Through the use of a skin penetrating peptide (SPP), our antibiotic treatment will have the unique ability to traverse the layers of the skin and concentrate at the source of the infection. This makes NiSkin different from other treatments which cannot directly cross the basement membrane or other layers of the skin such as the epidermis.
NiSkin is designed to remain inactive until it reaches the pathogens that cause cellulitis. This controllled inactivity reduces effects that result from disturbing surrounding microbiota or interacting with patients’ cells.
Our device offsets the current trend of antibiotic resistance. By utilizing nisin A, an antimicrobial peptide that is not currently used in medicine and has proven effectiveness against S. aureus at low concentrations, we decrease the reliance on current antibiotic treatments and prevent our new treatment’s overuse.
We successfully fused a skin-penetrating peptide, TD-1, to a natural antimicrobial peptide, nisin A. This contribution will allow future iGEM teams to continue to test and implement our transdermal fusion protein system, which has many applications in both medicine and cosmetics.
We have successfully expressed the three most important nisin proteins that are crucial to its function. First, we expressed NisA which modifies to Nisin, and Nisin has antimicrobial properties. Additionally, we expressed NisB and NisC which are essential proteins for post-translational modification of NisA. Altogether, Virginia 2023 envisions future iGEM teams utilizing our part collection to produce a fully functional form of nisin.