
Safety has always been our team's foremost concern, and we have taken comprehensive measures to ensure a secure working environment. Our project revolves around Lactococcus lactis, a well-known microorganism, and the strain we utilized, MC1636, is non-pathogenic, falling within the biosafety level 1 classification and is a Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) organism. We underwent rigorous training, guided by experts from Dr. Guhan Jayaraman's lab, to handle Lactococcus lactis effectively.

Our safety measures included:

Laboratory Infrastructure: We conducted our research in a biosafety level 1 laboratory, which is well-equipped with essential facilities, including:

Sterile Conditions: We maintained a sterile work environment by performing all tasks within the confines of a biosafety cabinet. This ensured that accidental contamination did not occur, particularly important since our work could have repercussions on adjacent labs.

Safety Protocols: To minimize risks, we diligently followed safety protocols, including:

In summary, our commitment to safety in handling Lactococcus lactis is unwavering, with strict adherence to established protocols and stringent measures to maintain a secure work environment.