Team Members

Amelie Stange

Amelie Stange

My name is Amelie Stange. Anytime someone asks me for funfacts about myself my entire brain short circuits.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
Constantly learning new skills. When I started iGEM the longest I had been in a lab before was some short basic courses during my studies. Thanks to iGEM I got to spend months in the lab. I learned countless new things and got to experience first hand what working in science feels like.

Fun Facts about Amelie
Rules over meetings without mercy.
If look’s could kill….
Once you've managed to tease her cute laugh out of her, her death stare isn't so scary anymore.
Amelie is our nosy little mouse.
If you wonder who is first in the lab: it's probably her.

Anna Indricane

Anna Indricane

I am a relatively friendly human when food and sleep is sufficient. The latter was missing quite a bit during iGEM but the fun in the lab made up for it.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
Generally, the creative freedom we had in the lab to try things out and the unbelievable support from people whenever we asked for advice or materials. And then, the small things that just made day-to-day experience more enjoyable, like our cyanobacteria growing nicely; a new protocol to try out; first LC-MS results showing we produced B12 in E. coli.. and a cup of coffee

Fun Facts about Anna
Really likes those green slimey bastards... Cyanobacteria.
Is open to every new experiment you can imagine.
The only real coffee addict on the team.
Only team-member who might have a chance of surviving in the wilderness.
Likes to talk about anything deep in the middle of the night.

Benjamin Vogt

Benjamin Vogt

I like early mornings and cold showers. The main reason why i chose to study biology is my interest in neuroscience.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
The lab experience. Encountering certain team dynamics/observing how people in the team behave and interact under specific conditions.

Fun Facts about Benjamin
Looks like: escaped prisoner, escaped mental asylum patient or a dentist when dressed in all white.
Calm as the sea.
The only crazy person who goes to the gym for a few hours after a night shift in the lab.
Training, no matter the day.

Hannah Svientek

Hannah Svientek

I study biology in the third semester, am crazy for cats and if you ever need someone for a cozy coffee date or drinks I‘m all in.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
Not starting iGEM for friendship but finding it in the best ways possible, on morning brunches and late night self care sessions. Oh and also if you have the possibility to do cloning, do it, it‘s amazing (not).

Fun Facts about Hannah
Main catchphrase: "Ich will nicht mehr" (I don't want to do this anymore), yet she will continue to stay and do this even longer.
Walks through the supermarket and thinks about what to buy for whom from the team to put a smile on our faces.
Always has the best snacks.
If she wasn't storing her drinks on her bench, everyone would love to have her as a lab neighbour.

Jonathan Kühfuß

Jonathan Kühfuß

Let's take a deep breath and then start again but not stressed.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
Why study Chemistry when u can study Biologie? Because not that much will go wrong :). But it was fun to see problems apear one by another and trying to solve them

Fun Facts about Jonathan
Will light your bench on fire if you wrong him in some way. Typical chemist.
Macrame in the Lab to calm down.
Shoes are the evil conspiration of the goverment.
If he could, he would walk barefoot through the lab without hesitation.
The person to go to when you have a chemistry-related question.
Even in the middle of the night he will answer and solve your chem. eq. for you.

Kevin Postol

Kevin Postol

Actually, I like rest but instead of enjoying it I tend to get into stressful situations all the time. Apparently I like challenges more.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
The high of feelings after the cloning worked out

Fun Facts about Kevin
A guy with a critical mind who does not refrain from asking any questions. That's what research is all about.
Frustrated in the face, ambitious in the heart.
Something is not working? Kevin has the master plan - a new system by accident to not change his cloning plans.
A very emphatic person who cares about everyone and is the glue that holds the team together.

Konstantin Jäschke

Konstantin Jäschke

I like to discuss even if it seems unnecessary for bystanders because in the end of the day I believe that human development can only come from interaction with each other and keeping an open mind especially in science is very important. But this can sometimes seem frustrating for people. I have a lot of fun but unnecessary facts.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
learning a whole new set of skills and learning what the life of a researcher is all about

Fun Facts about Konstantin
Always in balance. Nothing can shock him.
How is modeling going? - Good.
Beginning of every sentence: „Technically yes, but…“.
Thinks that most things are straightforward.
Spends more time on memes than modeling.
He can design Gibson primer for you in under 5 minutes!

Melita Dyla

Melita Dyla

I am a reliable and ambitious individual who enjoys fostering work within the team. My friendly demeanor allows me to adapt quickly to new environments and contribute value to them.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
I really enjoyed being able to contribute to different parts within our Project. This way I not only learned new and improved existing skills but also was able to watch my team members develop theirs.

Fun Facts about Melita
If smile had a name it would be Melita.
Has always a snack and a ear for your problems.
Give her 5 days alone in the Lab and she will give you those results you desperately crave - Absolute Unit in wetlab.
Always smiles and thinks positive: "We will rock it!".
One walking optimism.
When Melita is in the lab, Apache 207 is usually there too.
She always manages to make you laugh even when you feel like crying.

Miriam Denda

Miriam Denda

I am very passionate about trying new things, especially when it comes to biology. Outside of the lab, I enjoy late night cooking sessions and sports.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
Seeing the development of our project and the many experiences and skills we gained during the summer.

Fun Facts about Miriam
Has the calmest voice of the team.
10/10 would book or ASMR content.
Sunshine of the lab.
Has cloned so much that her hair has gone looking like DNA (double helix).
Just leave Miri alone for a couple of hours and she will have all the results written out and plotted for you.

Yara Jenin Jamal

Yara Jenin Jamal

Im 19 years old, and in the 4th Semester studying biology (B.Sc). besides research, i love fashion, art and everything related to Design.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
I really liked getting to work with many different people on a really cool project, to learn new things and to finde a way to combine my two passions design and biology.

Fun Facts about Yara
This girl must have fallen into a bucket of paint when she was young. She is so artsy. I love it.
Talented at writing quick-witted messages :).
Yara is the one to call when your color palette is a mess.
She has an exceptional eye for details and makes just everything look aesthetically pleasing.
From her you get the best styling tips. When it comes to designs and fashion, she is unbeatable.


PI: Nicole Gensch

Nicole Gensch

I am a positive thinking person and passionate about my work. If I'm not at work, I'm in nature with my running shoes or sit on my bike.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
For me, iGEM is a journey for the whole summer. My favourite part is to see how the idea develops to a final project.

Fun Facts about Nicole
By now doubled her workload fixing things we managed to break.
Drinks plain, hot water during meetings.
Hands down the best PI possible - with the resiliency of a marble statue.
Always there for us, no matter the hour - and with some spare chemicals to lend

Anne Frederiksen

Anne Frederiksen

I am a master student in Biology focusing on Immunology and when I am not in the lab I like to go running and spend endless time in second hand shops

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
To observe the individual growth in each team member :)

Fun Facts about Anne
Made us beat each other up with a Nature journal during our first meeting.
Emotional support whenever there is another failed experiment.
Truly the Supervision-Backbone of our whole Team.
Didn't work? - No worries, do it again.

Andreas Riedlberger

Andreas Riedlberger

SynBio enthusiast, I love to be involved in as many projects as possible

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
Seeing the progress in self-organization, team building and scientific working of the team from zero to hero

Fun Facts about Andi
Andi has 1000 experiments and projects running, while simultaneously trying to supervise our team.
"I love troubleshooting" lucky for him we have a lot of trouble to shoot.
How much energy does Andi have? - Yes! With his energy he could hold three discussions at the same time.

Leon-Samuel Icking

Leon-Samuel Icking

Coffee Addict and SynBio enjoyer. My friends say I work too much, my mind tells me I don't work enough, I love starting new projects but dislike really finishing them.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
My favourite phase is the project discovery phase, when all these wild ideas come together, you see if you can combine different things. The best thing about it is that young students don't know what probably won't work and so there are much more creative ideas than when you discuss something like that with senior scientists.

Fun Facts about Leon
Aspiring audiobook legend. King of the puns.
Worst case of resting bitch face I‘ve ever seen (even though he‘s genuinely nice).
Mischief on his mind.

Michael Spädt

Michael Spädt

Cheese, tea and classic disney movies are my favourite things next to research! Besides that, I enjoy learning new things and experimenting with art.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
Going to get some Noodlebox-Dinner with you and seeing you come up with awesome solutions for your problems

Fun Facts about Michael
If you want to ask him a risky question; after one beer he turns brutally honest.
Encourages all of us with his optimism.
While he spent most of his time standing in the lab with us doing his 1000 minipreps, he experienced all the ups and downs in the lab.
Little fits of laughter at our failed attempts were usually followed by good advice.
Michael will try his best to encourage you when you are sad, but fail doing so.

Nikita Edel

Nikita Edel

I am 21 and a Bachelore Student studying Biology. Besides biology I love cooking and eating.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
How the team developed the idea into a full project.

Fun Facts about Nikita
Always hands you a Saftpäckchen during trying times.
Food critic by heart, biologist by choice.
The culprit behind the stolen labcoat... poor practical course was innocent.
Last name translates to "noble" in english.

Jeremy Ranniger

Jeremy Ranniger

I sometimes like my cells more than my computer. Only if they give nice results. If I go to the IGEM Lab something is mostly on fire again.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
My opinion is mostly appreciated and I'm feeling like home in the Lab. I had an idea that I can follow and focus on with nice companions.

Fun Facts about Jeremy
Jeremy is the teddy-bear of the Team.
His awesome personality and helping nature just makes you want to hug him.
He never fails to motivate you and always encourages you to strive for more.
Not many people manage to get you as excited about molecular dynamics as he does.
Belives in Aquacloning supremacy.
Might throw you around if he is happy.

Jonas Pleyer

Jonas Pleyer

I have two very cute cats. I love nature.

What was your favorite part about our iGEM journey?
I had already taken part in a competition which is structured similarly but was meant for children of a younger age: First LEGO League. To me it is very interesting to compare both events. I would have probably very much enjoyed being part of the team as an active member instead of supervising had I heard about this competition earlier. Thus I enjoy seeing everyone else succeed in their projects.

Fun Facts about Jonas
I never really understood what his modeling visions were about, but they seemed very convincing.
Immaculate design is a necessity.
Writes code faster than the centrifuges spin.
Focused and determined, when you give him a beer, he forgets all about that and makes everyone laugh with his jokes.