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Team Member

Student Member

I am a university student majored in Biomedical science. I feel great to participate in the project, in which I have learned a lot of gene engineering skills. I am mainly responsible for building models to simulate bacteria growth situation and chemical degration.

Hello! I'm Deng Yifan, a student majoring in biomedical informatics. I'm the Dry Lab captain. My role involves constructing models and managing our team's wiki. I'm thrilled to be part of this journey. With my talented teammates, we aim to create innovative solutions and make a lasting impact.

Hi, I am Weilun Du, a student majoring in Biomedical Science. This year, our team focuses on biodegradation of α-pinene, which is a brand-new track for us. IGEM has given me the opportunity to challenge myself, and let me become more and more courageous when I encounter difficulties again and again.

Hello I'm Ximeng Zheng, the student leader of the iZJU-China. Participating in iGEM has been a truly rewarding experience, allowing me to collaborate with brilliant minds and contribute to solving real-world challenges. I can't wait to see the impact of our project and the ideas from this incredible competition.

Hi, I am Shihan Xiong. I am a member of wet lab and also responsible for leading safety part. iGEM deepened my understanding of synthetic biology and practiced my ability in experiment design and operation. Hopefully our product concept will one day find its way into the real world.

Hi, I'm Yiyang Zhang, a junior major in biomedical science who loves art. In this iGEM competition, as the leader of human practice, I experienced the joy of problem-solving and communicating with different stakeholders. It is very exciting for me to observe and think of the world as an explorer.

I'm Jingyi Zuo, one of the core members of iZJU-China. I'm mainly responsible for the wet experiment. During this time, my colleagues and I used synthetic biology to develop innovative methods to degrade α-pinene, which I believe will make outstanding contributions to the future environmental protection career.

Hi, I am Mingyuan Wang. A year 3 student of bioinformatics in ZJE. This is the first time I participate in the iGEM competition. I am gald to become a memeber of the dry lab to construct team wiki. In the last few months, I learnt much about programming to complete the website. It is really unforgettable time for me.

Hi! My name is Minjie Kuang. This is my first time being involved in such a challenging competition. I am responsible for the construction of the bi-phase reaction system in the wet lab. Though I encountered several unexpected problems. I believe all I met will benefit me in the future.

Hi! I am a junior bioinformatics student, my role is constructing the Wiki. When preparing for iGEM, I encounted unexpected challenges that have enhanced my problem-solving abilities. iGEM provides us with a fantastic opportunity to apply synthetic biology in solving real-world problems.

I'm Xinlu Zhu, a dedicated student with a passion for synthetic biology. I'm thrilled to be part of the iGEM community. The prospect of tackling real-world challenges through genetic engineering excites me. I bring creativity and determination to the dry lab, striving to make a meaningful impact.

I'm Xiang Yao. I joined the iZJU-China as one of the original members. I enjoyed brainstorming and was impressed by everyone's ambition. I participated in product design and interviews with stakeholders throughout the project. I learned and reflected a lot about how our project can benefit the world.

I'm Min Yuan, I'm interested in immunology and epigenetic biology. Professional skills including cloning and western blot. iGEM is a challenge for me and especially when meeting problems. But join in iZJU-China further expand my ability and knowledge about synthetic biology.

Hey guys, I'm Kexuan Kong, an art lover specializing in bioinformatics, responsible for the design and art work in the team. I am very interested in the team project, and I am very happy to participate in the team to solve the painter's problems together!

Hi, I'm Yidan Xu. iGEM is an excellent platform to understand and communicate about synthetic biology. I truly appreciate the time I spent preparing for it. iGEM has expanded my knowledge of synthetic biology and has enabled me to gain valuable experimental experience and troubleshooting ability.

Hi! I am a third year student in biomedical science and I am responsible for the human practice part. We visited many artists and asked them their suggestions on our project. I want to be a journalist so I really enjoy my experience. Hope our project can really help people related to oil-painting.

Hi, I'm Yitian Xiao. I really appreciate the opportunity participating in iGEM Competition. I've accumulated knowledge in synthetic biology and also gained experimental experience. As an Dry lab member, I've learned how to build up models for our project. It is exciting to apply what we've learned to reality.

I'm Ruijie Ding, an undergraduate student majored in bioinformatics. For participating in the event, I feel really happy. Not only due to the successful results gained in the end of the project, but also for the experience I confronted and conquered problems with my teammates.

Hi, I'm Di Wu, a sophomore majoring in biomedical sciences. It is my first time to participate in an academic competition in college. My harvest from iGEM is far more than join the competition itself. It's my pleasure to work together with so many excellent senior students.


I am Jingyi Tian, a second-year postgraduate student. The main task of participating in iGEM is to provide the team with assistance in the ordering and use of instrument consumables reagents, assist team members in the use of laboratory instruments, and coordinate management with the tutor.

I'm Kexin Nie, a Ph.D. candidate in the ZJU-UoE dual Ph.D. program. My research fields mainly focus on functional biomaterials and stimuli-responsive properties for musculoskeletal tissue regeneration. I'm happy to participate in iGEM to see more applications of synthetic biology.

I'm Huong Thao Doan, a second-year master student majoring in Finance. I'm responsible for human practice and business plan. I'm excited to participate in iGEM with the vision of commercializing synthetic biology innovation to assist address real world problems. Hope our innovation will help many people!

My name is Yilan Cui, I'm delighted to be able to participate in iGEM with friends from other majors. This is a challenging project, but we are all working together to solve difficulties and create a meaningful product. This competition was a very unforgettable experience.


Dr. Wenwen Huang is an Assistant Professor at Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute (ZJE). Her research fields mainly focus on Biomateriomics, Stem cell and regenerative medicine, Synthetic biology. In iGEM 2023, she provided iZJU-China with adequate guidance.





