At our laboratory, we take the safety of our experiments as the utmost priority and treat it very seriously. We have put in place various safety protocols and security measures to ensure that all our tests are conducted without contamination and minimize the risks.


E. coli (NEB® Stable Competent E. coli (BL21 and DH5α)) used as a chassis in our experiments belongs to Risk Group 1 microorganisms, meaning it is non-pathogenic and proved safe to use. Therefore, it is safe for secondary school students to handle in school laboratory. For precautions, gloves and goggles are still used during experiments involved with it.


In our project, Sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is used to observe the binding between each strand and the target RNA oligos. Since the acrylamide used is a neurotoxin, gloves, goggles and masks are worn to handle the solution and the gel. During the making of the gel, TEMED which causes digestive and respiratory tract burns will be used. Therefore, to prevent the potential risks associated with inhaling it, our project used pre-cast gel instead.

Agarose gel

Ethidium bromide from the DNA stains used is carcinogenic. For the safety of our lab personnel, a safer alternative, SYBR safe is used in our experiment to post-stain the agarose gel.


Our laboratory is equipped with a ductless filtering chemical fume hood. Its filtering is done by UV light which is capable of killing bacteria. This helps prevent bacteria in our experiments from contaminating the air, providing clean air to maintain a safe and healthy environment.

Lab Safety Measures

  • Gloves and goggles must be worn when handling bacteria and using chemicals
  • Hazardous chemicals and bacteria containers in the lab are clearly labeled
  • Experiments involved with hazardous chemicals are conducted under fume hood
  • Any eating or drinking is strictly prohibited in the lab to avoid any potential contamination
  • Any lab personnel should sanitize their hands after laboratory work for personal safety and prevent the release beyond containment
  • All workbenches are sanitized with alcohol regularly
  • Lab waste must be disinfected with 1:49 diluted bleach before disposal
  • All experiments are done under teacher’s supervision

Our ultimate goal is to create a safe and healthy environment for everyone involved in our experiments, and we spare no effort to achieve this.