Human Practices


Find out how the world affects our work and how our work affects the world.


Science does not take place in a vacuum and iGEM gave us the opportunity to demonstrate that. As a team of motivated young researchers, it was refreshing to be able to include many stakeholders in our discussions and distil the information in a way that could be incorporated into the project. By engaging with stakeholders, we did not even have to wait for biology to achieve palpable changes in our local community. Our actions were well-structured and meaningful, which explains why we want to go for the best integrated human practices prize.

This being said, it didn’t just impact the people around us, but also our own team. For most of us, iGEM was our first opportunity to go beyond learning about science. It was the first time we were working in a lab, alongside other trained scientists and with creative control over a project. It is something that you don’t get to do very often as a student, and we certainly are grateful for the experience.

Before YarroWCO

Our first stop on our integrated human practices journey was selecting our project. Based on our interests, we wanted to solve a local problem that involved sustainability – in that way, we could truly deliver a useful contribution. We describe how we chose our project in more detail on our project description page! You will also see there that we mention decision trees that helped us refine our project; here they are!

The decision trees also show the evolution in our team’s thinking. They are all written in hindsight, taking into account feedback we and other teams received. More specifically, they are based on the advice given to us by previous KU Leuven iGEM team leaders as well as our PI. They are also inspired by interactions with stakeholders (both advisors and people from the local community – read the rest of this page for more information), as well as critical questions raised during iGEM meetups (Münster and Utrecht). More details on how specific stakeholders influenced our reasoning are detailed in the menus below.

Our decision trees are sufficiently broad to be applicable to other projects, and we leave this as our biggest contribution to future iGEM teams. Our decision trees can be used as a toolbox to accelerate the development of all project related issues, but especially well-integrated human practices. They provide a structured context that can be followed by other teams and that we expect could raise the quality of IHP across iGEM teams - in good alignment with iGEM's own view of improving the quality of the competition every year.

Picture of beginning of a road

Stakeholder Map & Summary of Our Human Practices

When first coming up with our own project, the first and most basic thing we thought about was our own pipeline. This makes sense: we needed to make sure that you’re even able to get the required starting materials and that you are able to sell them to someone. However, we soon realized that we would be integrating into an existing ecosystem with many more stakeholders. This represents the second iteration of our stakeholder analysis. By talking to some of those stakeholders however, we soon realized that we should expand our analysis even further. This is our third and most comprehensive analysis. Because it was largely obtained by talking to stakeholders, we like to call it our “stakeholder map”, rather than just a stakeholder analysis. We use this analogy because a map is progressively filled in and discovered as well, and the same goes for our stakeholder map. The fourth schematic shows everything that we’ve done for integrated human practices apart from the decision trees in the context of the stakeholder analysis. Hence, the reader can consider these schematics as a summary of our integrated human practices page.

Before diving into the matter, we would really like to thank Professor Dirk Stemerding for acting as an advisor in coming up with the stakeholder analyses. He was incredibly helpful in moving from a rudimentary outline of stakeholders to the full picture that we have now. Moreover, he guided us towards creating a well-structured analysis resulting in us clearly identifying the different ​pipelines

General Pipeline

Pipeline diagram
Figure 1. Preliminary schematic representation of our stakeholder map.

This is more of a basic schematic than a true stakeholder analysis per se. You can see that at this point, our perception of who would actually supply waste cooking oil is very rudimentary. We also don’t have such a clear idea yet of what pipelines exist on the right side (“selling side”) of our pipeline.

Current Ecosystem

Pipeline and ecosystem diagram
Figure 2. Secondary schematic representation of our stakeholder map combining three pipelines.

This iteration shows a much clearer picture of how this business works currently. There are actually three pipelines shown in this schematic:

  1. The hypothetical pipeline relative to our project in green.
  2. The current pipeline that uses waste cooking oil as starting material and goes all the way to biofuel production in yellow.
  3. The current pipeline that starts from slaughtered cattle and plants, and ends up by delivering steroid medicines to patients in blue.

Please note that some boxes are shared between pipelines and are marked by a colour gradient. On a different note, dotted arrows are hypothetical. Black arrows are arrows that are shared by multiple pipelines. Other arrows are coloured according to the pipeline in which they belong. The line between local population and WCO dealers is dotted because it only exists if a collection point is present in a certain neighbourhood.

A striking element in this analysis is that our project connects two completely unrelated pipelines. We see this as an opportunity as well as a challenge. It is clear that no one has gone here before, but on the other hand, it might be challenging to get all stakeholders on board.

Two boxes were “discovered” by talking to stakeholders, as explained further on the integrated human practices page. Namely, by talking to snack kiosks (“frituurs”), we heard about Quatra and WCO dealers for the first time. It is by talking to Quatra and to authorities that we discovered that most of the WCO that is currently produced is transformed into biofuels.

Stakeholder Map

Stakeholder map diagram
Figure 3. Tertiary and final schematic representation of our stakeholder map.

The third iteration of our analysis shows further understanding of the situation. By talking to the public through our surveys and people we know, we realized that we had to split the general population into two groups. We also realized that the student group couldn’t deposit their oil at EcoWerf.

Furthermore, we soon realized that the world of WCO is heavily regulated. Thus, we added local authorities and also connected them with the pharmaceutical industry, as this is heavily regulated as well. Local authorities are in turn regulated by the EU, which actually promotes and also regulated the transformation of WCO into biofuels. All regulatory interactions are shown in dark green.

The boxes in dark blue are what we call “advisory” relations. Like regulatory bodies, they aren’t inherently part of any pipeline, but they still have an influence on them. They include organizations that care about the environment such as Greenpeace as well as patient organisations. It is important to include them, because they can have an important impact on the market. For example, biofuels are becoming somewhat controversial, which in turn impacts the whole ecosystem. Finally, a more “neutral” advisory group would be experts, that advise both the governments as well as the industry.

Summary Visualized in the Stakeholder Analysis

Summary diagram
Figure 4. Summarized schematic of our stakeholder map.

The first thing you’ll notice here is that a large portion of the stakeholder map has been removed. This is for readability purposes – please picture the rest of the map to still be there in your head.

Something that should be clear from this schematic is that we mostly interacted with the left side of our stakeholder map. In fact, we did try to get in touch with the pharmaceutical industry, but this turned out to be very hard and we soon decided to shift our attention to different matters. Starting from the top, the summary goes as follows:

  1. Experts: gave us advice on how to accomplish our goals in wet lab, dry lab, and team management.
  2. Pharmaceutical industry: we made attempts to interact with different corporations in the industry, but nothing worth reporting on in more detail came out of this.
  3. Local authorities: we got some information from Valorfrit, an organisation connected to the Belgium government, on exactly how much WCO is produced and collected in Belgium yearly. On the other hand, we realized that what we wanted to do in our project would be regulated (because it would be an API precursor) and decided to think a little more about it.
  4. Small businesses: they gave us some descriptive statistics that we report on, and we discovered the existence of Quatra thanks to them.
  5. Local community: people domiciled in the municipality where they’re staying: we created awareness about the fact that WCO is dangerous waste that should be disposed of properly. In return, they gave us information on how they dispose of WCO through our survey. By setting up the oil collection point, we also made them supplying WCO to Quatra much easier, even if our main target group were students.
  6. Quatra: the European market leader in the delivery, collection and recycling of used cooking oil; we interacted with them, and they told us much more about the current ecosystem surrounding WCO. We collaborated with them to set up the WCO collection point.
  7. Local community: people that aren’t domiciled in the municipality where they’re staying: this is very similar to the previous description about local community. However, the oil collection point that we put up is much more important for this community, as they otherwise didn’t have the possibility to get rid of their WCO responsibly.

Interaction with the local community

What kind of waste cooking oil is generated in Belgium and how do local businesses look at it?

Picture of a frituur or Belgian fries shop

The fries-loving Belgian stereotype is true: we love our fried potatoes (and other fried snacks) and we pride ourselves in making the best fries in the world. In 2016, we have a total of 4643 registered "snack-kiosks" in Belgium (one for nearly every 2500 inhabitants)1. These kiosks are characterised by selling mostly or even exclusively deep-fried foods. They are so typical, that they are considered intangible cultural heritage.

Moreover, 85% of Flemish people (the Northern region of Belgium, where our university is located) eat fries at least once a month while 60% do so at least weekly. Interestingly, over half of the fries aren’t made at home but are either bought as take away or consumed outside the home. It is easy to see that that this generates a lot of waste cooking oil (WCO), which is the flip side of all of these delights. This truly makes our problem local.

Picture of team members having fries Figure 5. Our team members, Julia and Zosia, interviewing small businesses, snack kiosks.

Since so many fries are eaten outside of home, we decided to talk to small businesses (the abovementioned snack kiosks) to gather data on how much WCO they generated, how often they had to change the oil, how and if they recycled it, and so forth.

Very importantly, we also wanted to know what type of cooking oil they used, since there are several types with different origins (animal or vegetal being the main distinction). This would help us finetune our wet lab project if we wanted to work with actual WCO.

What we learned from those interviews was the following:

  • Most snack kiosks use beef oil rather than vegetal oil. This has implications to the wet lab as oil composition and contaminants may affect availability of the carbon source.
  • Snack kiosks consume about 30-60 L of cooking oil a week (depending on how busy they are) and tend to change their oil every 2-3 days. Quality of the oil is mostly monitored through appearance or not measured (since the oil is changed systematically after a certain amount of time).
  • All snack kiosks collect their WCO for specialist disposal instead of throwing it away.
  • Quatra logo

    A very interesting finding that we also made through these interviews was that a lot of the WCO was collected by a company named “Quatra”. Upon hearing that, we included them into our stakeholder analysis and planned a meeting with them. On a less positive note, many businesses indicated that they weren’t very interested in an alternative for upcycling WCO, since Quatra already provided them with a disposal route for WCO. To us, this clearly indicated that a supply chain and ecosystem was already in place, and to which we would need to integrate for our product to have an impact. That was indeed a key conclusion from our stakeholder analysis.

    WCO Handling in Belgium

    WCO, or oil in general, is a dangerous waste. It is well-documented that one litre of oil can pollute up to one million liters of water (2,3). Additionally, if people simply wash it down the sink, it can lead to fatbergs. Fatbergs are large piles of debris that clog up sewers and that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each to remove. Moreover, the frequency with which fatbergs are developing is increasing in the UK 4 and probably in all of Western Europe.

    Based on this, it should be clear that WCO needs to be handled and recycled properly. We decided to investigate how much of it is produced yearly, how it is normally disposed of, and whether we can contribute in this regard.

    WCO Disposal Logistics in Belgium

    Quatra logo

    Although we had already ascertained that companies, such as Quatra, were responsible for WCO disposal from the snack kiosks, we also approached EcoWerf - a network of waste collection points regulated and organized by the Flemish government.

    EcoWerf is a network of waste collection points regulated and organized by the Flemish (the Northern part of Belgium) government. They don’t only collect WCO, but also all other types of household trash. To understand how the system works, the reader needs to understand a little bit about Belgium’s geography.

    Figure 6. Map of Belgium, representing different provinces.

    The smallest administrative subdivision in Belgium is called a municipality. For example, the municipality of Leuven includes Leuven and several other small towns right next to it, such as Heverlee. Inhabitants of a certain municipality can only go to an EcoWerf attached to their municipality. They will also need to pay a small fee to enter, based on the amount of trash they’re bringing. Keep this in mind for the discussion in the next section, as this will be very important later. For now, let’s focus on our search for information and data via the authorities.

    Numbers from Quatra

    EcoWerf pointed us towards Valorfrit, a national organization responsible for the collection and recycling of WCO. Valorfrit data on WCO in Belgium from 2021 was essential for us to understand the magnitude of our problem.

    A first interesting figure they give is the amount of WCO put on the market. This amounts to 54 thousand tons for households of WCO yearly, while small businesses contribute an additional ​​34 thousand tons. This means a total of nearly 90 thousand tons enter the market on a yearly basis. In contrast, only about 2500 tons of WCO were collected for households, while about 6500 tons were collected for small businesses. This means that only around 5% of WCO sold to households was collected, while about 20% of WCO sold to businesses was collected. In short, nearly 80 thousand tons of WCO are unaccounted for in Belgium, and thus potentially improperly disposed of.

    Such bleak figures suggest wider action is needed, including increasing awareness of the problem in the population. We decided to make this a core component of our work surrounding integrated human practices, as will be explained in the following sections.

    Another important fact that was mentioned in the Valorfrit data is that all the oil collected by them goes to biofuel production. This is of course another way of upcycling oil, but our project isn’t plagues by the same issues as the biofuel industry. On an environmental level, burning biofuels still emits CO2, contributing to climate change. Moreover, diesel cars will be banned in Europe 2035, which will severely impact a market with already small profit margins. Thus, upcycling WCO to a major pharmaceutical intermediate is a more sustainable alternative and can be expected to be more commercially viable.

    How could this be a problem to certain demographics, such as students?

    Before we evaluate how exactly we promoted awareness, let’s look at another problem hidden in Belgium’s administrative complexity.

    As mentioned above, access to EcoWerfs is reserved to those living in the municipality where the EcoWerf being visited is located. Now, by “live”, we actually mean domiciled. The problem here is that in Belgium, students generally aren’t domiciled in the city where they study in. They do “live” there, but only rent a room and thus aren’t considered inhabitants of the municipality. This means that they don’t have access to their local EcoWerf.

    This poses a problem that concerns our project, because this means that students really have nowhere to take their WCO. In theory, they could take it home for disposal, but this is of course very unpleasant as well as unpractical. Moreover, taking it home is, of course, not an option for international students.​​ Additionally, the WCO disposal problem is even bigger for student organisations that organize events on a regular basis! Sometimes, they’ll want to provide snacks and since this is Belgium, those snacks are very likely to be deep fried. This produces significant volumes of WCO that students can’t responsibly dispose of because they don’t have access to EcoWerf.

    It was clear to us that WCO was a problem to be addressed. Nonetheless, we needed more data to determine the true magnitude of the problem.


    We conducted a survey among students and residents from Leuven. We gathered insights from 62 respondents, with 44 of them being students. The goal of our survey was to understand the production and disposal methods of WCO mainly among students.

    25% of students responding to our survey expressed being highly concerned regarding the impact of WCO on the environment, and 45% indicated being moderately concerned. At first glance, this seems like good news, but the next questions showed a much more negative image. On average, students were found to generate 0.72 liters of WCO monthly. Alarmingly, 43.3% admitted to disposing of it down the drain and 36.4% indicated they throw it in the regular trash. When questioned about their current disposal habits, most students indicated convenience, lack of proper information on disposal methods, and absence of nearby collection points as key driving factors. This confirmed our suspicion that the awareness of students regarding proper WCO needs improvement.

    Crucially, when asked about whether if they would be interested in a WCO collection point nearby, a staggering 86.4% responded yes. This overwhelmingly positive response clearly indicates the need for the establishment of a WCO point in Leuven for students. Addressing this need does not only aligns with the students' preferences but also paves the way for a more sustainable city of Leuven.

    In addition, we also wanted to get an idea of awareness concerning ​​WCO among the general population. Among non-students (limited to only 18 respondents), almost 40% indicated to have never even heard of recycling WCO. 50% admitted to throwing it down the trash and 33% admitted to throwing it down the drain. Given that non-students were likely Leuven residents, their response was alarming. It showed a significant lack of awareness and another significant source of WCO pollution in Leuven.

    Survey results
    Survey results
    Survey results

    Conclusion 1: Awareness Promotion

    Photo of member hanging poster at museum

    Based on the data that we received from Valorfrit as well as the results from our own surveys, we knew that we had some work to do concerning awareness. It became clear to us that a lot of people don’t know at all that WCO is dangerous waste or that it should be disposed of properly. Thus, we got to work.

    Fries and the snack kiosk-culture are such important elements in Belgian culture that there are several museums about fries. Of course, people go to museums to educate themselves and for entertainment. Thus, it seemed like a good idea to us to display our project there. This is how we got in touch with Henry Hugues, a man from Brussels very passionate about fries, so much so that he has his own little museum called Home Frit’home. We agreed that it would be an excellent idea for our team to make a poster display for his museum. ​​The result can be seen on the picture below. Huge thanks to Henry for giving us this opportunity!

    Screenshot of TV news item

    Museums are a good place to start, but we also thought it would be a good idea to raise awareness for the WCO issue at the events that we attended. As documented on our outreach page, our team was present at Microorganisms Day and will be present at the Science Day as well. These events both attract thousands of visitors, and we were (and will be for the Science Day) present with posters explaining our project and the impact of WCO.

    These events reach a lot of people, but we decided to think even bigger. We contacted a couple of media outlets, and a local TV channel, ROBtv, was very willing to cover our story. The resulting video was in Dutch, but it did reach tens of thousands of people.

    For more information on (social) media presence and our efforts at raising awareness, check out our Outreach page.

    Conclusion 2: Oil Collection Point for Students

    A second important conclusion for us was that we needed to help out students. Before we really go into this however, we should introduce another stakeholder that was loosely mentioned before.

    Quatra is a family company based in Belgium that specialises in the collection of WCO from businesses. However, during our introductory meeting, they also mentioned that they organize collection points. These consists of a container where anyone can deposit their WCO. Quatra sells their WCO to the biofuel industry and thus only specializes in collecting WCO.

    Here, something clicked. Perhaps there was a possibility to help students through Quatra, right? If they could set up a collection point in the centre of Leuven, the issue would be solved and we would have delivered a tangible contribution to WCO collection in Leuven.

    Team members at our oil collection point

    The one thing that we had to solve was finding a location. After talking to Green Office, an organisation in Leuven that focuses on promoting awareness regarding sustainability issues within the student population, we concluded that we had to talk to LOKO. LOKO is a Leuven student organisation that represents all the smaller student organisations of the university. Interestingly, they have a building with a little courtyard where a collection point could be placed.

    After many meetings, a pretty long road of gaining better understanding through talking to stakeholders, and many e-mails, we had our collection point! From now on, students from Leuven will never have a problem disposing of their WCO safely and effectively. Moreover, we also solved the same problem for student organisations, as they can also deposit their WCO at the same collection point. To make things even better, LOKO will get small compensation from Quatra for their oil and Quatra gets to sell it to the biofuel industry. It truly is a win-win scenario for everyone involved; the students, student organisations, LOKO, and Quatra. To us, this is the essence of integrated human practices: you learn from the community, you integrate this learning into your project, and you give back something as well.


    How should we handle wet lab?

    Most of our students might already be doing their master’s degree, but we certainly did not have the expertise to come up with all aspects of our wet lab project on our own. Thus, we contacted many experts in the field that acted as advisors for our project and helped us figure out the details of wet lab work. They also contributed to novel perspectives and asked additional critical questions that further helped us develop our idea into a solid project.

    Wet Lab Experts

    Expertise from within and from outside KU Leuven was crucial to the planning and success of our scientific journey throughout the iGEM competition.

  • Vitor Pinheiro
  • As our PI, Prof. Pinheiro was instrumental to our wet lab plan from the beginning of our journey. He suggested that we take our strategy one step forward and not only try to leverage Yarrowia lipolytica’s growth on oil, but try to improve it by producing molecules with biosurfactant properties. He shared valuable literature with us that led the wet​ ​lab team propose our pilot library of proteins with biosurfactant properties. Moreover, he put us in contact with a wide network of experts in genetic engineering and yeast biology, whom we later contacted for specific advice on how to carry our project. Prof. Pinheiro provided contin​u​ous feedback on our progress in the wet lab and helped us overcome the obstacles we encountered throughout the summer.

  • Kevin Verstrepen, Vasileios Vangalis, Seppe Dockxs
  • Professor Kevin Verstrepen validated our initial approach of growing Yarrowia on a waste stream and pushed us to find a novel angle to our project that would differentiate it from other academic works that work in a similar direction. He put us in contact with two members of his team, Dr. Vasileios Vangalis and PhD student Seppe Dockxs, with whom we had a meeting and discussed our strategy of growing Yarrowia lipolytica on oil, as well as the need for producing biosurfactant molecules. They advised us on which Yarrowia strains would be best to acquire and suggested that we test the growth of the yeast on a glucose and oil substrates for comparison. They later offered practical advice on how to conduct measurements of Yarrowia growth on different substrates. Very importantly, they were able to help us identify other Yarrowia experts from Europe, who then provided valuable material for our project.

  • Giovanni Maresca Di Serracapriola
  • Giovanni, a PhD student from Imperial College London, had meetings with our team members Tom and Vlad in which he provided feedback on our broad strategy in the wet​ ​lab, while suggesting appropriate strains of yeast and strategies on how to procure them. His previous participation in the iGEM competition allowed Giovanni to provide advice tailored to the specifics of the competition, which greatly improved both our strategy in the wet​ ​lab, as well as general principles of team and project management.

    Team memmber Vlad in a Zoom meeting with the expert
  • Tristan Rossignol, Young-Kyoung Park
  • Dr. Rossignol and Dr. Park, leaders of the Cosynus group from Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, France had a video call with our wet lab team captain Vlad at the beginning of the summer, when they agreed to send our team a Po1d-derived Yarrowia lipolytica strain, as well as parts of a modular Golden Gate-based cloning kit for genetic engineering in Yarrowia lipolytica. They validated our approach of expressing biosurfactant proteins and expressed great interest in the possibility of using Yarrowia and other organisms to produce hydrophobins at scale. Throughout the summer, they sent us materials and validated our cloning strategy.

  • Ilse Van de Voorde, Jeroen Vereman
  • Professor Van de Voorde and Dr. Jeroen Vereman, a postdoc in the Van de Voorde lab, validated our approach of expressing hydrophobins and advised us to focus on one sequence representative of each class of protein we are studying, narrowing down our efforts of cloning and expression in the lab. They also provided practical pointers on working with hydrophobins. Moreover, Dr. Vereman was in contact with our drylab team regarding identifying hydrophobin properties which could be improved through de novo design.

  • Abram Aersten, Yorben Casters
  • Professor Abram Aertsen from the Food and Microbial Technology (CLMT) group at KU Leuven validated our approach in the wet lab and suggested that we investigate the potentially toxic role that hydrophobin expression could have in our E. coli expression systems. He suggested a live imaging timelapse microscopy experiment and put us in contact with his PhD student, Yorben Casters. Yorben was in close contact with our wet lab team captain, Vlad, to derive the experimental design of the microscopy experiment. Yorben hosted Vlad in the lab for two days and created the experimental set-up for the microscopy experiment. Yorben was also most helpful in the process of data analysis, as well as providing advice on future directions of improving our expression system.

  • Patrick Van Dijck, Paul Vandecruys
  • Professor Van Dijck joined our team as secondary PI in August and generously provided lab space for our team, as well as a S. cerevisiae strain and expression plasmids. He consulted us on the feasibility of expressing hydrophobin proteins in yeast. Dr. Vandecruys from the Van Dijck lab worked together with our team to generate in silico assemblies of cloning vectors in S. cerevisiae and derive a secretion strategy for our proteins of interest, based on the endogenous yest secretion signal from the Mating-type MAT alpha 1 protein. His training for members in the lab, sharing of materials and technical expertise greatly contributed to broadening the scope of our project.

    How should we handle dry lab?

    The reason why we contacted several experts concerning dry lab is very similar to why we did it for wet lab. Building good models, getting the right data, and interpreting said data is just as important to a good iGEM project as having a good understanding of wet lab work. This is why we contacted several people that helped us build our models and complete our dry lab work.

    Dry Lab Experts

  • Vitor Pinheiro
  • Vitor, as our PI, was involved in all dry lab sub projects on different levels. He provided us with insights on all of them whenever we needed it and along with Alex Fedorec, gave us very helpful suggestions concerning our genetic switch. Vitor also guided us through designing our own hydrophobin. He advised us on which residues to substitute when mutating the hydrophobin sequence in silico and suggested suitable approach.

  • Jeremy Harvey
  • Professor Jeremy Harvey was immensely helpful, particularly with our molecular docking. He provided us with a docking protocol and advised on the validation of the protocol using a reference enzyme with its native ligand, the structure of which was determined experimentally. Prof. Harvey approved all of the steps of our molecular docking strategy and clarified many questions we had along the way.

  • Mathy Froeyen
  • Professor Matheus Froeyen granted us very helpful input on molecular docking along with prof. Harvey and helped us see some other aspects of our strategy. He advised us to run molecular docking ten times in order to be able to get clusters of the docked conformations. This part was necessary since AutoDock Vina is a statistical tool and every time it is executed, it returns slightly different results but after a few runs, the results converge to the best one. We were really hesitant when selecting the best docked conformations because we knew that Vina does not explore all biological aspects and mostly focuses on minimising the score that reflects the binding energy. Prof. Froeyen advised us to perform double checks on our docking results that concerned analysing interactions between the ligand and receptor. Using this information, we were able to pick conformations for further analysis. Prof. Mathy Froeyen helped us immensely with performing Molecular Dynamics simulations as well. He provided us with all resources, scripts, and guided us through our first MD simulation. He was very open to all of our questions and helped us resolve any problems that occurred on the way.

  • Alexander Fedorec
  • Alex Fedorec from UCL in the United Kingdom advised us throughout our journey with our genetic switch. We reached out to him having very little experience and only few general ideas. Alex helped us jumpstart our bioswitch project. He suggested that we look into a toggle switch since it’s relatively easy to design and would fit perfectly with the purpose of our switch. He also suggested us to contact a research group (Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro's Lab) that is developing and looking into synthetic biology tools in Yarrowia lipolytica. During a meeting with Alex and Vitor, we also discussed our problems with the design and talked about our ideas. We discussed multiple possible triggers for our switch such as temperature, metabolic load and the morphological transition from yeast-to-hyphal growth in Yarrowia lipolytica. Alex also advised us not to over focus on all of the details (which we had been doing) and try to have fun with the designs. We received very helpful advice and insights on both designing and simulating parts of developing a genetic switch.

    How should we handle team management?

    Stock photo depicting management

    Wet lab and dry lab are “conventionally challenging”, so to speak. Everyone knows that they are tricky – that’s why people go to university. However, another essential aspect of any iGEM project that should be just as knowledge-driven is managing a team. We have 13 students from different walks of life and nationalities on our team roster. Everyone had different priorities at different times: some people wanted to go home to visit their families, others had retakes, and so forth. Making sure everyone was doing the most they could for iGEM and was working as efficiently as possible to really get the most out of this project was very challenging.

    Another equally important aspect that we believe lies for a large part in the hands of the team captain is making sure that the team is a safe space for everyone. It was incredibly important to us that everyone felt included and listened to, that there was an open atmosphere where feedback could always be given, and that people felt at ease in the team. In the same vein, we also found it very important that no one would overwork themselves and that everyone was on board with the project at all times. Special care and attention were given to this as well, and we consider taking care of “our” people to be an essential part of integrated human practices.

    Experience from within KU Leuven

    Zoom meeting with PI Vitor and our advisor Joris

    The first advice we got was from previous team leaders Luka Van den Berghe and Sarah Vorsselmans. They gave us incredibly valuable information on the potential pitfalls, the challenges they encountered while leading a team, and the good practices they came up with. One of the golden tips was that the team leader should have regular, one-on-one talks with every team member. This would really promote open communication and clear feedback and would prevent any irritation or problem from escalating.

    The next two people that were crucial in the structure and management of our team were Vitor Pinheiro, our PI, as well as Joris Kenis, an advisor from Technovation Hub that focused on helping us with anything that was team management-related. Vitor was the first to suggest looking into Agile early on, which led to the meeting discussed in the next point. Both gave incredibly useful advice on how to pick a project and make sure everyone was on board, how to organize sub teams, and so forth. This advice was communicated to us during “coaching meetings”, that we would have every 14 days.

    Agile Methodology

    Not knowing what Agile really was, we stumbled upon a 2019 paper in Nature Careers on how Agile team project management can work for research projects. On the 12th of May, Julia and Brigitte had a call with the author of the paper, Laura Pirrio. Dr. Pirrio is a chemical engineer and a big advocate for using Agile team management in academic research projects. Considering how popular Agile is, it is surprisingly hard to find good information about what Agile really is. Therefore, we interviewed her to find out how we could use Agile our own team management.

    Zoom meeting with Laura

    To summarize our meeting, she explained to us her take on Agile. She pointed to the Agile Manifesto and advised us to rather than following a rigid plan, to implement elements of Agile in our own way based on this Manifesto. Laura also suggested that because we are a big team, we should split up into smaller teams and have frequent meetings within the subteams and between the subteam captains. However, she also warned us that this might introduce the risk that individual team members feel disengaged because you introduce a hierarchy. Laura also highlighted the importance of frequent delivery of minimally viable products.

    Agile was described by a group of software developers in 2001. The Agile Manifesto is actually nothing more than four key values. While this was specifically written for the purpose of software development, they can be interpreted in many different ways. In light of the iGEM competition, this is what it meant for us:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: For us, the first value highlighted that iGEM is a human-centric project. You do everything together as a team, so effective communication and collaboration within the team is essential.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation: While we did not create software, for us it really helped realizing that to deliver a working product, it is best to do this in increments and having short cycles with feedback moments. In this way, we constantly realigned and minimized the risk of not having the desired outcome. In iGEM, this product can be anything: an experiment, a project idea, a written page for the wiki, or the project as a whole.
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation: This comes very close to integrated human practices. It highlighted to us the importance of close collaboration and involvement of stakeholders throughout our project to ensure that the delivered project was actually meaningful to society.
  • Responding to change over following a plan: For us, this highlights the importance to staying flexible to changes during the project or changes in what parts of the competition require most attention at the moment. For example, our interaction with the stakeholders or experts we contact might require us to change our project course.
  • End Result: How We Functioned as a Team

    Team management pyramid

    Based on these conversations, we decided to adopt an Agile-inspired approach. We liked the flexibility and the efficiency of Agile, but we also wanted to make sure that people could specialize in certain domains, hence why we went for this option.

    In short, our team was subdivided into subteams each led by a sub team captain, but the rest of the subteam composition would change weekly. The general team meetings took place once every 14 days and focused on updating and discussing with the whole team. The sub team captain meetings were shorter but took place more frequently and were mainly aimed at ensuring excellent communication within the team as well as decide how many people each subteam needed for the tasks at hand for the coming week. Finally, the sub teams also had their own very short and very frequent meetings. The purpose of these meetings was to quickly discuss how the sub teams would tackle that week’s to do lists.

    Regulations: Things to Consider for Future Application

    While talking to stakeholders and putting together our stakeholder map, we realized that our product would have to abide to important regulations (also see the arrow between “YarroWCO” and “local authorities” in said map). This is also the feedback that we received from the author of a paper5 about current ways of synthesizing steroid medicines, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.

    In essence, our aim is to produce a precursor for an active pharmaceutical ingredient. The easiest place to start when thinking about regulations concerning the manufacturing of medicinal products are the European good manufacturing guidelines. The relevant chapter is “Part II - Basic Requirements for Active Substances used as Starting Materials”.6 Before diving into more detail, we need to consider three definitions:

    1. Medicinal product: this is the final product that is eventually delivered to the patient. For example, these could be corticosteroid pills in their packaging.
    2. Active Pharmaceutical ingredient (API). This is the molecule that makes a medicinal product “work”. In our case, this could be prednisone for example, which is a corticosteroid.
    3. API starting material: this is a raw material, intermediate, or another API that is used in the production of the API. 

    When considering our product, it should be clear that it falls in the third category. It is not an API per se, let alone a medicinal product, meaning that it should be classified as a starting material and thus treated as such. The next question is whether this actually falls under GMP guidelines. The guideline says the following:

    “The manufacturer should designate and document the rationale for the point at which production of the active substance begins. For synthetic processes, this is known as the point at which "Active Substance Starting Materials" are entered into the process. For other processes (e.g. fermentation, extraction, purification, etc), this rationale should be established on a case-by-case basis.” 6

    Because of the nature of our starting material, we think that in our case, we would probably have to follow GMP guidelines, even though we’re not aiming at producing the API itself.

    The high temperatures that are used for deep frying (170-190 °C) induce all kinds of chemical reactions (such as oxidation reactions) that lead to degradation of the ingredients. The products generated by those reactions can be toxic to human health above certain concentrations (such as cyclic monomers of fatty acids). We can consider these compounds as impurities when considering purity of our target intermediate, namely campesterol.7

    What would have to be done is to study whether significant amounts of these impurities are present in our purified intermediate, namely campesterol. As should be clear from the rest of our wiki, our team never got to the point where we could do such characterization, and this would require a lot more work. If the impurity profile is unacceptable, several more iterations of the engineering cycle would have to be applied to see how we could adapt the process to get rid of the impurities. Moreover, we could also tweak our hypothetical filtering protocols to attempt to remove the impurities before even introducing our WCO into our cell culture.

    The text above shows how we would deal with regulations, but what we shouldn’t forget here is the public’s view on the matter. It is one thing to reassure the authorities that our product is safe, but we would also want to reassure the public of the same thing. Our past experiences on the side of integrated human practices have clearly shown to us that many people don’t have such a good understanding of science and might be sceptical towards our product. After all, we’re making something vital to the health of many patients from waste.

    To address this, we would first collect more data through surveys and more interactions with stakeholders. Based on these results, we could then do an information campaign to inform the public of the safety of our product, all while taking into account feedback from stakeholders.

    We know that this point is all very hypothetical, but we wanted to address it. It is one of the first logical questions that seems to come up in the minds of stakeholders, so it only makes sense to answer it.

    Conclusions and Steps Forward

    Integrated human practices is about talking to people. These people can be experts or complete laymen, stakeholders from the industry or people from decision making bodies. The one common denominator is that you can always learn something if you listen carefully, and listen we did.

    We believe that our project wouldn’t have been complete – let alone the same – if it weren’t for these interesting conversations. Everyone that we talked to concerning our project inspired us to do more, do better, changed our perspectives, and always improved the overall quality of our idea.

    It was only when looking back on all of these encounters that we realized that we should go for the best integrated human practices prize. To us, it felt natural to have all these encounters and meet all these people. It didn’t really feel like work, more like enrichment of ourselves as well as our project. It is only in hindsight that we realized that we had done an incredible amount of work on integrated human practices, hence our candidacy for the prize.

    Looking back in rearview mirror

    We truly believe that we represented iGEM’s core values in the way that we handled integrated human practices. We also believe that this wiki page shows the work that we put in, shows the progress we’ve made in our thinking, and shows how integrated human practices was a core aspect of our project.

    Does this mean that no more improvements can be made? Absolutely not! Talking to stakeholders, we believe, is a never ending process. There’s always something to learn by talking to people that are somehow involved or impacted by your project, and we are sure that we could’ve talked to more people still. We would’ve loved to also talk with people from the pharmaceutical industry for example, but we simply didn’t get around to doing that. Looking at the future, we certainly would, but we would also want to talk to patients taking the medication that we would be making for example. On an entirely different level, we could also go to speak to representatives from the biofuel industry, to see what we can learn from them concerning the processing of waste cooking oil. In short, we certainly have plenty of inspiration to keep going, and if iGEM had been a year longer, this page would certainly have been longer as well.

    1., consulted 7/10/2023.
    2. Waste oil. Energy, Climate Change, Environment. (2023), consulted 11/10/2023.
    3. Singh, S. K., Srivastava, R. K. & John, S. Studies on soil contamination due to used motor oil and its remediation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 46, 1077–1083 (2009).
    4. Oakes, K. Rise of the fatbergs. New Scientist 241, 22–23 (2019).
    5. Fernández-Cabezón, L., Galán, B. & García, J. L. New Insights on Steroid Biotechnology. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, (2018).
    6. 2014. EudraLex: Volume 4 - Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines: Part II - Basic Requirements for Active Substances used as Starting Materials. Consulted on 9/10/2023 via
    7. Aliwarga, L. et al. Impurity removal of waste cooking oil using hydrophobic polypropylene hollow fiber membrane. Jounal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 51, 216–230 (2019).