Introduction to sustainable development

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a global agenda adopted by United Nations member states at the United Nations Summit on September 25, 2015. It aims to promote global sustainable development and solve poverty, inequality, and the environment. problems and a series of challenges. The SDGs contain a total of 17 goals, covering social, economic and environmental fields, and aim to be achieved by 2030.

Riverbanks, lakesides and beaches, these supposedly picturesque places, are now covered by plastic waste. These carelessly discarded plastic bottles, bags and food packaging not only destroy the harmonious beauty of nature, but also pose a huge threat to aquatic life. With the rapid development of industrialization and modern life, plastic products have penetrated deeply into people's daily lives. However, the extensive use and careless disposal of plastics has led to an increasingly serious environmental problem: microplastic pollution. Microplastics, as a substance that is difficult to decompose, accumulate in water bodies for a long time, causing direct harm to the organisms in them. Many aquatic organisms mistakenly eat these microplastic particles, affecting their growth and development. What’s more serious is that these microplastics accumulate step by step in the food chain and may eventually return to the human table, causing potential harm to human health.

As we aim to protect the marine environment and address the issue of microplastic pollution, our project certainly touches on the scope of sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Sustainable Development Goals are a series of 17 international development goals proposed by the United Nations in 2015. In our projects we call for action to address global environmental and social challenges, among others. This year we will be working with the following projects: Goal 9 INDUSTRY INNOVATION AND INFRASRUCTURE, Goal 12 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMTION AND PRODUCTION, Goal 14 LIFE BELOW WATER, Goal 15 LIFE ON LAND


Sustainable Development Goal 9 aims to "build strong, inclusive and sustainable infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation". It emphasizes the key role of scientific research, technological development and innovation in achieving sustainable development, while encouraging inclusive and sustainable development through upgrading infrastructure, promoting industrialization and enhancing innovation. Some of the current status of SDG 9 is that there are differences between regions and countries. Some regions have made significant progress in infrastructure, industrialization, innovation, etc., but other places still face challenges.

When studying this topic, we have to focus on the fishermen group - fishermen are fishing. When one day the water body is polluted, their way of survival will also be cut off. If we want to help them, we first need to understand their needs. Therefore, we interviewed many fishermen to hear their concerns. One of the fishermen, Li Changsheng, lamented: "A few decades ago, there was not so much garbage on the sea. At that time, the water surface was very clean. There was no need to worry about pollution problems. The water was also crystal clear and the fish grew fat and strong. , It’s different now, it’s very dirty!” After we briefly explained our idea to Master Li, Master Li said that as long as it can effectively solve the problem of marine microplastic pollution, he will support it wholeheartedly, “I miss the past a little bit The river is extremely clear. I hope the microplastic pollution will be solved soon."

We also interviewed another fisherman, Jiang Jun. Master Jiang said: Due to the serious pollution of microplastics, the current sales of aquatic products are bleak, and it is beginning to be a little insufficient to make a living. "I have been fishing with my family since I was very young. Now I don’t know what other ways to survive," Master Jiang sighed.

The PET degradation device designed by our project mainly focuses on environmental issues and also focuses on sustainable development infrastructure. We will develop related hardware products and also involve research on degradation methods of microplastic pollution, providing solutions for different industries. Provide an inclusive and sustainable infrastructure between regions and countries.


Sustainable Development Goal 12 aims to "ensure sustainable patterns of consumption and production". Its focus is on promoting efficient use of resources, reducing waste, reducing environmental pollution, and encouraging sustainable consumption and production methods to support economic growth and social development while reducing environmental impact. The current status of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12 is as follows: The concepts of sustainable consumption and sustainable production have begun to gradually form, but there are currently few practical processes for "turning waste into treasure".

We will use biodegradation methods, which harness the natural ability of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae to break down plastic into environmentally friendly substances such as biomacromolecules, carbon dioxide and water. In this regard, we interviewed the person in charge of the scenic spot about their acceptance of the biodegradation method. Out of a perfect score of 10, 78% of the person in charge gave it a score of 9, and 20% said they disagreed. Yes, give a score of 1. Two percent of the people in charge said they were not concerned about microplastic pollution. It can be seen from the survey results that most scenic spot managers need an emerging method to solve the problem of microplastic pollution.

Although biodegradable microplastics currently face difficulties such as the efficiency needs to be improved and people are not optimistic about it, it provides an environmentally friendly and sustainable treatment method. We hope that with the continuous deepening of scientific research, more efficient biodegradation strategies can be discovered to truly solve the global environmental problem of microplastic pollution. Our research not only represents the progress of science and technology, but also a philosophical thinking about the harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature.

The PET degradation device designed by our project can use the engineering bacteria in the device to degrade PET in the water, thereby reducing the discharge of marine microplastic waste and promoting sustainable consumption and production models. Beyond this, our focus on microplastic degradation, involving the development of a sustainable method to degrade plastic pollution, can be seen as promoting sustainable practices in production and consumption.


(Source: Turtle Picture Source Network)

Sustainable Development Goal 14 aims to "protect the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development." Its focus is on protecting and restoring marine ecosystems, preventing marine pollution, and rationally utilizing marine resources to support economic development while protecting the marine environment. The current status of Sustainable Development Goal 14 is: marine pollution is a serious problem, and plastic waste, chemicals, oil pollution, etc. pose a threat to the marine environment.

Our inspiration came from visiting the aquarium. During our visit, our instructor, Mr. Chen, taught us that the number of marine species has dropped sharply this year, and marine life has also been greatly reduced. The reason is that the environment in the ocean is getting worse. Among marine pollution, one of the relatively easy-to-understand types of pollution is undoubtedly plastic products that are inseparable from our daily lives. "Plastics float on the sea, hide in the water, and are everywhere." Teacher Chen said. Plastic pollutes the sea and poisons life in the ocean. Some plastic products restrict the activities of marine life and cause their death.

Our project has designed a PET degradation device that can use the engineering bacteria in the device to degrade PET in sewage, thereby achieving the purpose of reducing marine pollution. It is very consistent with Goal 14 and can solve the current status of marine pollution. The core components of the degradation device It is an engineered bacterium that can continuously complete degradation. Through the above sustainable management, it can protect the marine ecosystem and improve the quality of the ocean.


Sustainable Development Goal 15 aims to "protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests, combat desertification, halt land degradation and halt biodiversity loss". It focuses on protecting and restoring terrestrial and forest ecosystems, preventing land degradation, reducing biodiversity loss, and addressing issues such as desertification.

The polluted environment of water bodies spreads to the land, and the toxic substances in the water will eventually return to us humans through enrichment. Therefore, our PET degradation technology can alleviate the current severe situation and achieve the purpose of protecting life on land.

Our projects contribute to maintaining the health of terrestrial ecosystems, protecting biodiversity, and achieving sustainable land management goals by promoting marine ecological protection and promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns through ocean and beach clean-ups.


By organizing ocean and beach clean-ups, holding pollution awareness events and promoting ocean education programs, we actively promote the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. We advocate reducing the use of plastics, protecting marine ecology, and encouraging sustainable consumption and production models. Through education and collaboration, our events help raise public awareness of ocean pollution issues and promote global partnerships. We are committed to creating environmentally friendly markets and cultivating sustainable lifestyles for a better future.

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