Proposed Implementation

Synthetic biology in action...

Proposed Implementation

This PETase filtration machine works when ocean water first enters the top of the machine. It is filled with PET plastics, which are harmful to marine organisms. But as it travels through the initial filter, which is very thick, it comes into contact with genetically engineered Alteromonas macleodii, which produces PETase at a high rate. It is a thick filter filled with not only Alteromonas, but with scrap iron which allows the Alteromonas to thrive and live for extended periods of time. As the water exits the filter, it is filled with minimal PET plastics, but it does contain amounts of TPA and EG as a result of the breakdown of the plastic. Although they are harmful in large doses, the clean water is returned to the ocean, where the TPA and the EG can be diluted enough to pose little risk to the environment. This process will repeat, as more and more ocean water is returned to the top of the machine and is filtered to be cleaned at the bottom.

