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Best Basic Part

BBa_K4830015: PFV RT

Among the eight alternative RTs, PFV demonstrated the highest level of performance, achieving 28% (Figure 1), 52.5% (Figure 2), and 8% (Figure 3) on the RNF2, HEK3, and EMX1 genomic loci, respectively. Another noteworthy performer was MMTV RT, which exhibited a significant editing efficiency of 67% on HEK3, and 7% and 4% on RNF2 and EMX1, respectively.

Figure 1.Screening of RT variants for prime editing activity at RNF2 target site. Bar graphs show the mean value and error bars indicate S.D. of n = 3, independent biological replicates;

Figure 2.Screening of RT variants for prime editing activity at HEK3 target site. Bar graphs show the mean value and error bars indicate S.D. of n = 3, independent biological replicates.

Figure 3.Screening of RT variants for prime editing activity at EMX1 target site.

To further assess the performance of alternative RTs, we conducted in vitro prime editing using a TLR reporter plasmid, an advanced TLR system designed in our laboratory. Cell analysis was conducted at both 24 hours and 72 hours after transfection, with 24 hours providing a more stringent selection criterion. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate that PFV and MMTV outperformed other RTs in correlation with previous results.

Figure 4. Prime editing efficiency on TLR reporter plasmid 24hr after transfection. Bar graphs show the mean value and error bars indicate S.D. of n = 3, independent biological replicates.

Figure 5. Prime editing efficiency on TLR reporter plasmid 72hr after transfection. Bar graphs show the mean value and error bars indicate S.D. of n = 3, independent biological replicates.

The consistent and robust performance of PFV RT across three distinct endogenous sites and in the TLR reporter system positions it as an excellent candidate for serving as an alternative RT in prime editing.

In a study involving the Split-PE system, various RTs sourced from both bacterial and viral origins were screened, with HFV RT (1827 bp) being one of the options considered [8]. As depicted in Figure 6 below, HFV RT exhibited notably lower (or even negligible) editing frequency on RNF2, RUNX1, and HEK sites, respectively.

Figure 6. (c) PPE frequencies of seven non-MMLV RTs tested : Human codon-optimized non-MMLV RTs tested were from human foamy virus (HFV), human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-Kcon), lactococcal group II intron Ll.ltrB (LtrA), Thermosynechococcus elongatus group II intron (TeI4c), Methanosarcina aromaticovorans intron 5 (Ma-Int5), Geobacillus stearothermophilus GsI-IIC intron (GsI-IIC) and E. rectale ( group II intron (Marathon). n = 3, technical replicates. (d) Schematic showing the lengths of all non-MMLV RTs tested in (c) in comparison to MMLV-RT (without counting start codons) [8].

To assess the similarity between the HFV RT examined in the study and the PFV RT from our lab, we conducted a protein sequence alignment using Serial Cloner Software. The alignment results, illustrated in Figure 7, reveal a 97.44% similarity between the two sequences, with the main disparity being a truncation of 120 amino acids at the front end of the HFV. This incomplete sequence of HFV likely contributes to its lower prime editing efficiency.

Figure 7. PFV and HFV RT protein sequence alignment. Sequence one represents PFV while sequence two represents HFV.

In an attempt to replicate the study's results, we deleted 96 amino acids from the front end of PFV. As depicted in Figures 8 and 9, this led to a significant drop in efficiency, from 32.5% and 35.5% of the original full-length PFV RT to 13.5% and 5.5% with the 1-96 deletion on RNF2 and HEK3 target sites, respectively. This suggests that the deleted region plays a crucial role in the function of the RT.

Given our understanding that the RT structure contains an RNase H domain, we hypothesized that the removal of the RNase H domain in PFV will not significantly affect the gene editing efficiencies. RNase H is only for RNA template degradation and this domain is also inactive in the mutant MMLV RT of PE2. We opted to take a similar approach with the truncated MMLV RT and removed the RNase H domain of PFV (deletion 583-748). The results, as seen in Figures 8 and 9, indicated a comparable to full-length PFV level of editing efficiency.

Figure 8. Prime editing efficiency at RNF2. Bar graphs show the mean value and error bars indicate S.D. of n = 3, independent biological replicates.

Figure 9. Prime editing efficiency at HEK3. Bar graphs show the mean value and error bars indicate S.D. of n = 3, independent biological replicates.

Finally, to validate the performance of the newly identified PFV RT, we conducted a test at a therapeutic site, specifically targeting the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) responsible for Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma (POAG). This site was recommended for testing by a clinician after it was discovered by Gharahkhani, et al. [11], and pegRNA and ngRNA for prime editing were custom-designed in our laboratory. Figure 10 demonstrates the presence of editing at the target site, albeit at a lower efficiency.

Figure 10. Prime editing efficiency at HEK3. Bar graphs show the mean value and error bars indicate S.D. of n = 3, independent biological replicates.


In conclusion, we assessed eight RTs and identified PFV RT as a promising candidate, displaying noteworthy editing efficiency across three genomic loci, the TLR reporter system, and a therapeutic site. PFV RT can be developed similarly to MMLV RT by incorporating mutations to enhance processivity, structural stability, fidelity, or other pertinent characteristics relevant to prime editing. We anticipate that our findings will provide researchers with an alternative option and contribute to the continued improvement of PFV RT as has been seen with MMLV.

Best Part Collection

Within our parts collection, we curated a comprehensive list of alternative components including Reverse Transcriptase (RT), prime editing guide RNAs (pegRNAs), and nicking guide RNAs (ngRNAs).

The primary focus in this project has been on developing the alternative RTs, a crucial element of the Prime Editor (PE). This curated list encompasses a comprehensive range of Retroviral RTs sourced from various genera and host organisms, each characterized by distinct structures and lengths.

pegRNAs and ngRNAs play distinct roles, targeting specific endogenous sites and facilitating diverse types of edits. Notably, four of the provided RNA sequences were exclusively designed in our laboratory. They play a significant role in evaluating the performance of the Prime Editor under various conditions. Moreover, they enable us to pinpoint distinctive traits, such as proficiency in handling complex edits or displaying specific site preferences, etc.

Of particular significance is one of the designated sites (POAG), which holds therapeutic potential. This represents a significant stride towards advancing prime editing for practical therapeutic applications.

The pegRNAs and ngRNAs used in the Traffic Light Reporter (TLR) assay also provided a glimpse into the editing efficiencies of our nCas9-RT constructs. They enabled us to discriminate suitable nCas9-RT constructs which can be further optimized to their fullest potentials.

Registry Part ID Name Part Type
BBa_K4830000 RNF pegRNA pegRNA
BBa_K4830001 RNF pegRNA ngRNA
BBa_K4830002 RNF2 AtoC pegRNA pegRNA
BBa_K4830003 RNF2 AtoC ngRNA ngRNA
BBa_K4830004 EMX1 pegRNA pegRNA
BBa_K4830005 EMX1 ngRNA ngRNA
BBa_K4830006 HEK3 pegRNA pegRNA
BBa_K4830007 HEK3 ngRNA ngRNA
BBa_K4830008 POAG snp1-3 pegRNA pegRNA
BBa_K4830009 POAG snp1-3 ngRNA ngRNA
BBa_K4830010 ADAR pegRNA pegRNA
BBa_K4830011 ADAR ngRNA ngRNA
BBa_K4830012 FANCF pegRNA pegRNA
BBa_K4830013 FANCF ngRNA ngRNA
BBa_K4830014 nickase Cas9 Cas Nuclease
BBa_K4830015 PFV RT Reverse transcriptase
BBa_K4830016 CMV enhancer and promoter Promoter
BBa_K4830017 Ll.ltrA RT Reverse transcriptase
BBa_K4830018 MMTV RT Reverse transcriptase
BBa_K4830019 TLR pegRNA 1 pegRNA
BBa_K4830020 TLR ngRNA 1 ngRNA
BBa_K4830021 TLR pegRNA 2 pegRNA
BBa_K4830022 TLR ngRNA 2 ngRNA
BBa_K4830023 PETLR pegRNA 1 pegRNA
BBa_K4830024 PETLR ngRNA 1 ngRNA
BBa_K4830025 TLR-76 pegRNA pegRNA
BBa_K4830026 777BFP ngRNA ngRNA
BBa_K4830027 mCherry_C-terminus stop codon_Clover CDS
BBa_K4830028 eGFP_simple premature stop codon CDS
BBa_K4830029 eGFP_complex premature stop codon CDS
BBa_K4830030 MiniRT2 Reverse transcriptase
BBa_K4830031 BLV RT Reverse transcriptase
BBa_K4830032 CaMV RT Reverse transcriptase
BBa_K4830033 RSV RT Reverse transcriptase
BBa_K4830034 Line 1 RT Reverse transcriptase

Best Education

Singapore's Economic Development Board emphasized the promise of synthetic biology in 2023, garnering large investments from important firms. However, there is a noticeable preference among Singaporean students for business degrees over biological science degrees, which might lead to a future talent pool mismatch. To address this, NTU iGEM 2023 - Prime Xplore collaborated with NTU Biomakerspace to organize an interactive learning event for students, providing insights into synthetic biology and fostering multidisciplinary education. This session gave hands-on experiences and facilitated conversations on the ethical and sociological components of synthetic biology, providing a new perspective on research and the opportunities for commercialization in the area. Students addressed their research ideas throughout the session, revealing their indirect impact on the scientific community. This triggered an examination into the ethical and societal implications of prime editing applications in a variety of industries, which allow us to acquire new understanding of how to develop research for future commercialization and wider use in the field of synthetic biology. Furthermore, the workshop's ending round-table discussion encouraged the team's eagerness to explore uncharted territory in prime editing research, motivated by the conviction that untapped potential may be revealed in the near future.