Future Directions

Experimental Validation

Our team is currently focusing on the detection of PET degradation, with the aim of assessing the environmental impact of discarded plastic products but also implementing a biosensor that can be used to find, engineer, or evolve enzymes capable of more efficiently breaking down PET, rather than simply relying on natural decomposition which may take 20-500 years. This would help monitor PET hydrolysis through terephthalic acid (TPA) detection and would be utilized by researchers to accurately quantify plastic degradation. We hope to incorporate this biosensor in the form of an accessible app involving machine learning allowing scientists to effortlessly access, quantify, and manipulate data related to PET degradation. Researchers can be empowered to make accurate conclusions, conduct in-depth investigations, and contribute significantly to the ongoing efforts to combat plastic pollution. Unfortunately, a big limitation to our project is the lack of accurate and reliable sensors that can be used. Our team is committed to filling this gap in our research. We are actively exploring various avenues to adapt accurate sensors that meet the requirements of our current biosensor system.


This research, focused on developing a highly efficient biosensor for detecting terephthalic acid (TPA) degradation, holds significant promise for environmental conservation. PET plastics, widely used and slow to decompose, pose a substantial threat to our ecosystem and the environment in which we thrive. By implementing a biosensor and focusing on PET degradation detection, scientists can not only better monitor and optimize the breakdown of PET plastics but they can also harness it. They can use this PET degradation detection of advanced microbial systems designed to expedite plastic degradation. This innovative approach can make a huge difference and can alleviate the environmental burden of plastic waste. This can potentially pave the way for sustainable bio-based material production through enhanced PET recycling. Moreover, the biosensor's adaptability may extend to detecting TPA contamination in natural environments. This can empower scientists to identify and mitigate plastic pollution hotspots. This multi-faceted application of the biosensor demonstrates its potential as a powerful asset in the plastic pollution wars and can help preserve ecosystems. One of our main goals that we can achieve by utilizing this research is to be able to address the urgent global issue of plastic waste. This can create an impact in society and can be a tool in helping overcome the challenge of plastic pollution.

Testing Concerns

Although the research is set to positively impact the environment, it is also crucial to ensure that the research itself does not harm the environment. This makes it critical to make sure that the chemicals or materials used in the analysis are carefully chosen in order to minimize negative ecological effects. Addressing and minimizing bias is essential for research that may not be representative of all types of plastic degradation. Most importantly, it should be ensured that the biosensor's results can be independently validated and reproduced by other researchers in order to avoid concerns about the accuracy and credibility of the research.