Project Notebook


Literature review and project development was the main goal. Read articles and consulted previous iGEM projects on bacterial vs. fungal laccases. Created a list of potential bacterial laccase candidates based on other uses in wastewater pollutant degradation. Began weekly graduate advisory board meetings for discussion. Checked the stability of current lab reagents and created new LB Broth, 1x TAE buffer, and Ampicillin LB Agar plates. Settled on a list of four different laccases to utilize: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Kocuria palustris, Paenibacillus glucanolyticus.
Initially began with B. subtilis bacteria obtained from team advisor Charles Bridges. Completed genomic DNA extraction using the Qiagen DNA extraction kit. Designed primers for PCR isolation of the CotA laccase of B. subtilis followed by gel electrophoresis checks. Obtained pET22b(+) vector with an existing Profilin insert from the UConn Heaslip laboratory. Ran digestions of the vector using EcoRI and XbaI to cut out previous Profilin insert. Attempted a PCR extension of CotA to flank laccase sequence with EcoRI and XbaI.
Created a document of NCBI sequences for each of the four bacterial laccases with EcoRI on the 5' end and XbaI on the 3' end. Two coding sequences were created: one with an NSP4 signal peptide attached to the laccase and one with only the lone laccase gene. Used the IDT codon optimization tool to optimize sequence for E. coli expression and sent to IDT for gBlock synthesis.
Fall 2022
Attempted to remove the Profilin gene from the Pet22b plasmid by digesting with EcoRI and Xbal. Had difficulty with gel extraction and purification of digested vector. Transformations following ligation did not appear to result in well-isolated colonies. Other digestion attempts demonstrated that PCR reagents worked, but insert was of incorrect size.


Overviewed project idea from previous year. Determined where supplies were in the lab and created an inventory of chemical reagents & equipment. Attempted to remove the Profilin insert from the donated PET-22b plasmid, with difficulty recovering DNA. Started to design Wiki.
Started to use ordered pET-22b(+) plasmid from company Novagen and to ligate one of our Bacillus subtilis IDT gBlocks into the vector after digestion. We started to screen colonies by PCR with the T7 primers that are found in the PET22b plasmid, but did not have one with the correct insert size. We started to use the gblock from Bacillus licheniformis.
We continued to digest the plasmid and the Bacillus licheniformis gblock. PCR screening by gel check indicated one colony that had an insert large enough to potentially be the gblock. We purified the PCR, set up cultures for glycerol stocks and minipreps, and sent the purified samples to be sequenced by Sanger Sequencing.