In early March, we established initial collaboration with BNUZH-China. We exchanged ideas and designs regarding the objectives and circuits of both teams. The former leader of BNUZH-China reminded us to pay attention to the selection of the colonization protein for our engineered bacteria. We accepted the advice and spent considerable time researching, confirming the structure and adhesion mechanism of the protein Hsa and CsgA used in the colonization module. We determined the feasibility of the colonization design using fusion protein CsgA-Hsa and developed corresponding experimental protocols for validation.

Both teams maintained close communication and had another exchange in August, focusing on collaboration in modeling. We presented our design approach for modeling and engaged in in-depth discussions on the docking process of the same antigen-antibody pair. We shared insights on protein modeling, model optimization, software selection for protein-protein docking, analysis of docking results, and the feasibility of antibody mutation simulation and validation. This exchange greatly assisted our work in the antibody modeling module.

Furthermore, we continued to have online communication from August to September. We provided BNUZH-China with numerous suggestions concerning ODE aspects to help them establish their models. Read more
During the CCiC, while listening to project presentations from other teams, we discovered that CAU-China had similar ideas in mathematical modeling. Therefore, we engaged in further online collaboration.
Both teams shared their progress and plans in the modeling. We found out that CAU-China had made initial progress in constructing a cellular automata model for mycelial growth, while we planned to establish a cellular automata model for bacterial colonization. We sought advice from CAU-China on the method for designing model rules and engaged in discussions regarding rule design and software selection. This greatly aided us in establishing our preliminary cellular automata model. After further research and optimization, we successfully constructed a new and improved cellular automata model using NetLogo as a replacement for Python. Read more

When inviting the HUST-China team to participate in our planned synthetic biology themed debate, we established a profound exchange with them regarding human practices.
Taking the debate event on September 24th as an opportunity, we had face-to-face communication with the iGEMers from HUST-China. Both sides engaged in discussions regarding the design, promotion planning, and implementation of the hp activities. The HP group leader from HUST-China provided us with valuable suggestions on how to make the activity design more responsible to the world and the project, as well as more innovative and rich in content. We have adopted her opinions. Read more