Along with making progressions in our own laboratory, we also reach out to make mutualistic connections with other iGEM teams. Some cooperative activities that we participated in are described below.
CCIC Event
On July 10th, 2023, the 10th Communication China IGEMer Conference (CCIC) was successfully held at Hainan University, where not only experts gathered, but also iGEM teams from the highest universities in China. Each team gave a presentation, and hundreds of scholars asked questions, provided suggestions and invited other teams to collaborate after the presentation. Through CCIC, we had in-depth conversations with iGEM teams from Nanjing University and Tianjin University. Our mentors from Lanzhou University, Mr. Jinrong Liu and Ms. Yiming Dong, commented on our project. Thanks to the iGEM China Organizing Committee and the host, Hainan University, for giving us a platform to communicate and collaborate.

Our team was mentored by NJtech-China-B.
The iGEMers from NJtech-China-B of Nanjing Tech University not only gave us the basic knowledge of synthetic biology and taught the use of snapgene and graphpad biology software.
He also guided some of our molecular biology experiments.
In addition, iGEMers from NJtech-China-B went to Shuren Elementary School with us to give a speech.

collboartion with 2019 NJtech_China team
The iGEMers of NJtech-China-B supervised the experimental part of our team and provided us with the bronze award-winning part plasmids (BBa_K3384313 and BBa_K3384314).
College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, where NJtech-China-B was from, not only provided us with the laboratory resources, but also taught us how to use the flow cytometer and guided us in data analysis.

High School iGEMers Meetup
On July 27th, 2023, Nanjing-BioXstem invited Squirrel-CHINA, Nanjing-NFLS, BGI-MammothEdu-China, Bs-United-China, and UV-diabeaters, which are also high school teams, to give online presentations.
Each team gave a presentation in turn and shared their projects, while Mr. Bao Yu-han and Mr. Zhang Zhi-yu commented and helped us to improve.

Collaboration with Labs
In addition to the Shared Laboratory provided by Nanjing Tech University (NJTU), Pharmaceutical Valley also provided us with laboratory resources and equipment.