Part Registry

Part ID Name/function
BBa_K1614000 T7 promoter for expression of functional RNA
BBa_K150104 ColicinE1 Producer Controlled by 3OC6HSL Receiver Device
BBa_J428068 Terminator
BBa_M36117 Terminator
BBa_K4670134(self-design part) Encodes a member of the GATA factor family of zinc finger transcription factors.

Contibution01-New GATA4 protein

We are the first ever team to make GATA4_GFP fusion protein which is a composite part composed by transcription factor GATA4 and GFP fluoroscence, involved in cellular proliferation and differentiation, in iGEM. This technology will provide benefit for futher study. GATA4 transcription factor acts as a deactivator of aHSC and GFP plays a crucial role in pre-clinical diagnosis. We are the first to apply GATA4 liposome drug in a genetic engineering approach, in a way that primary chronic liver disease could be detected and thus, cured in an instant. It's hoped that this could be a beacon of hope in the early diagnosis and non-invasive therapy of liver fibrosis.

Contribution02-New way to transfer medicine to liver

we have a groundbreaking approach using the developed Red blood cells (RBCs) and RBC membrane-derived nanoparticles as bioinspired drug delivery systems. We inset our target protein into the red blood cells, and when the red blood cell decompose in the liver, the target protein will approach liver. Our approach boasts several promising facets. Firstly, it harnesses the innate processes of the human body by utilizing liposomes that aid endocytosis to facilitate the entry of GATA4 into activated Hepatic Stellate Cells (aHSCs). This approach mitigates side effects and elicits a more favorable response in patients. Secondly, our solution exhibits a high level of specificity, precisely targeting on aHSCs. During liver fibrosis, aHSCs predominantly express an array of receptors on their cellular membrane, including PDGFRβ, RBP R, and CD44. These receptors will be enticed by the ligated liposome drug membrane, facilitating targeted drug delivery.


