On this page you can introduce your team members, instructors, and advisors.



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Primary PI


I smell like aloe, because I do not like drinking water, but I like serving others with my best.

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Secondary PI

Paper Books.

The smell of ink changes over time, but the content remains fresh forever.


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Hi, I'm Yiyang Sun from the Beijing Institute of Technology. My major is pharmaceutical engineering, and I have a great interest in synthetic biology. I am the faint fragrance of flowers. I hope to learn more in this field. Participating in iGEM has helped me develop various abilities. I wish BIT-China success in overcoming challenges and achieving good results.

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I smell like grapes because I come from Xinjiang. The large temperature difference between day and night in Xinjiang allows the grapes to accumulate sugar and become sweet. Just like grapes, through my sometimes warm and sometimes cool demeanor, one can "smell" my inner caring and sweetness.

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Lab Model


I smell like pimento. It sometimes will be friendly, but sometimes will lose my temper without cause.

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My favorite scent is Rose. Participating in this competition has improved my experimental skills and allowed me to meet many partners, making it a wonderful time in my life.

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I smell like mint, which has a long history of pharmaceutical usage. I grow mint in my home, and it exhibits a tenacious vitality, spreading its roots and sprouting new mint plants. Although it may appear dormant in winter, it regains strength with the arrival of spring. I hope to be as tenacious as mint and contribute value to society.

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I think I smell like tea because I really enjoy the different flavors that different teas bring. From the initial bitterness upon entering the mouth to the gradual sweetness that follows, it resembles the journey of life.

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I think I smell like tea because I really enjoy the different flavors that different teas bring. From the initial bitterness upon entering the mouth to the gradual sweetness that follows, it resembles the journey of life.

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Sea Water.

Fragrances have the power to evoke recognition. If I were to be described by a scent, I would choose the smell of sea water. Sea water symbolizes the source of life and infinite expanse. When we visit the seaside, inhaling the scent of the sea and listening to the sound of waves, we feel as if we are one with nature. The natural, fresh, light, and invigorating aroma of sea water perfectly accentuates my positive, sunny, and cheerful character, aligning well with my interests.

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Cherry Blossoms.

I smell like cherry blossoms because they symbolize hope. I hope to always find joy in life and seek spiritual beauty.


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Lab Model


Do you think I'd say I'm as mellow as yogurt? NO NO NO, I just love drinking yogurt soooooo much.

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I enjoy the fragrance that emanates from freshly mowed lawns. This scent truly appeals to my sense of smell and brings me great joy.

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I would describe myself as mint. On the surface, I may seem ordinary, but I possess great energy and resilience. Mint is a hardy plant that can thrive as long as it receives sunlight. It is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine and as a flavoring agent. I aspire to be like mint.

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I am particularly fond of the scent of roses. The aroma of roses evokes feelings of romance and happiness within me. Not only does it possess a fragrant and beautiful scent, but it also embodies freedom and romance.

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I smell like rosemary. Soft as a rose, strong as mountains, and courageous in the face of memories.

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Yuzu Blossoms.

I am akin to the fragrance of yuzu blossoms, brimming with vitality and optimism. My personality is lively and optimistic, much like the bright top notes of yuzu, reminiscent of the first ray of morning sunlight. However, beneath the liveliness lies a subdued and warm depth, akin to the hidden delicacy and tranquility within the essence of yuzu blossoms.

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Model HP


I think I smell like coffee. As an energetic and sunshine young man,I can always bring energy to others and inspire other people with my confidence and strong faith in future. Just like the smell of coffee,gloomy people can be cheered up and sleepy people can be refreshed by it. I am eager to meet friends all over the world and let's work together to create something brilliant!

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I smell like cedar because I love the faint woody scent of cedar, which brings me a sense of calm and enjoyment.

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Model Wiki


The smell I like would be ink because it triggers fond memories of my school days and creative endeavors.

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Living on the coast, I adore the smell of Cascalone. It brings forth a natural and clean freshwater aroma, reminiscent of my childhood and hometown.

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Fresh Grass.

I am like fresh grass in early spring, natural and comforting. My personality exudes peace, as if seamlessly integrated into the tranquility of the grassland, creating a sense of innate closeness. However, I am not lacking in energy. Within the inner fragrance of vegetation, there exists a vitality and growth akin to that of plants.

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Among all the fragrances, sandalwood is my favorite. It is often associated with ancestral sacrifices, and I hold a deep respect for my ancestors, which is why I like this fragrance.

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Hot Pepper.

I smell like hot pepper. I don't know why, but that's what my friend said.

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I smell like macarons. My brain is made of a special material, consisting of 99 percent sweetness and 1 percent colorful thoughts.

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I smell like pomelo, as I am vibrant and energetic, just like a bright yellow and huge pomelo. I radiate a refreshing scent that empowers and uplifts others, especially as the leader of the HP&EDU work.

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I believe I smell like oakmoss, which carries the scent of moist soil and greenery. Moss has existed on Earth for a long time and, compared to most plants, it is considered primitive. However, it plays a significant role in soil and water conservation, forest regeneration, and other ecological aspects.

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I smell like violets because I am naturally curious about all kinds of things and possess strong thinking and understanding abilities. This enables me to collaborate more deeply with team members in order to successfully complete projects. Come and read the project introduction, and let's explore together!

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I probably taste like tiramisu. Because I'm not an outgoing person, I may not be able to immediately bring happiness to those around me when interacting with others. However, over time, people can feel my graciousness. Just like the flavor of tiramisu, it is not particularly strong, but the sweet aroma lingers even after a long time. Additionally, I have a sweet tooth and enjoy the fine texture and multiple flavors of tiramisu.

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Woody Aroma.

I smell like the woody aroma, especially the scent of cedar. It's not really that I smell like it myself, but rather that I appreciate this fragrance. My favorite woody perfume is Davidoff Adventure. I believe that the woody scent perfectly embodies the qualities I seek in my ideal temperament - composed, gentle, and subtly captivating.

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Pink Pepper.

Pink pepper is my scent. It mirrors a beautiful blend of brilliance, energy, boldness, and the unique balance of sweet and spicy.

Note: Our cartoon-style avatars were created with the assistance of the TrynGo team using AI-based drawing generation.