As we were investigating the method of creating our BioStone, we found out that putting the materials in a correct shape is also a very important thing to consider. We come up with the idea of letting our fliud material to solidify in a mold, and then we could take the solidified brick out so that it could form into the shape we want. During the entire process, we have followed the design-build-test-learn cycle and gradually improved our 3D printed model until the final version.
Stage 1
In order to let our brick to fix into a rectangular shape, we need to construct a mold and shape our brick into the shape we want. Therefore, we wanted to use Fusion 360 to design the mold and use the 3D printer to print the mold.
By using Fusion 360, we designed a rectangular mold that allows us to pour the hydrogel solution into it and let the hydrogel solidify within the mold. The model was using a rectangular box, with the separation in the horizontal middle line and space hollow in the middle. The width and height of that model are 7 centimeters respectively, with a length of 15 centimeters. The two main body of the structure are the cap for one another. It can be open through either way. On one of the rectangular box end, there is an opening to inject the liquid form of biomaterial and allow it to solidify. We then 3D printed the model using the 3D printer in our lab. You can see the picture of the mold below.
Fig.1 First version model
After we apply this mold in the experiment, we found out that the gelatin fliud will leak out from the gap between the two parts of the mold. As rhe result, most of the fliud is already leaked out from the mold before it solidify into a fixed shape.
The second version is a success, and we should keep use the second version in our future experiment.
Stage 2
In order to solve the leak problem, we have decided to make a model which do not require the combination of two parts. We were still using Fusion 360 and 3D printer to print out the mold.
In this new mold, we fixed the issue by making it into one single compartment where leaking won’t happen. To inject the solidifier into the BioStone, pores are added so that when the mold with the fillings inside was submerged in the solution, the liquid could infiltrate inside to solidify the block. In such way, the leaking vexed problem was successfully tackled ending up as our final mold design.
Fig.2 Second version model
We have used the model in the experiment done in stage 3.3, and the leaking problem is successfully solved. The BioStone have formed in the mold and have been taken our easily.
The second version is a success, and we should keep use the second version in our future experiment.