Construct design and cloning
Two fusion proteins of an anchor peptide with the ability to bind polypropylene (PP) together with enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) and NanoLuc luciferase (NLuc) respectively were created to ease detection and quantification of anchor peptides bound to PP. A spacer sequence of 10 alanines, a TEV protease cleavage site, an Avi tag and another spacer sequence of 5 alanines separates eGFP or NLuc from the anchor peptide sterically. The TEV-protease cleavage site allows for the isolation and purification of the anchor peptide (without eGFP or NLuc) for the sandwich bead assay as described below. The plasmid pET45b served as vector backbone for the two different fusion constructs. The sequences for the anchor peptide and the spacer sequence were obtained from Rübsam et al. (2017) and were later codon optimised for E. coli. The insert was cloned into pET45b using restriction enzymes, HindIII and SacI, and restriction cloning. The full construct was transformed into E. coli Top10 cells and the success of the cloning was verified by sequencing.

Protein expression and purification
The fusion proteins were expressed in E. coli BL21 cells and sonication was used for cell lysis. Purification was performed using chromatography with batch purification and Äkta protocols. The fusion proteins were stored in a 1x PBS buffer at 4°C until further usage. Protein concentrations were determined with photometer (280 nm) and protein homogeneity was analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDSPAGE). Western blot was performed to confirm the presence of the target protein. One third of the purified proteins were digested with TEV protease to separate the anchor peptide from the eGFP and NLuc respectively. Chromatography was used to purify the anchor peptide. The cleaved eGFP and NLuc were kept to serve as a negative control for binding. The AviTag in our construct designs was included to enable targeted biotinylation to the magnetic beads. We produced the BirA enzyme from glycerol stocks to facilitate biotinylation. However, due to time constraints we were not able to perform the biotinylation itself.
Assay development
The eGFP and NLuc fusion proteins were tested on polypropolene surfaces to confirm slective binding to polypropolene. For eGFP, this involved the incubation of our eGFP fusion protein in a black polypropolene 96 well plate. The fluorescence intensity was measured with a plate reader prior to and post washing with 1x PBS buffer. For NLuc, we used the Promega Nano-Glo® Luciferase Assay. Our NLuc fusion protein was incubated in a black polypropolene 96 well plate. Follwing the addition of the NLuc substrate and washing 1x PBS, luminescence was measured. The same assay was performed on a polystyrene plate and the differences in luminescence intensity were observed.

Figure showing our NLuc binding assay in a polypropolene plate. Imaged with a smart phone camera.
Rübsam, K., Stomps, B., Böker, A., Jakob, F., & Schwaneberg, U. (2017). Anchor peptides: A green and versatile method for polypropylene functionalization. Polymer, 116, 124-132.