
Our interaction with school and social media operation

Interacting with elementary school students

    During the summer vacation, our team members went to Qinghai Province and Sichuan Province respectively to carry out volunteer teaching activities in primary and secondary schools to cultivate students' interest in science and biology.

    In order to avoid unexpected situations happening during the class, we went to the schools to visit their laboratories and make an inventory of the matirials two days ahead. The school's principal and teachers passionately welcomed us.

    After continuous discussion with the school's principal and science teachers, we gradually completed the teaching content and divided it into two parts.

    In the morning, we carried out several basic biological knowledge, explained the structure and usage of the microscope, and led the students to observe feathers and mosquito specimens to understand the structure of animals and plants by themselves. In the afternoon, students firstly observed the leaf structure under our guidance. After that, we provided colorful matierials and taught them to make vein bookmarks.

    Through the volunteer teaching activities, we provided an opportunity for primary and secondary school students to have a close exploration of the micro world, and sow the seeds of science into the hearts of children.Although some students haven’t used experimental instruments, in the class, every student actively participated in the acticities and showed strong interests in the field of life sciences. Seeing every child eagerly joined in the class with an expectant smile, we strongly felt a sense of satisfaction. How meaningful the activity is!

Operating a social media account

    Our team also operate a Xiaohongshu account, where we publish introductions of the 2023 SJTU-iGEM Software Team and popular science content related to synthetic biology. The name of the account is Shanghai Jiao Tong University iGEM2023, through which we plan to carry out popular science education and help more people understand synthetic biology. Based on our experience managing the account, we have summarized a few key points:

    1. Clearly identify the target audience and have accurate positioning. Our target audience consists of science enthusiasts interested in synthetic biology. By understanding their needs and interests, we can provide valuable information in my articles and content.

    2. Provide high-quality content and focus on uniqueness. As synthetic biology enthusiasts, we understand the importance of content quality in attracting readers. Therefore, we strive to ensure that each article has unique perspectives and in-depth scientific analysis, aiming to provide readers with fresh, interesting, and informative content.

    3.Persistence and perseverance. Managing a Xiaohongshu account requires long-term effort and perseverance. Even during periods of low popularity, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and continuously improve content and promotional strategies. Only by being persistent can we gradually accumulate a following and increase the account's visibility.