Medal Criteria


On this page, you can find how we believe we have achieved iGEM’s requirements for each of the medals. Furthermore, we state what special prizes we are applying for.

Bronze medal

Criterion What we did Details
Competition Deliverables We have completed all of the Competition Deliverables: we built a wiki, we shot a project promotion video and a project presentation video, we have submitted the judging form, the abstract, as well as the title, and we will of course attend our judging session. Our videos were submitted as required, whereas the rest of the elements that were stated are accessible via the teams list.
Project Attributions Crediting people for their contributions to our project is not only important for iGEM, but we consider it to be an ethical thing to do. This is why we very carefully filled out our attributions form with every single contributor we could think of. See our Attributions Form
Project Description No one would be aware of our interesting project if we didn’t describe it in some more detail. Check out our project description page for this purpose! Find out more on our Project Description page
Contribution Our take on contribution was more elaborate than just sharing parts or dry lab information. We even wrote guides and attempted to help other teams pick a project with our decision trees! Go have a look if you’re interested :). Check out our Contribution page

Silver medal

Criterium What we did Details
Engineering Success Our team absolutely loved iGEM's approach to engineering, particularly the engineering cycle. That's why we completed not just one, but multiple iterations of the cycle. These iterations included 'sequence design and our first attempt at cloning', 'the transition to a step-wise cloning strategy and a different plasmid system', and 'final cloning and expression evaluation’. Check out our Engineering page for more details!
Human Practices Our project didn’t limit itself to purely technical aspects. We also wanted to involve the community in our project as well as learn from them. The progress that our project made thanks to feedback from the community, how we raised awareness on the issue of waste cooking oil, as well the ways in which we gave back to the community are all documented on our integrated human practices page. Go have a look at our Integrated Human Practices page for more information!

Gold medal

Criterium What we did Details
Excellence in Synthetic Biology We wanted to demonstrate excellence in synthetic biology for these special prizes:
  1. Best model. Our models helped us bring our idea to the next level. They helped us better understand the process, allowed us to design a protein that would be better suited for our purposes, and we used data from our wet lab team to develop our growth model.
  2. Best composite part. We made a part aimed to express a bioemusifying protein and show that this protein is indeed expressed. Moreover, our models allowed us to gain deeper understanding of those parts. Bioemulsifiers are useful for any purpose where emulsification is needed, hence we believe it is useful for other iGEM teams. Finally, we did characterize our part experimentally, showing that it was expressed and that bacteria survived its expression.
  3. Best integrated human practices. Our project aimed at involving the community right from the start. We did this by raising awareness, talking to many different stakeholders, and even setting up a waste cooking oil collection point for a more sustainable future. By iteratively improving our project by talking to the community, we ensured that it was good for the world and would offer a useful contribution to society.
For more information, be sure to check out our Model, Parts, and Integrated Human Practices pages!