The team took great care to design a logo we felt represented our team’s identity and vision.
The central element of our logo is the Nordic rune called Jera, symbolizing the cycle of nature, growth, and harvest. By incorporating Jera, we pay homage to our Scandinavian roots while embodying the essence of our work - to foster sustainable solutions for the environment. The vibrant colors were chosen to stand out from any background.
The color blue signifies our dedication to the cause of clean water and the restoration of ecological balance. The color orange serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by PFAS, driving our relentless pursuit to combat this pervasive pollutant. Our logo stands as a powerful visual testament to our commitment to research, innovate, and safeguard the environment from the adverse impacts of PFAS.
Herringbone Sidewalk in the Odeon district
The Jera rune not only connects us to our Nordic heritage, but also connects us to our beloved hometown, Odense. We find the symbol in the newly paved streets with an interlocking pattern.
Embracing this symbol, we draw inspiration from our local surroundings as we work passionately to protect our community and the world from the harmful effects of PFAS.