As many previous teams have agreed, the best part of iGEM experience comes from finding the like-minded people. It did highlight the importance of teamwork and the mindset of “to inspire and get inspired.” This year Stockholm team attended three meetups, DTU biobrick workshop, Nordic iGEM conference, and Swedish iGEM conference.
DTU biobrick workshop with Novo Nordisk
During the earlier stage of the project, we had an amazing opportunity to participate in a biobrick workshop hosted by DTU. Over 3 days, with 4 participating teams, we learned about new cloning techniques, had workshops for major aspects of wet and dry lab, as well as human practices. It was the first meet-up of the year and was exciting to have met the neighboring teams! Read more on the workshop here.

Nordic iGEM conference (NiC)
Nordic iGEM conference is an annual event for all iGEM teams from the nordic countries. This year, SDU team has done an amazing job hosting a 3-days event, extending the invitations to the teams from Baltic countries. 9 participating teams shared their projects with posters and presentations, and gathered good insight into iGEM deliverables through several workshops. With a friendly competition, we learned from each other!

Swedish iGEM conference (SiC)
The Swedish iGEM conference had its second year hosted by Chalmers-Gothenburg. Three teams, Chalmers-Gothenburg, Lund and Stockholm gathered for the weekend. Its is a more regional efforts to keep close collaboration and network amongst the Swedish teams. Finding the team spirit with activities as well as motivation with the project presentation was a highlight of the late summer.

Stockholm x VIT-Vellore
The largest collaboration was with team VIT-Vellore. Together we have carried out two huge initiatives to raise global awareness about the pressing issue of microplastics.
Online seminar: NegPlast
In a collective effort with VIT-Vellore team, we have organised an online seminar to raise awareness about the microplastics problem. Over the course of 2 months, we have worked closely to gather global audience, and invite a fine selection of speakers. We have also invited our close collaborators, Makerere-Uganda team and IISER-Mohali team to help us promote this event. This collaboration helped us expand the semianr to better align with the international spirit of iGEM. To learn more about the online seminar, click here.

Mapping microplastics from taps around the world
Microplastics in our ecosystem is a shared problem, as all bodies of water are connected. To address this issue and raise global awareness, iGEM Stockholm and VIT-Vellore teams have collaborated to reach out to teams with projects on the topics of plastic and water pollution.
Throughout the course of collaboration, Stockholm team has received several responses from the teams and maintained contact. To facilitate the compilation of standardised data, VIT-Vellore team has prepared and optimised the protocol. Initially, the protocol instructed the teams to use Nile-Red staining coupled with microscopy. However, a few teams have given us feedback on how the materials necessary for the protocol were rather specific. In the later phase of the collaboration, VIT-Vellore team added to the protocol the option to use fluorescence microscopy (FTIR), to encourage more teams to participate. However, it has become evident very soon that the current methods for microplastics detection - staining and fluoroscopy - are rather inaccessible.
We had in total five teams participating, Stockholm team from Sweden, VIT-Vellore team from India, UNILausanne team from Switzerland, Makerere team from Uganda, and Synfronteras team from Brazil. We were thrilled to have participants that span four continents, equally excited and afraid to see the measurement results.
Unfortunately, none of the teams were able to see meaningful results. Nonetheless, this collaboration is not without valuable outcomes. We have first-handedly experienced the need for standardised protocols for microplastics detection that would allow us to generate standardised data. Last but not least, the eagerness with which the teams have participated teaches us how young scientists are ready to put in collective effort in facing the global challenge. To read more about each team’s perspectives and results, click here.

Team branding
Many collaboration initiatives were around the themes of defining team identity. Through four initiatives, ranging from manuscript-writing, to creating an artwork, we were able to boost our team spirit.
A book for young scientists and iGEM enthusiasts
IISER-Mohali team had another brilliant initiative to bring together the creativity and diversity of iGEM teams worldwide. They invited the teams to compile a short, informative manuscript that capture the essence of their projects. Later, they will be compiled into a book. Their ambition is to publish the writings as well as distributing it online, in hopes to make it accessible. This was a joint quest for curious minds, to inspire and to contribute to the next iGEMers. Several teams from all over the world have participated in this effort. To read our manuscript, click here.

LadBuddies challenge
As the grand jamboree approaches, we have been brainstorming about how we can better represent the team. Then we had UPNAvarra-Spain team invite us to submit our mascot, for LadBuddies challenge. The idea is to strengthen the participating teams’ identities. and to make our projects more memorable. The team mascots are to help create an emotional connection with the audience, and simplifying the messages each team is trying to convey with synthetic biology. Meet Tina, the turtle.

From DNA to canvas
IISER-Mohali team held an art competition for synthetic biology. It was an invitaion to share the perspective on science, innovation, and synthetic biology through our canvas. “Journey to inspire and to captivate.”

International postcard collection
KCIS-XIugang-Taipei had a refreshing initiative that pulled us to the analogue world from the digital one. We have sent them a postcard with brief description of our project. Making of the postcard helped us appreciate our project as well as the iGEM spirit of appreciation and connection with the other teams.

Celebrating biology
The field of biology stays close to our lives, as it continues to shape our understanding of the world. To celebrate this, Patras-Med team has invited us to two collaboration initiatives.
World health day
To celebrate the World Health day 7th April, Patras-Med has invited 25 teams to send their choice of health-related quote. These messages from all around the world were of lovely reminder to why we are doing what we are doing.
National DNA day
As scientists in the field of biology, national DNA is a day to celebrate. Patras-Med team once again organized an initiative to create an educational video about DNA. Each of 16 teams took a part of the script, which was then compiled into a short video.