Successfully engineer liposome

The following is our results analysis, starting with the production of liposomes. Our team successfully produced liposomes for coating the drugs to carry GATA-4 protein and transport them into red blood cells. As the below picture has shown, two significant liposomes can be observed under a microscope that is set to magnify 600 times(with a diameter around 500nm), attesting to the fact we produce our target liposome.

Transformation of GATA4_GFP recombinant plasmid

We successfully produced recombinant plasmid, with 3563 DNA base pairs. By the process of transformation and Golden gate assembly, we have successfully bioengineered a kind of bacteria, which can produce the protein that we want. The following picture indicates that the incubated bacteria, which was on an agar plate and it was stored for further usage. We intentionally added antibiotics in the agar plate to test whether the bacteria can be incubated successfully. If it can’t be killed by those specific antibiotics, it means that the bacteria is the specific bacteria with our recombinant plasmid.
To prove that the modified bacteria has our designed gene, we used gel electrophoresis to check whether the bacteria contains our gene or not. In the picture below, we can see the band of our bacteria at the position around 3563 base pairs of the ladder, which is exactly the length of our gene. This indicates that the bacteria contains our designed gene.

Produce our recombinant protein

To prove that the modified bacteria has GFP (green fluorescent protein), we can see the green fluorescence in the incubated BL21 solution under a blue light source in the picture below.

On 20/9/2023, we also had the honour of showcasing our innovative concepts to academic establishments at the event hosted by the highly esteemed University of Hong Kong (469635). At the event, we exchanged our ideas with students at the University of Hong Kong and it helped a lot with our project.

Since this solution shows fluorescence, we extracted the protein by cell lysis and underwent protein purification. To prove that the bacteria can produce the protein we want, we test the extract by SDS-page. In the following picture, we can see the band at the position around 50 KDa of the ladder, (the 7th band).

From the experiments we conducted, our team produced the liposome for coating, produced recombinant plasmid, bioengineered a kind of bacteria and proved the bacteria contains the targeted gene and protein.

Insert the recombinant protein into our liposome

Successfully insert GATA4_GFP fusion protein into liposome. In the photo below, the liposome emitted light under UV light.