1.  Lab safety

     (1) wear gloves and lab  coat during any operation

     ( 2 ) wear  shoes that cover the whole feet

     (3) ensur e a sterile environment for the ultra-clean table

     (4) ensure the accuracy of pipette gun

     (5) ensure the culture medium is sterile

     (6) ensure no foods and drinks in the lab

     (7) ensure all the pipette gun was returned to max volume


2.  Experiment accuracy

    —the use of ultra-clean table

     (1) use UV light to sterilize the ultra-clean table at least 15 min before use

     (2) use alcohol to   sterilize any  apparatus and hand

     (3) never open the door above one-quarter of the limit

     (4) use bunsen burner  to sterilize during the operation in the ultra-clean table

     (5) any instrument in the ultra-clean table is sterilized previously

     —the use of pipping gun

     (1) choose the appropriate piping gun

     (2) ensure the gun head is sterilized previously

     (3) ensure no bubble forms in the gun head

     (4) ensure the gun head does not touch any item to prevent contamination

     (5) change the gun head after any use

     (6) change the gun head if any possible contamination happens

     (7) return the pip ette  gun to max volume after use

   —the use of container

     (1) choose appropriate container

     (2) ensure the container was sterilized previously

     (3) use fire to sterilize the mouth of the container when using

   —the preparation of any solution

     (1) use appropriate measuring instrument

     (2) ensure the accuracy of the ingredient


3.  Experiment safety

     (1) no possible harmful wastes were directly discharged  into the environment

     (2) no bacteria wastes or bacteria were directly discharged into the environment


4.  Ethics

      There were no human or animal experiments during the experiment and all experimental    

     operations did not violate the ethical laws of biological experiments