It was essential for us to improve the interdisciplinarity of our project through getting an insight into different research fields. We believed that without the discussions with the teams which we had a close cooperative relationship with, our project could not proceed smoothly. Interviews with individuals from various fields also help us reflect on the challenges we encounter in our project work. Moreover, educational activities targeting individuals of all age groups further enable our project and our passion for synthetic biology to be better understood, recognized, and aspired to by the world. It is through communication, cooperation, education, and learning that our human practices activities become rich and profound. Here, we demonstrate how different advice has helped us to shape the C.A.T today.
Background Research
On the “Background Research” page, we showcase the inspiration and background of our project, C.A.T. Various situations such as the presence of cats on campus, team members with cat hair allergies, and potential patients with cat hair allergies worldwide have sparked our thinking. Furthermore, through market research and analysis of the overall social environment, we have discovered great potential for our project in terms of policy, economy, and society. These factors are highly advantageous for the development and sale of our products.
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Integrated Human Practices
The “Integrated Human Practices” page showcases the efforts made by HZAU-China to fulfill our responsibility to the world and the project. In order to be responsible to the world, we have conducted cognitive surveys, synthetic biology themed debates, and activities like “War Of Bacterial ” card game. To be responsible to the project, we have made efforts in both academia and product development. In academia, we have conducted background research and engaged in discussions with various stakeholders. In terms of product development, we have established closer connections with stakeholders to understand their values, needs, and concerns. This enables stakeholders to participate as much as possible in the entire project and proves the benefits of our project to the world.
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The “Education” page presents a diverse range of educational outreach activities we have conducted for students at different stages. In the process of education, we not only introduce iGEM 2023 project, C.A.T, to students in interesting ways but also provide them with knowledge about synthetic biology and the iGEM competition. Our aim is to widely disseminate the interdisciplinary nature of synthetic biology in a popular and understandable manner among young people, bridging the gap between synthetic biology and the public.
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The collaboration page shows our collaboration with BNUZH-China、CAU-China and HUST-China. We cooperated with these three teams for in-depth cooperation in various aspects such as experimentation, modeling, and human practices, and engaged in multiple online and offline exchanges and discussions. This mutual collaboration allowed us to identify our own shortcomings, propose some instructive solutions, and achieve a win-win situation for both sides. Through collaboration, we pushed each other to reach higher levels.
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Meet up
This “Meet Up” page showcases HZAU-China team members participating in iGEM community gathering, including Hubei Open Day and CCiC conference. Through the iGEM family gatherings, we showcased our project designs, demonstrated team spirit, learned synthetic biology knowledge, and discussed advancements in technology and bioethical issues. This allowed iGEMers to come together, progress collaboratively, and create a better future.
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