Team Members

Rebecca Abirached
I am a Medical Laboratory Sciences major in my junior year and am one of the student leaders for this year's team. I love bird watching and learning more about them as they have always fascinated me.
Srilekha Kadimi
I am a junior year Diagnostic Genetic Sciences major and a student leader for this year's project. A hobby of mine is collecting quarters and I have collected all the state quarters!
Vel Johnston
I am a senior Biological sciences major who helped with initial project development, wet lab work, and plasmid design. While visiting Germany I held a white-tailed eagle nearly half as tall as me!
Alex Carabetta
I am junior double-majoring in Molecular & Cell Biology and Diagnostic Genetic Sciences. On top of helping with wet lab work, I am also the secretary for the UConn iGEM club on campus. Fun fact about me is that I don’t have a tailbone, and falling on my butt doesn’t hurt because of it.
Fraser McGurk
I am a junior Molecular and Cell Biology major with an interest in bioinformatics. Throughout the academic year, I have been helping with wet lab procedures.
Srishti Tandon
I am Molecular and Cell Biology major in my sophomore year whose primary role has been wet lab bench work with the team over the summer. For me, baking is really fun and blueberry waffles are my specialty!
Nathan Shaw
I am a junior year Biology major who has been a part of the wet lab work of Estro over the past summer. A fun fact about me is I am allergic to grass and the springtime is not as fun.
Jake Millspaugh
I am Molecular and Cell Biology major in my junior year. For the team, I have been involved in wiki development and coding the design aspects of the project website.
Alex Frutos
I am senior Molecular and Cell Biology major who has been involved in wet lab work of the project. Interesting fact about me is that I am deathly afraid of bees and wasps.
Mehr Chhatre
I am a Chemical Engineering major in my sophomore year and have been participating in recent wet lab work for the project. I used to live in the Caribbean on the island of St.Kitts and Nevis!
Donal Heaney
I am a sophomore Ecology and Evolutionary Biology major who has been recently helping with wet lab work and gaining lab experience. Fun fact is I was born in England and lived in Ireland before ending up here at UConn.


Lisa Nigro
Research has taken me from the deep-sea (1000 meters below sea level) to the mountains (over 4000 meters above sea level). The team comes to me for everything - from lab advice to life advice.
Rachel O'Neill
I started the first UConn iGEM club back in 2012 and continue to oversee the work of the students. The O'Neill laboratory offers us bench space and equipment to keep the UConn team going.
Charles Bridges
I am postdoctoral research assistant in the Teschke Lab at UConn. I have been a part of various meetings held by the team to help advise the project and provide supplies where needed.
Daniel Phillips
Serving as an advisor for this year's team, I offered advice to the members and particpated in advisory meetings. Fun fact about me is I actually met Sir Ian McKellen (aka Gandalf).
Tyler McDermott
I am graduate student in the Mellone Lab at UConn who has also been a participating in the graduate student meetings held by the team to help provide direction and new ideas to their project. Fun fact is I was once in a signed and touring pop band.