Everyone breathes every moment.
Take a deep breath. Feel the crisp, invigorating air filling your lungs, revitalizing every cell within. Fresh air, often taken for granted, is not just a simple necessity; it is the life force that sustains our very existence.

However, in a world dominated by concrete jungles and enclosed spaces, the availability of fresh, untainted air eludes us. Within our living environments, the once abundant natural air has gradually waned, and air problem has occurred.
Among these, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and hydrogen sulfide stand out as the most concerning.
Now, let's begin with the indoor spaces that we are all familiar with and spend most of our time in. We'll take a closer look at how this poor air affect our health.
Carbon dioxide comes from human breathing, combustion processes (such as gas stoves, furnaces, etc.), and poor indoor air circulation.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that indoor carbon dioxide concentrations do not exceed 1,500 parts per million (1,500 ppm), equivalent to 0.15 percent.
High levels of carbon dioxide will affect people's cognitive ability, attention and work efficiency, resulting in a decline in learning and work, and then harm health.
Formaldehyde comes from decoration materials such as panels and paints, furniture such as sofas and carpets, as well as tobacco and smoke.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the concentration of formaldehyde in indoor air should not exceed 0.08 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m³).
High concentrations of formaldehyde can lead to acute poisoning such as pulmonary edema, chronic poisoning such as tears, cough, chest tightness, itching, leukemia.
Hydrogen sulfide comes from toilets, domestic sewage and kitchen waste.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends that the acceptable exposure limit for indoor hydrogen sulfide concentrations be no more than 10 ppm per cubic meter.
According to the guidance of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), indoor hydrogen sulfide concentrations should be kept below 10 ppm as far as possible.
The Chinese Occupational Health Standard (GBZ 2.1-2007) states that the permissible exposure limit for indoor hydrogen sulfide concentrations is no more than 5 milligrams (mg/m³) per cubic meter (about 3.587ppm).
High levels of hydrogen sulfide have a number of effects. At 0.00041ppm people begin to smell a bad smell, at 25-50 PPM people's trachea will be significantly irritated, and at 400ppm people will die within an hour.
According to the World Health Organization WHO2019-2022 data, the annual number of deaths caused by formaldehyde and hydrogen sulfide pollution gases, respectively:
- · Formaldehyde: 22,000 deaths
- · Hydrogen sulfide: 10,000 to 20,000 deaths
People should take action now!
In the past, many efforts have been made to deal with indoor air pollution. However, the drawbacks of these traditional methods are also obvious.

Now, we have embarked on an innovative journey, drawing inspiration from nature's intricate web of life. Start from the interplay between producers and consumers, we build a harmonious co-culture ecosystem of cyanobacteria and E. coli to bring back natural fresh air for all.

Our Goal:
- · Cyanobacteria can provide energy for E. coli, so that the system can continue to operate;
- · Absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen;
- · Can absorb formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, and eventually turn them into carbon dioxide and sulfate to achieve complete removal of pollutant gases;
- · Can indicate the concentration of formaldehyde and hydrogen sulfide in the environment.

We believe our project will dazzle and flourish magnificently in the future.