Background Research
Our final project was chosen at the end of our Spring Readings Course, a weekly, one-hour meeting where potential project ideas, ins-and-outs of iGEM, and synthetic biology was discussed. Much deliberation, presentations, and feedback from our mentors and advisors was incorporated into the development and implementation outline of our project.
After our project was briefly outlined, the first challenge we tackled was the realization that nitrogenase, although only coded by three genes, nifH, nifD, and nifK (or some other analogs in other organisms), required other nif-family related genes to fully mature and express. During this time, we also contemplated the potential downsides of being able to successfully express this protein. One major point of concern was the sensitivity of the fully assembled protein to gases naturally found under normal laboratory conditions, especially oxygen.

Figure 1: Student generated figure
We spent countless hours on researching the necessary steps and proteins/genetic elements needed for full maturation of nitrogenase, and ultimately decided on a minimal Mo-Fe nitrogenase operon stitched together by the 2018 Nanjing China iGEM Team. Their project developed a nine gene operon (nifB, nifH, nifD, nifK, nifE, nifN, nifX, hesA, and nifV) controlled by a wildtype nif promoter (Pnif) to successfully express mature nitrogenase.
Because the part was documented but not yet available for distribution to other iGEM teams, ideas on how to assemble the operon were discussed. Based on feedback from advisors, especially AJ Sillato, we decided on concurrently attempting In Vivo Assembly (IVA) [1] and Sequence and Ligation Independent Cloning (SLIC) methods [2].
Primer Design
Primer design is key for both IVA and SLIC. For this reason, an extended period was devoted to meticulously designing primers necessary for both methods.
See the below figure for specifications on primer design followed.

Figure 2: Student generated figure. Created using
Assembly of Intermediate nif Gene Clusters
After all genes were successfully able to be amplified with the specific homology regions (either IVA or SLIC), chunks of genes were assembled. Since nine genes make up the total operon, we attempted to split the genes into triples. Thus, nifB-nifH-nifD were assembled as one cluster, nifK-nifE-nifN as another cluster, and nifX-hesA-nifV as a final cluster. Both IVA and SLIC methods were used to approach these intermediate assemblies. Protocols directly from the original IVA or SLIC papers were closely followed. Any deviations from the protocol are detailed under the protocols page.
Assembly of the Full Nitrogenase Operon
After the three intermediate segments were assembled, the complete assembly of the operon was attempted. Primers to attach homology regions to the segments and plasmid 2Bc-T were used to amplify the segments. Because more success was achieved with the in vivo assembly method, this method was pursued primarily. All cloning results were screened initially with colony PCR or single restriction enzyme digests. Final screening was verified through whole plasmid sequencing through a third-party sequencing service, Plasmidsaurus. See our results page for our sequencing results and analysis!

Integration into the E. coli Genome
The original paper, which details this process more in depth, uses a dual-plasmid system— pCas (addgene #62225) and pTargetF (addgene #62226— to introduce either gene deletions or insertions through a coupling method between lambda-red technology and CRISPR/Cas9. Lambda-red recombineering technology is a method of genome engineering based on homology-directed repair. It requires three genes (exo, beta, gam) and a healing fragment to successfully integrate the fragment into the genome. However, this method of cloning is highly inefficient. Coupled with CRISPR/Cas9, where the cell has no choice but to repair its double-strand break with a healing fragment, the efficiency increases to almost 100%.
Figure 3: Student generated figure
Concurrently to the assembly of the full nitrogenase operon, a plan to integrate the full operon in place of the E. coli gene araC was developed. Firstly, we chose this target region because we wanted to accomplish the following: (a) to knock out araC, which would deter predictability of the oscillation cycles according to our dry lab by expressing in baseline levels and (b) to knock-in the operon in a well-characterized region of the genome with complete control over copy number. Based on papers we found on multigene-editing through lambda-red/CRISPR coupled technology we designed a plan (see below figure) to integrate our assembled system into the E. coli genome [3,4].
Protein Expression Tests for Nitrogenase Activity
Due to limited time, a coomassie stained gel was initially used to determine protein expression within the nitrogenase operon. (See figure on how coomassie works). This qualitative method involved over-expressing our nitrogenase genes through addition of IPTG, inducing for a range of times, and running the protein lysates through a SDS-PAGE. Then, a dye known as coomassie blue was added to the gel for subsequent staining. The stain, which selectively binds to certain amino acids, making it useful for estimation of protein concentration in a sample. See the below figure for an overview on how coomassie staining works or check out our protocols page for further information!

Figure 4: Student generated figure. Created using
Coomassie staining is a widely used qualitative technique to estimate the level of proteins of interest present in the sample. In this case, E. coli housing the nif genes controlled under the T7 promoter will be overexpressed by inducing for various amounts of times and temperatures with IPTG. After a standard SDS-PAGE is run, the gel will be stained with coomassie blue, which binds specifically to arginine, tyrosine, lysine, and histidine with great affinity.
A more phenotypically approach was also pursued. Based on past iGEM team’s research, several nitrogen-deficient medias were evaluated. Our rationale for this assay was the following: if our engineered E. coli were able to survive in nitrogen-deficient media, then they must be expressing the enzyme, and the environment must be selecting for these phenotypes.
Incorporating Nitrogenase into the Oscillator
First, we wanted to confirm our models matched up with the Stricker et. al paper by expressing the dual-plasmid system (activator and repressor plasmids) under a confocal microscope. We wanted to show, as a proof of concept, that there was oscillation observed under our laboratory conditions.
Second, plans to clone the hybrid promoter as developed by Stricker et. al into the assembled cluster was established. The plan involved replacing the T7 promoter found at the beginning of 2Bc-T with the hybrid promoter using in-vivo assembly methods. This cluster would also be attempted to integrate into the genome, as we believed that would provide the most flexibility for controllable expression while also protecting against selective pressures that would cause species with the nitrogenase enzyme system to lose its parts in the wild.
These are the protocols we used throughout the experiment:
- 50 uL Restriction Enzyme Digest
- DNA Gel Electrophoresis
- IVA Protocol (Insertions, Deletions, Sub-cloning, Multisite Insertions/Modifications)
- Modified Invitrogen Miniprep Protocol
- Qiagen Miniprep Protocol
- SDS-PAGE Protocol
- SLIC Protocol (General)
- Specification for Leica Confocal Microscopy
- Streaking Backteria from Stabs
- Transformation of Competent Cells
- García-Nafría, J., Watson, J. F., & Greger, I. H. (2016). IVA cloning: A single-tube universal cloning system exploiting bacterial in vivo assembly. Scientific Reports, 6(1).
- Li, M. Z., & Elledge, S. J. (2012). SLIC: A method for sequence- and ligation-independent cloning. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.), 852, 51–59.
- Pyne, M. E., Moo-Young, M., Chung, D. A., & Chou, C. P. (2015). Coupling the CRISPR/Cas9 System with Lambda Red Recombineering Enables Simplified Chromosomal Gene Replacement in Escherichia coli. Applied and environmental microbiology, 81(15), 5103–5114.
- Jiang, Y., Chen, B., Duan, C., Sun, B., Yang, J., & Yang, S. (2015). Multigene editing in the Escherichia coli genome via the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Applied and environmental microbiology, 81(7), 2506–2514.