

The cost of advanced cancer treatments can be extremely high, making them inaccessible for a significant portion of the population. Even Photodynamic therapy, often viewed as a relatively affordable choice when compared with techniques such as CAR-T cell Therapy, Radioembolization or Proton Beam Therapy, proves to be expensive due to the necessity of delivering external light to the patient through lasers, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), or lamps.

Perhaps the biggest limitation of using PDT to combat cancer is the light source, as visible light cannot adequately penetrate the human body. PDT is not a viable option for targeting cancers located deeply within the human body, and that’s why, so far, PDT is mainly used for the treatment of skin cancer or other types of cancers, located on or just below the skin's surface.

Building upon these barriers, our team strived to introduce a machine that turns traditional, equipment-based PDT into an accessible, easily administered and cost-effective tool for targeting all kinds of solid tumors.

We envision IRIS integrated into an injectable tool, able to perform PDT without the need of external light administration. This approach eliminates the need for expensive equipment and energy-intensive procedures, therefore making it more affordable and highly accessible to communities worldwide.

IRIS is a bacterial machine, engineered by us, for the treatment of cancerous solid tumors. After locating to the tumor site, IRIS expresses every necessary element for the performance of PDT. The actual light needed for PDT is generated by IRIS itself, when an exogenous substrate, coelenterazine, reacts with a luciferase enzyme called Rluc8.

IRIS as a PDT tool

IRIS as a PDT tool

But how can this bacteria strain serve as a therapeutic tool?

The key aspect of that matter is time. Our proposal of using IRIS as a therapeutic tool consists of three major chronical events taking place inside the patient’s body:

IRIS is administered to the patient, either directly on the tumor site or indirectly (intravenously for example). The engineered bacteria locate and grow on the hypoxic regions of cancerous solid tumors.

An expression management system, such as a quorum-sensing system, induces the expression of our inserted genes when the population of the bacteria reaches a certain threshold.

Methoxy e-Coelenterazine, Rluc8’s substrate, is administered to the patient, light of 410nm is generated, ROS are produced through the interaction of PpIX and light, leading to cytotoxicity of cancer cells.

We, therefore, suggest that the mechanism should take place in two steps: injection of the genetically engineered bacteria followed by the injection of Methoxy e-Coelenterazine.

IRIS is designed to serve as a general PDT tool, targeting all kinds of solid tumors in the human body. As breast, lung and colorectal cancer are the most frequent cancer types worldwide [1], we indicate examples of how IRIS can be utilized as a therapeutic solution for these specific types of cancer.

We, therefore, suggest that the mechanism should take place in two steps: injection of the genetically engineered bacteria, IRIS (I), followed by the injection of Methoxy e-Coelenterazine (IRIS II). IRIS is designed to serve as a general PDT tool, targeting all kinds of solid tumors in the human body. As breast, lung and colorectal cancer are the most frequent cancer types worldwide, we indicate examples of how IRIS can be utilized as a therapeutic solution for these specific types of cancer.

Breast Cancer
In the case of breast cancer, a direct ingestion of IRIS is possible. Once the breast cancer type is identified through mammography, the precise location of the abnormality is determined. IRIS I is then directly introduced into the tumor site using a specialized needle. After a designated period, during which the bacteria proliferate within the tumor environment and express the inserted genes, IRIS II is delivered using a similar needle.

Lung Cancer
In that case, our team proposes indirect introduction of IRIS to the tumor site. For example, it can be injected intravenously and due to the nutritious and hypoxic tumor microenvironment, our bacteria will locate and grow in the target site.

Colorectal Cancer
In another case where IRIS can be indirectly introduced to its target, for colorectal cancer, laparoscopic techniques can be utilized. Through laparoscopy, IRIS I and IRIS II can be injected directly into its tumor-target.



But is this method safe for the patient?

Of course, to achieve the safe implementation of our project in real-case scenarios, many measures need to be taken. In our opinion the first steps that need to be taken for IRIS’ application to come true are:

1. Drug Delivery system (DDS)

2. Adhesive Proteins

3. Quorum Sensing System

4. Kill switch mechanism

First of all, IRIS' engineering must be completed. Although our team has reached the goal of assembling the constructs, bacteria have not yet been transformed. This means that the final product we are proposing needs to be made.

After the completion of IRIS' engineering, assays need to take place in order to monitor the production/ overexpression and activity of every element that is used in our bacteria’s mechanism of action. Possible assays may involve the absorption of 410nm light from PpIX, rhtA-Catalase-Rluc8 activity assays or even colorimetric assays for level monitoring of elements such as 5-ALA.

After making sure that IRIS works properly, the next step would be a co-culture of our bacteria with cancer cells. The wanted effect would, of course, be a decrease in the number of cancer cells. In order to ensure that this decrease is actually due to IRIS’ mechanism of performing PDT, and not just an artifact, normal cell lines could also be co-cultured with our bacteria.

Given the fact that co-overexpressing IRIS with cancer cells proves our concept, this sets the threshold for moving from the in-vitro stage, to in-vivo experiments. Of course, in order to perform in-vivo experiments, compliance with ethical standards and approval from regulatory authorities must be taken into account.

The first in-vivo experiments would be conducted on animal models, to check that everything is under control, before scaling up to human trials. All these events may sound pretty ambitious, but in the long term, our project is driven by the ultimate goal of creating a profound impact in the field of cancer treatment globally.



Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) and Bacteria-Mediated Tumor Therapy (BMTT) have not been used in a single project yet.

Our team envisions a revolutionary approach to solid tumor therapy, where IRIS, a genetically engineered machine conducts PDT directly within the tumor's microenvironment, eliminating the reliance on external light sources or other parameters. That is a groundbreaking development in cancer treatment, and our team aspires to witness it being widespread adopted and further developed on a global scale.

Our vision is to see Bacteria-Mediated Solid Tumor PDT become a standard treatment modality. We firmly believe that IRIS has the potential to transform the way cancer is treated, offering new hope and opportunities to individuals around the world.

We have already established a few valuable connections with professors and medical experts specializing in the field of cancer. These collaborations have been significantly helpful for our better understanding of how our project can be applied successfully on real-case scenarios. We are committed to maintaining active engagement with the medical community, so that we can also gather valuable insights, refine our techniques, and validate the effectiveness of our treatment in controlled laboratory settings in the future.

In-vivo experiments are going to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and potential side effects of our treatment in a real clinical setting. Results derived from these trials will be instrumental in refining our approach and demonstrating its effectiveness in treating cancer in human subjects.

In the long term, our vision extends beyond research and development. We aim to establish strategic partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology firms, and medical institutions to facilitate the production, distribution, and administration of our treatment on a larger scale. These collaborations will ensure that our innovative approach reaches patients in need and has a tangible impact on combating cancer worldwide.