targeted therapy does not have a clear definition of the market.

Activities and Inspiration

After this interview, we have a clearer understanding of the specific application and operation of the new blue light switch, including the market prospect and development, on the basis of which we can further upgrade the technology. On this basis, we hope that the public can also understand the advantages of the new blue light switch technology in the later popularization.


Based on the the survey investigation and several expert interviews, our team has confirmed the feasibility of our project goal and product: a new approach of precision medicine combining blue light switch and CAR-T, to optimize CAR-T and used in serious disease such as cancer treatment.

Proposed Implementation Concern:

We are at the forefront of revolutionizing the oncology healthcare market with our innovative Blue Light Control Switch. Our primary clients are reputable hospitals and professional organizations within the expanding oncology sector, which is witnessing rapid technological advancements. We envision these institutions integrating our Blue Light Control Switch to enhance the efficacy of their existing therapeutic products, offering a more targeted and efficient treatment approach. By addressing the current pain points in cancer treatments, such as side effects and imprecision, our product stands to be a game-changer. Through strategic collaborations and a keen understanding of market demands, we aim to ensure that our solution becomes an indispensable tool in the future of personalized cancer treatment.

We've meticulously crafted a comprehensive business plan to guide the future deployment of our project. This plan is rooted in a holistic analysis framework, ensuring that every facet of our venture, from market dynamics to potential challenges, is thoroughly addressed. Our strategic blueprint not only underscores our commitment to innovation but also our dedication to ensuring that our Blue Light Control Switch seamlessly integrates into the oncology healthcare landscape, fulfilling the pressing needs of the sector. (Please refer to our Entrepreneurship Page)


National data, 国家数据 (