To build our detection system we applied a plethora of methods and kits.
Among others our team had to optimize expression conditions, use different purification columns, staining methods and optimize CasMINI-gRNA binding conditions.
Not all applied methods gave successful results, however, we were still able to achieve positive results in the end.
To make interpretation of our results easier we introduce abbreviations used in annotations and notes:
HLC (His-L-Cas) – stands for the construct of dCasMINI with an N terminally linked His-tag.
CLS (Cas-L-Strep) – stands for the construct of dCasMINI with a C terminally linked strep-tag.
gBlocks – gene fragments that are double stranded DNA sequences 125–3000 bp in length.
ON or O/N - overnight, referred in expression experiments for the length of the expression (~17 h)
RT – room temperature (~22°C)
sgRNA – guide RNA, engineered to bind to a DNA sequence transcribed from a potential endometriosis microRNA biomarker miRNA199b (1)
SDS-PAGE: Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate–Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. Novex WedgeWell 4%-20% Tris Lysine gel (Invitrogen). See protocols for details.
Insert our CasMINI coding sequence into pASK-IBA2 a commonly used expression vector.
Transform our cloning strain (TOP10) with our plasmids.
Identify and subclone plasmids containing successfully inserted genes into BL21 (DE3) Gold expression strain.
Using the Gibson Assembly method, we successfully inserted our G-blocks coding for the two dCasMINIs into the pASK-IBA2 vector.
The E.coli Top10 cloning strain was successfully transformed with our plasmids containing our respective genes.
The E.coli BL21 (DE3) Gold expression strain was successfully transformed with our plasmids containing their respective genes.
After isolating plasmid of interest (pASK-IBA2) from E. coli DH5α, we linearized it by PCR using appropriate primers.
Gibson assembly (see “Gibson assembly” in protocols under cloning and transformation) was performed to insert our construct coding-sequences into the linearized vector.
We succeeded in creating HLC and CLS coding-sequence-containing plasmids.
E.coli Top10 cells were transformed with our plasmids, and single-colony PCR with primers targeting insertion site was performed at the same time as colonies were inoculated in liquid culture.
The gel shown in Figures 1 and 2 indicates the successful insertion of gBlock sequences, as seen by the bands corresponding to ̴ 1500 kB.
The results of the gels were later confirmed by Sanger sequencing of the isolated plasmids.
Figure 1: 1% agarose gel showing bands obtained from gel electrophoresis (100 Volt, 30 minutes).
Lane 1 contains the 0`GeneRuler 1 kB ladder;
Lanes 2-9 contain the chosen TOP10 colonies to be tested for the HLC. For more details, head over to our
protocol &
notebook.Figure 2: 1% agarose gel showing bands obtained from gel electrophoresis (100 Volt, 30 minutes).
Lane 1 contains the 0`GeneRuler 1 kB ladder;
Lanes 2-8 contain the chosen TOP10 CLS colonies. For more details, head over to our
protocol &
E.coli BL21 (DE3) Gold cells were then transformed with the plasmids which had no mutations deemed to be harmful to expression.
After transformation single colony PCR was performed, the result of which is seen in Figure 3 where bands of expected size ̴ 1500 kB are present.
The bands seen in figure 3 (wells 2 through 9, with well 1 containing the ladder) seem to deviate slightly in size, this could potentially have been caused by the gel itself not being perfectly cast.
Figure 3: 1% agarose gel showing bands obtained from gel electrophoresis (100 Volt, 30 minutes) of a single colony PCR of BL21 (DE3) Gold cells.
Lane 1 contains the 0`GeneRuler 1 kB ladder;
Lanes 2-5 contain the chosen HLC colonies, lanes 6 to 9 contain the chosen CLS colonies. For more details, head over to our
protocol &
One of each colony for HLC and CLS were chosen. Glycerol stocks were made and kept at -80°C for future experiments.
Small Scale Protein Expression (CLS)
Confirming successful transformation of our CLS construct in E.coli BL21(DE3) Gold
Optimizing expression conditions for our CLS construct in E.coli BL21(DE3) Gold
- pASK-IBA2 vector with a CLS insert was transformed into E.coli BL21(DE3) Gold, since we see a band ~64 kDa (CLS protein size).
Optimal expression conditions are room temperature (~22°C)
After confirming that BL21 single colonies were transformed with our plasmids (se figure 3) we continued with small-scale expression to figure out optimal conditions.
At first, we noticed that most of our protein ended up in the insoluble fraction (see figure 4).
Figure 4: 4-20% SDS-PAGE gel image of CLS expression. Induction at 37°C for 3h.
Mechanical lysis with bead beater.
Lane 1 contains the ladder - PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250 kDa, lanes 2-5 contain HLC samples, and CLS samples are in lanes 6-9.
Based on articles...
Figure 5: 4-20% SDS-PAGE gel image of CLS expression. Induction at 16°C for 1h, 4 h and overnight.
Mechanical lysis with bead beater.
Lane 1 contains the ladder - PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250 kDa, lanes 2-5 contain 1 h induction samples, 6-9 4-hour induction samples and 10-15 o/n samples of CLS.
BL21 (DE3) Gold cells were then transformed with the plasmids which had no or few mutations deemed to be harmful to expression. After transformation single colony PCR was performed, the result of which is seen in Figure 3 where bands of expected size ̴ 1500 kB are present. The bands seen in figure 3 (wells 2 through 9, with well 1 containing the ladder) seem to deviate slightly in size, this could potentially have been caused by the gel itself not being perfectly cast.
Figure 6: SDS-PAGE gel image of CLS expression. Induction at RT for 1h, 4 h and overnight.
Mechanical lysis with bead beater.
Lane 1 contains the ladder, lanes 2-5 contain 1 h induction samples, 6-9 4-hour induction samples and 10-15 o/n samples of CLS.
Figure 7: 4-20% SDS-PAGE gel image of CLS expression. Induction at 30°C for 1h, 4 h and overnight.
Mechanical lysis with bead beater.
Lane 1 contains the ladder - PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250 kDa, lanes 2-5 contain 1 h induction samples, 6-9 4-hour induction samples and 10-15 o/n samples of CLS.Figure 8: 4-20% SDS-PAGE gel image of CLS expression. Induction at 37°C for 1h, 4 h and overnight.
Mechanical lysis with bead beater.
Lane 1 contains the ladder - PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250 kDa, lanes 2-5 contain 1 h induction samples, 6-9 4-hour induction samples and 10-15 o/n samples of CLS.
Small scale expression experiments (HLC)
Confirming successful transformation of our HLC construct into E.Coli BL21 (DE3) Gold expression strain
Optimizing expression conditions for our HLC construct in E.Coli BL21 (DE3) Gold
pASK-IBA2 vector with a HLC insert was transformed into E.Coli BL21 (DE3) Gold, since we see a band ~64 kDa (HLC protein size).
Optimal expression conditions are 16°C with an induction time of 17 hours.
After confirming that BL21 single colonies were transformed with our plasmids (se figure 3) we continued with small scale expression to figure out optimal conditions.
At first, we noticed that most of our protein ended up in the insoluble fraction (figure 9).
Due to both HLC and CLS being tagged variants of dCasMINI (a modified cas12f), we decided to test 16 °C overnight and room temperature both of which gave large amounts of CLS in the soluble fraction.
We decided to test if the different tags between the 2 proteins would affect their optimal expression condition.
After testing both conditions, we determined that the highest amount of HLC in the soluble fraction was 16 °C overnight (figure 10).
Figure 9: 4-20% SDS-PAGE gel image of HLC expression. Induction at 37°C for 3h.
Mechanical lysis with bead beater.
Lane 1 contains the ladder - PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250 kDa, lanes 2-5 contain HLC samples, and CLS samples are in lanes 6-9Figure 10: 4-20% SDS-PAGE gel image of HLC expression induction for overnight in 16°C and room temperature.
Mechanical lysis with bead beater.
Lane 1 contains the ladder - PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250 kDa, lanes 2 to 5 contains 16 °C overnight induced samples, and lanes 6 to 9 contains room temperature (22 °C) overnight induced samples.
CLS: Purification of our strep-tagged construct
To test if increasing the culture volume still allowed for efficient expression of our construct.
To produce large amounts of protein that could be purified (using Strep-tag purification) and used in following binding assays.
The conditions that were found to be optimal for small-scale expression of our CLS construct held true for large-scale expression.
Satisfactory amounts of our construct was purified to be used in further experiments.
After successfully producing CLS on a larger scale (2x1L) we aimed to purify the protein using a StrepTrap XT column packed with Strep-Tactin® XT Sepharose resin to purify our Strep-tagged CLS protein [3].
The chromatogram in figure 11 shows a single large peak after the isocratic point which indicates the addition of buffer e (see buffers).
For affinity chromatography with this specific column, this is likely to be the point where our target protein was eluted.
The rather slow drop in the UV signal indicates that not all of the CLS protein was eluted simultaneously and that there are other proteins that were bound to the column. This was confirmed by SDS gel of the fractions produced (see figure 12).
Figure 11: Chromatogram of CLS after Strep tag purification conducted with ÄKTA start protein purification system, using a StrepTrap XT 1ml column.Figure 12: 4-20% SDS-PAGE gel of fractions collected from his-tag purificaiton of CLS construct. The first lane contains the PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250.
The annotation in the figure of F# indicates which fraction the lane contains a sample from.
Large amounts of protein are present in lanes F11 to F15, most of the purified sample is present in F11 to F13.
Several fractions were run on a gel to confirm which fractions could be combined and further concentrated.
Figure 12 shows that fractions F11 to F14 could be combined and concentrated with a 20 ml ~30 kDa molecular weight cut off filtration filter tube (vivaspin centrifugal concentrators).
The end protein sample concentration was 39.6 µM. This is enough for a stock amount to then later be used in EMSA – protein/sgRNA binding assays. As can be seen in figure 13 the band corresponding to ~64 kDa has decreased in proportional size and intensity, whilst multiple other bands, particularly smaller bands are gone or weaker relative to the ~64 kDa band.
The presence of smaller bands indicates that either CLS is being degraded or that the concentration was done improperly.
Whilst the decrease in the intensity of the 64 kDa can be due to limitations in the taken sample or improper concentration.
Figure 13: 4-20% SDS-PAGE gel of unconcentrated CLS and concentrated CLS after purification.
1 lane - PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250 kDa,
2 lane – unconcentrated CLS,
3 lane – concentrated CLS
HLC: Purification of our His-tagged construct
To test if increasing the culture-volume still allowed for efficient expression of our construct.
To produce large amounts of protein that could be purified (using His-tag purification) and used in following binding assays
The conditions that were found to be optimal for small-scale expression of our HLC construct held true for large-scale expression.
Satisfactory amounts of our construct was purified to be used in further experiments.
After successfully producing HLC on a larger scale (2x1L cultures) we aimed to purify the protein using a HisTag FF column.
The chromatography results of the His-tag purification show one peak (figure 14) that likely corresponds to eluted HLC.
To not lose most protein and confirm which fractions contain HLC we ran an SDS-PAGE gel. According to figure 15 fractions 9 to 13 were eligible to be combined and concentrated, which resulted in 22.22 µM of HLC.
This is enough stock amount to have later be used in EMSA – protein/sgRNA binding assays and protein/sgRNA/DNA binding assays.
For affinity chromatography with this specific column, this is likely to be the point where our target protein was eluted.
The rather slow drop in the UV signal indicates that not all of the CLS was eluted simultaneously and that there are other proteins that were bound to the column.
This was confirmed by SDS gel of the fractions produced (figure 15).
Figure 14: Chromatogram of HLC purification with a HisTag FF column results for HLC, using HisTrap FF, 1 ml column.
Conducted with ÄKTA start protein purification system.Figure 15: 4-20% SDS-PAGE gel of fractions collected from his-tag purificaiton of HLC construct.
The first lane contains the PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250. Lanes 2 and 3 contains samples collected before the culture was pelleted and samples take from the supernatant during loading on the affinity column after dilution.
The annotation in the figure of F# indicates which fraction the lane contains a sample from.
Of the fractions most of the proteins in the sample are in F3.
However the largest amount of purified protein are present in lanes F11 to F15, with most of the purified sample being in F11.
Several fractions were run on a gel to confirm which fractions could be combined and further concentrated.
Figure 15 shows that fractions F9 to F13 could be combined and concentrated with a 20 ml ~30 kDa molecular weight cut off filtration filter tube (vivaspin centrifugal concentrators).
The end protein sample concentration was 22.22 µM. This is enough for a stock amount to then later be used in EMSA – protein/sgRNA binding assays.
As can be seen in figure 16 the band corresponding to ~64 kDa has increased in proportional size and multiple other bands, particularly smaller bands are gone or weaker relative to the ~64 kDa band.
The presence of smaller bands indicates that either HLC is being degraded or that the concentration was done improperly .
Figure 16: 4-20% SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis of unconcentrated HLC and concentrated HLC after purification.
1 lane – ladder - PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250 kDa,
2 lane – I unconcentrated HLC, fraction 11;
3 lane – II conmbined and concentrated HLC.
Transcription of sgRNA
Produce sgRNA of functional quality for following EMSA (electrophoretic mobility shift assay) experiments.
sgRNA of both variants could be transcribed in vitro with sufficient yield.
Both sgRNAs were of sufficient quality to be used in later EMSA experiments.
sgRNA synthesis was done using the New England BioLabs T7 hiscribe in vitro transcription kit according to the Standard RNA Synthesis (E2040) protocol (new England biolabs).
The reaction was incubated for 4 hours before the RNA was treated with DNase 1 (DNase1 see protocols), and the reaction was purified in a Qiagen RNeasy clean-up mini kit.
The resulting RNA sample was then analyzed with a nanodrop to estimate concentration, and with a bioanalyser using a total RNA nano kit to estimate RNA quality.
The sgRNA1 gave a concentration of 35,4 ng/ul and showed some peaks for shorter than the intended sgRNA size during bioanalyzer analysis (se figure 15).
Figure 17: This figure shows the result of analysis with a bioanalyzer of sgRNA1 the peaks furthest to the right (marked 188nt) is near the expected size of the sgRNA1.
The size of this peak compared with the others indicates that the quality of the RNA sample is usable for our purpose.
The sgRNA2 gave a concentration of 33,2 ng/ul and showed some peaks for shorter than the intended sgRNA size during bioanalyzer analysis (figure 16).
Figure 18: this figure shows the result of analysis with a bioanalyzer of sgRNA2 the peaks furthest to the right (marked 188nt) is near the expected size of the sgRNA2.
The size of this peak compared with the others indicates that the quality of the RNA sample is usable for our purpose.
CasMINI and sgRNA Binding Experiment
To find the optimal conditions for the binding of the dCasMINI proteins to the sgRNAs
Current buffers and/or conditions do not facilitate the binding of the sgRNA and our dCasMINIs.
To test the binding of our sgRNAs to the dCasMINI proteins, we decided to perform an EMSA (electrophoretic mobility shift assays) experiment which would allow easy visualization of the binding by the change in band position for our RNA and/or protein (depending on the staining method).
As Xu only worked with cell cultures, and our test intended to be done in an in vitro non-cellular environment. We found it necessary to establish the optimal conditions for this reaction.
As such we based our original method on the work of Li who worked with the structure of “apo Lb2Cas12a”, a cas protein in the same family as Cas12f (and by extension dCasMINI).
The reaction was conducted in the binding buffer (link here to RNA binding buffer), at 4°C for 15 minutes before being loaded on a gel.
First, we tried running Native gels to visualize our protein constructs binding to the sgRNA.
Due to the sgRNA DNA template primers being delivered late, we had to work with a very small amount of our sgRNA. This influenced our reaction volume.
We decided to work with 100 nM sgRNA with 100 nM and 200 nM of protein in a 5 ul reaction.
The total amount of protein in this reaction was not sufficient for the staining methods attempted (se figure11) for visualization of the protein.
Figure 19: 8% to 16% Native-page Bis-Tris Gel electrophoresis EMSA – CLS and sgRNA binding and serial dilutions of CLS, silver staining.
Annotations: I – sgRNA 100 nM, II – gRNA 100 nM + CLS 100 nM; III - gRNA 100 nM + CLS 200 nM; V – stock of CLS – 11.11 µM; VI – 5.5 µM CLS; VII – 0.5 µM CLS; VIII – 200 nM CLS; IX – 100 nM CLS.
There seems to be some spillover from the loading of the stock protein solution as seen by the large band present in all lanes, but weakening away from the start of the serial dilution.
First lane - PageRuler™ Plus Prestained protein Ladder 10-250 kDa
We then decided to run a 2% agarose gel electrophoresis like that done in the protein RNA interaction work of Ream
When the reaction was run on an agarose gel we were able to see weak bands for RNA in the expected size.
This proved to us that dcasMINI did not bind to sgRNA under these conditions, since RNA bands were visible in all 3 loaded wells at the same length (Figure 20).
This also demonstrated that our RNA was not degraded under these conditions.
Figure 20: 2% agarose gel 100V 50 min.
I – gRNA without protein, control;
II – 100 nM sgRNA incubated with 100 nM CLS for 15 min in 4°C;
III – 100 nM gRNA incubated with 200 nM CLS for 15 min in 4°C. 2% agarose gel 70V 50 min.
I – gRNA without protein, control;
II – 100 nM gRNA incubated with 100 nM CLS for 15 min in 4°C;
III – 100 nM gRNA incubated with 200 nM CLS for 15 min in 4°C.
We saw no binding in the starting conditions we decided to try to optimize.
Seeing that Kupcinskaite and Anders used higher temperatures and longer reaction times, we decided to increase the incubation temperature and duration for our reaction. We then tested incubation at 37 °C for 25 minutes.
The reaction was loaded on a 2% agarose gel to visualize a change in the migration of the sgRNA bands. Unfortunately, these changed conditions did not cause any binding to occur.
This is seen by the lack of any bands of greater size than those seen in the control (see fig), a band of greater size would indicate that the RNA has been bound to something that slows its progress through the gel.
Figure 21: 2% agarose gel 70V 50 min.
I – gRNA without protein, control;
II – 100 nM gRNA incubated with 200 nM CLS for 25 min in 37°C.
Experiments that did not succeed yet:
We have yet to optimize binding conditions for our guide RNAs and CasMINI proteins.
Future plans:
Optimize sgRNA and CasMINI binding conditions
Develop different guide RNAs to detect an array of potential early endometriosis biomarkers
Develop a physical lateral flow test
Zafari, N., Tarafdari, A.M., Izadi, P. et al. A Panel of Plasma miRNAs 199b-3p, 224-5p and Let-7d-3p as Non-Invasive Diagnostic Biomarkers for Endometriosis. Reprod. Sci. 28, 991–999 (2021).
Chapron C, Marcellin L, Borghese B, Santulli P. Rethinking mechanisms, diagnosis and management of endometriosis. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2019 Nov;15(11):666-682. doi: 10.1038/s41574-019-0245-z. Epub 2019 Sep 5. PMID: 31488888.