

Read about the connections we made with other iGEM teams!


Our social media channels allowed us to connect with other iGEM teams from all over the globe. These interactions served a variety of purposes in the realms of networking, awareness, and education. Our aim was to get in touch with other aspiring scientists from different backgrounds and educate the public about our project and synthetic biology (as part of our Outreach campaign). After all, other iGEM teams are also part of the general public, and thus we wanted to reach out to them as well.

Collaborations are a quintessential aspect of iGEM because they create valuable networks and connections. We were thrilled to be able to work and share knowledge with so many people in the iGEM community, and we learned a great deal from every single interaction we had. The Utrecht meeting had a direct impact on our project because it got us to write the part about regulations on the Human Practices page. Moreover, the meetings with the other people working on dry lab also gave new insights and perspectives on our own dry lab work. Finally, we believe others were able to learn from our experiences, too.



Screenshot of the collaborating team's Instagram page

We joined this collaboration organized by iGEM IISER, Tirupati in an effort to ensure good continuity and knowledge for the next iGEM generation. This collaboration was initiated to gather information about the issues faced by different iGEM teams around the world. In order to determine the main problems faced by our own team, a discussion was conducted during one of our general meetings. Our "problem" was a lack of information on "how to iGEM" and organizational support which could have helped us in getting started quicker. To prevent this in the future, we produced continuity documents for the KU Leuven iGEM generations ahead (also see our Contributions page). Following the submission of reports by all teams, the organizing team proceeded to share them on their Instagram account. The collaboration enabled our team to gain a deeper understanding of the various difficulties faced by fellow iGEM teams and their approaches to solving issues. This was useful to us and will also be beneficial for the next generation of iGEM teams. Moreover, it was a good exercise to reflect on past difficulties and how we could solve similar challenges in the future.

Furthermore, the collaboration not only cultivated a relationship with iGEM IISER Tirupati but also increased the visibility of the iGEM KU Leuven team.

Troubleshooting Guide for Wet Lab with iGEM TEC Chihuahua

Screenshot of troubleshooting guide

iGEM TEC Chihuahua organized a collaboration to compile the difficulties faced in wet lab specifically and the solutions that worked to be used as a guide for the next generation of iGEM teams. They created a google form to be filled in by other collaborators, in which we provided troubleshooting tips for inserting a polypeptide linker into a plasmid backbone.

The collaboration gave us an excellent opportunity to obtain valuable solutions from different teams. This benefited our wet lab experiments and the collaboration as a whole also aligns with our interest in creating continuation documents.

UN SDG's Video with iGEM Thessaloniki

iGEM Thessaloniki reached out to us via Instagram to create a video about how our project aligns with the UN’s sustainable development goals. YarroWCO contributes mostly towards Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. There were a total of 17 Sustainable Development Goalss and multiple other iGEM teams were involved in this collaboration as well.

Screenshot of SDG video

iGEM Map with iGEM NTHU

Team NTHU contacted us via Instagram to participate in a very creative and engaging initiative. Putting together a map of all iGEM teams had the advantage of helping teams reach a broader audience by using several platforms other than their own social media pages. This also facilitated starting collaborations with other iGEM teams. We supported the team by preparing a document for the KU Leuven team with our team member pictures, logo and a brief project description.

Postcard Project with iGEM Duesseldorf

Our team's designed postcard

iGEM Dusseldorf organized a postcard collaboration in which all iGEM teams participating could send postcards to each other. Our postcard was designed and written by the social media team to introduce our project to different iGEM teams. The postcards were sent to iGEM Dusseldorf first and to other iGEM teams later.

This collaboration helped our team gain a deeper understanding of the other iGEM team's projects. The postcards also helped our team to gain exposure within the iGEM network.

Spotify Lab Playlist with iGEM MSP Maastricht

iGEM Maastricht contacted our team via Instagram to compile a lab playlist that could help to lift the mood during an intense day in the lab. During one of our team meetings, we chose “Stayin' Alive” by the Bee Gees as our #1 music mood lifter!

Screenshot of Spotify lab playlist



Dutch iGEM Meetup

Münster Junior Jam

Eindhoven Mini Jamboree