
3.4 - 4.15

  • Established an IGEM team and conducted online meeting every weeks
  • Discussed and chose the overall direction of the project
  • Selected team leaders and organized subsequent division of labor based on the strengths of each member
  • Learn theoretical knowledge related to synthetic biology together

4.15 - 7.13

  • Conduct desk research to understand the current market demand and existing related pure natural polymer materials in the market
  • Based on the current resistance of people to antibiotics, it is proposed to introduce antimicrobial peptides into materials and endow them with antibacterial properties
  • Review literature to find suitable protein expression systems and appropriate antimicrobial peptides


  • Went through the local laboratory’s safety protocol and iGEM official safety guideline
  • Constructed plasmids containing CP1 gene
  • Used sodium carbonate solution to steam the silk to wash away the silk gelatin protein
  • Dried the separated silk protein


  • Constructed plasmids containing CP1 gene
  • Used sodium carbonate solution to steam the silk to wash away the silk gelatin protein
  • Dried the separated silk protein
  • Degummed silk into the ternary solution stirring and dissolution for 3h after filtration
  • Dialysed the filtered solution


  • Imported plasmids into E.coil to construct recombinant expression strains
  • Unsuccessful in obtaining recombinant expression strains
  • Used sodium carbonate solution to steam the silk to wash away the silk gelatin protein
  • Dried the separated silk protein
  • Degummed silk into the ternary solution stirring and dissolution for 3h after filtration
  • Dialysed the filtered solution


  • Designed a cell-free expression system
  • Successfully expressed CP1 antimicrobial peptide
  • Used sodium carbonate solution to steam the silk to wash away the silk gelatin protein
  • Dried the separated silk protein
  • Degummed silk into the ternary solution stirring and dissolution for 3h after filtration
  • Dialysed the filtered solution


  • SDS-PAGE and WB blot were used to verify the protein expression level
  • Found that the amount of expression was too small, and the gap between the equivalent amount and the actual use was too large, so the antimicrobial peptide was abandoned


  • Reviewed the literature and started to use M2, an antimicrobial peptide that is toxic only after enzymatic cleavage.
  • Constructed a plasmid containing the M2 gene
  • Conducted field research and distributed questionnaires for interviews


  • Imported the plasmid containing the M2 gene into E. coli to construct a recombinant expression strain
  • Visited a number of fruit and vegetable supermarkets to conduct interviews


  • Added IPTG to induce the recombinant strain to express the antimicrobial peptide
  • Visited a number of fruit and vegetable supermarkets to conduct interviews


  • Lysed the bacteria
  • Purified by affinity chromatography
  • Used OD600 detection to check bacterial inhibitory activity
  • Soaked freshly cut apple lettuce with different concentrations of silk protein and other common preservatives
  • Controlled experiments were carried out
  • The weight loss of fruits and vegetables was measured daily


  • The weight loss of fruits and vegetables was measured daily
  • Did microbiological analysis to determine the growth of bacteria on fruits and vegetables
  • Interviewed professors from related industries
  • Made a promotion video
  • Drew the logo of the team
  • Promoted the team through bilibili, Xiaohongshu and other channels


  • The weight loss of fruits and vegetables was measured daily
  • Did microbiological analysis to determine the growth of bacteria on fruits and vegetables
  • Interviewed professors from related industries
  • Made a promotion video
  • Drew the logo of the team
  • Promoted the team through bilibili, Xiaohongshu and other channels


  • The weight loss of fruits and vegetables was measured daily
  • Did microbiological analysis to determine the growth of bacteria on fruits and vegetables
  • Made a promotion video

7.26 - 8.15

  • made presentation video
  • designed wiki pages