The thrip-vectored spread of viruses inspired the potential for a live bmRNAi vaccine delivery method: this involves spreadable exogenous bacteria, native to thrips and the plant leaf surface, to be engineered to release immune-inducing RNAi continuously (Goodfellow et al., 2019).
To apply directly to plant immunity, our choice of RNAi-mediating bacteria had to meet several criteria. First, they had to be a member of both the thrip and plant microbiomes. For widespread agricultural use, we focused on exogenous bacteria that could be potentially applied in liquid suspension as a spray innoculum. Secondly, these bacteria must be able to deliver RNAi. Though research is still being done on uptake mechanisms of RNAi, “naked RNA” applied to plant foliage has been proven as an effective delivery mechanism for application to infection-prone plants (Tabein et al., 2020). Furthermore, minicells are proposed to temporarily stabilize dsRNA based on research showing improved RNAi efficacy against fungal infection when RNAi was packaged in minicells (Islam et al., 2021).
For a complete scalable solution to our problem, our team identified engineered *Pseudomonas syringae* to align with the above criteria. *Pseudomonas* members inhabit both plants and thrips and have been successfully engineered to produce minicells (Farley et al., 2016; Gawande et al., 2019; Hirano & Upper, 2000). Moreover, a non-pathogenic *Pseudomonas syringae* strain set a precedent as the first genetically engineered bacteria released into the uncontrolled natural environment (Gawande et al., 2019). Due to the existing research supporting the efficacy of our chosen dsRNA sequence for TSWV immunity and minicells as an RNAi protection/secretion mechanism, our team used *E. coli* as an in-lab proof of concept organism (Goodfellow et al., 2019; Islam et al., 2021). This allowed a demonstration of the engineering process to modify wildtype gram-negative bacteria to produce TSWV-targeting RNAi, secreted via minicells. The chromosomal and plasmid-based recombination steps to the wildtype *E. coli* could be applied to other species, such as *Pseudomonas syringae*, in the future.
Plants have evolved a variety of complex immune systems of defence. One in particular, chosen in our project for the protection against Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) is the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway.
RNA interference (RNAi) is an evolutionarily conserved response that recognizes foreign nuclear transcripts such as DNA and double-stranded RNA (Agrawal et al., 2003). As such, RNA interference provides an easy way to achieve targeted gene silencing for transcripts of viral origin (Röhl and Kurreck, 2005). We take advantage of the intrinsic plant RNAi pathway, which involves first the recognition and cleavage of long foreign double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) into small interfering RNA (siRNA). These siRNA are of approximate length of 21-25 nt and are claved by RNAse III endonucleases such as Dicer and Drosha (Kim and Rossi, 2008). Next, siRNA becomes incorporated into the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), further degradating siRNA into single-stranded guide molecules that hybridizes with a specific target (Kim and Rossi, 2008). This leads to very effective gene expression silencing (ie. of virus replication), and was used in our project as basis to achieve plant immunity.
Minicells are tiny, spherical replicas of bacteria cells formed through binary fission and lack the ability to reproduce as they do not contain chromosomal DNA (Rang et al., 2018). They are beneficial as carriers for therapeutic delivery systems into eukaryotic cells (Kaval et al., 2014) and can be loaded with a variety of cargo such as dsRNA and siRNA (Macdiarmid and Brahmbhatt, 2011). As such, they provide a unique and promising RNA delivery method (Giacalone et al., 2006).
The Min system consists of the MinC, MinD, and MinE proteins, and is responsible for the proper location of septum formation during binary fission of *E. Coli (*Farley et al., 2016). Bacterial mutants capable of producing minicells lack or have defective Min system proteins, as exploited in our project.