Humans rely on plants to feed us and give us oxygen, but we also rely on the chemicals which plants naturally produce to function as essential drugs, flavoring agents, dyes, cosmetics, and pesticide alternatives. While plants may be a renewable resource, they are also threatened by human-driven climate change and other negative human impacts on natural ecosystems, such as overharvesting, introduction of invasive species and plant diseases, and the addition of pollutants to the environment. A 2019 study found that about three seed-bearing plant species have gone extinct on Earth every year since 1900, a rate 500 times higher than the natural extinction rate [6]. Fluctuating costs and inconsistent supplies of plant materials coupled with rising human demand for botanical compounds can pose problems not only to the economy, but to human health and wellbeing—as seen, for instance, in the record five-year high of 295 active drug shortages recorded at the end of 2022 following the coronavirus pandemic [7]. Roughly 74 of these drugs in shortage contained plant-derived ingredients [8]. A 2023 Senate report attributed these shortages in part to an overreliance on key starting materials and drug substances from concentrated geographical regions, and on the rising rate of natural disasters and biological incidents which place both raw materials and manufacturing facilities in jeopardy [9].

Climate change poses a substantial threats to global supply chains. As the planet warms and sea levels rise, climate-related risks continue to increase and greatly affect the world's botanical supply. For example, the global supply of ashwagandha, an evergreen shrub native to parts of Africa and the Middle East which is used in traditional medicine and as an herbal supplement, is being affected by climate change. According to a Frost & Sullivan report, companies such as Meridian Trading Co. have experienced sourcing difficulties due to drought in Mexico and the heat waves in Egypt, leading to decreased botanical product yield and increasing prices of plant-derived ingredients [5].
Existing processes of extracting chemicals directly from plants can require large amounts of raw plant material and water, and release greenhouse gas byproducts [10]. Chemical synthesis techniques for organic molecules such as plant-derived flavoring agents or active pharmaceutical ingredients, while generally cheaper and guaranteeing a higher purity standard, are often reliant on nonrenewable petrochemical precursors and generate hazardous waste products in the form of toxic or contaminated solvents, reagents, and gasses [11]. Vanillin, for instance, is a compound naturally derived from the Vanilla planifolia orchid that is widely used to impart vanilla flavor on foods and beverages and to create sweet-smelling cosmetics. In the modern day, due to the high price and scarcity of natural vanilla bean, almost the entirety of commercial demand for vanillin is met by a synthetic product obtained either via a petrochemical process starting from phenol and glyoxylic acid or from energy-intensive alkaline oxidative depolymerization of lignin [12]. A similar story is true for salicylic acid, an active ingredient in pharmaceutical pain relievers and anti-acne skincare products that was originally isolated from the bark of willow trees, but that is now also synthesized industrially from phenol [13]. New, sustainable solutions are needed to supply plant-derived chemicals to the people and industries in need, both to preserve medicinal plants themselves and the environments in which they can thrive.
The Rochester iGEM Policy and Practice team has endeavored to shape our parallel culture biosynthesis system into a cost-effective, reliable, and highly customizable source of traditionally plant-derived chemicals that trumps petrochemical synthesis, raw plant extraction, and other fermentation biosynthesis techniques in terms of efficiency and sustainability. To ensure the accessible design and ethical implementation of our project into the Rochester community and the world at large and to better conceptualize our project’s place within it, we have spoken with climate and conservation-based NGOs, hardware experts, biosynthesis startups, farmers, pharmaceutical companies, and more. Follow us to see how the discoveries we made while engaging with our community and the wider world have shaped our project.
Preliminary Considerations
In accordance with iGEM’s safety and security guidelines, we chose rosmarinic acid as our proof-of-concept molecule for our parallel co-culture 3D printing system due to its accessibility, safety, well-known botanical source, and use in cosmetic and fragrance industries5. Working with this natural ingredient has allowed us to showcase our co-culture method along with our designed bioprinter prototype. Eventually, we plan to apply our system across pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, nutraceutical industries, and academia. Synthesizing rosmarinic acid as our first compound can emphasize the feasibility of biosynthesis through genetic engineering technologies, and is in line with iGEM's safety mission to encourage innovative solutions with practical applications. Furthermore, rosmarinic acid's market potential and ethical considerations make it a responsible and impactful choice to demonstrate the transformative power of synthetic biology in solving real challenges in both industry and society.
During our project’s preliminary design and research phases, our Human Practices Team identified several values and ethical considerations which would help to shape our project development process. In our interview process, we identified experts in hardware, biotrade, conservation, and local business people who could help us to explore these values in relation to our system, aid us in answering some of our initial questions relating to them, and give us advice on altering our project’s design and implementation process to ensure that we honor these values through our work.
- Accessibility: is our system easy to use? What are the facilities and resources required to implement our system into a new environment?
- What resources can we create (software, manuals, etc) to aid in our system’s use?
- How can we minimize production costs?
- How can we balance accessibility concerns with those of illicit use?
- Sustainability: what are the environmental impacts of our project compared to chemical extraction from raw plants, chemical synthesis, and bioreactor synthesis?
- Conservation: how can our project interface with and supplement current plant conservation efforts?
- Neutral or positive interaction with farmers of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs): while all new technologies have some negative impact on current employees in their respective fields through the disruption of existing systems, how can we minimize our system’s negative impacts on local and international MAP farmers and their livelihoods?
Our Interview Process

Bioethics and Local Farmers
Team RoSynth’s first step in designing and implementing our project to best serve the wider world was to identify, explore, and address the underlying ethical issues of our project, both on a global and a more local scale. To this end, we spoke with a bioethicist at the University of Rochester and with representatives from two family-owned farms in the greater Rochester area – Lavender Moon Herb Gardens and Growing Family Farms – at local farmer’s markets about the impacts that they felt a cost-effective and portable biosynthesis system such as ours may have on global distributions of plant-based chemicals and on raw plant markets in the Rochester area, respectively, and about how we can ensure that our project maximizes positive outcomes while avoiding negative ethical and economic impacts.
Dr. Jonathan Herington, Ph.D.

About Dr. Herington
Native to Brisbane, Australia, Dr. Jonathan Herington obtained a B.Sc. and B.A. from the University of Queensland, and received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Australian National University. He served as a research fellow at the University of Birmingham in the Department of Medicine, Ethics, Society and History, and later as an assistant professor of philosophy at Kansas State University before joining the Health, Humanities, and Bioethics department at the University of Rochester in 2019. His extensive body of research focuses on concepts of security, risk, and fairness as they relate to scientific practices, climate change, and new technologies such as algorithmic decision making. His writings explore the intersection of political philosophy and science, positing ways in which social policy can buttress or even supplant internal ethical constraints on research in order to prevent an unjust apportionment of its potential harms and benefits between communities of different races, nationalities, or socioeconomic statuses [14].
Our Meeting
The Rochester Policy and Practice team met with Dr. Jonathan Herington, an assistant professor of Health, Humanities, and Bioethics at the University of Rochester, on July , 2023 at the School of Medicine and Dentistry.
In Dr. Herington’s work, he has spoken at length on the specific types of risks imposed by scientific research and how they can be equitably compensated for, as well as on the underlying objective of science as a means of maximizing security and wellbeing for people across the globe. Because a primary goal of policy and practice is to guide the development and implementation of our iGEM project according to the needs of our stakeholders, we sought Dr. Herington’s advice on identifying and addressing the ethical concerns of our project throughout its development, and on designing our biosynthesis system as a mechanism to ensure the security of goods such as plant-derived medicines for those who are most at risk of their loss while minimizing distributional injustice in both our project’s potential risks and rewards.
At a Glance
- Science is inherently moral as well as epistemic in nature, as value judgements are made constantly in the course of scientific research which determine who benefits and who is placed at risk by the scientific process and its products.
- Technology can be helpful for meeting people’s basic needs, but to do so it must guarantee the supply of necessary goods in the long term rather than improve immediate convenience or maximize output and efficiency while ultimately destabilizing distribution systems, as much commercialized technology currently does.
- The most important risk for us to address in our project’s implementation as an accessible biosynthesis system is likely that of illicit dual use rather than biocontainment.
- To allow our project to reach the people who need it most, we should keep our project open-source, minimize the infrastructure required for its implementation, and avoid expensive precursors.
“There is a tradeoff in technology between improving convenience and maximizing well being over time.”
The Goals of Science
Dr. Herington began by recounting his writings on the overall goals of science and how these goals should shape research practices and external safety regulations. He told us about two conflicting views of science: the traditional vision, in which science is purely epistemic and value-free, and the increasingly popular modern view that science is, in addition to its mission of acquiring knowledge for knowledge’s sake, also inherently a moral exercise. Science and the values that shape it have real effects for the public, even when they are not direct recipients of any research products. Dr. Herington gave the example of inductive risk, in which considerations of the costs of false positives and false negatives dictate significance thresholds across scientific disciplines.
Technology as a Mechanism for Meeting Basic Needs
We then asked Dr. Herington about his climate insecurity article entitled, “Climate-Related Insecurity, Loss, and Damage,” in which he argues that, “one of our goals in determining climate policy ought to be mechanisms which ensure the security of basic goods" [15]. He told us that technological solutions like ours can be helpful for meeting the public’s basic needs as humanity anticipates and adapts to the inevitable effects of climate change. Our project could make the process of obtaining valuable chemicals cheaper, less resource-intensive, and less destructive, reducing the amount of arable land required to produce medicinals. These are all great implications! However, he pointed out that many current technological ‘solutions’ to similar supply issues fall short in that they maximize convenience, efficiency, and output of a good in the short term, while destabilizing its availability in the long run or increasing the vulnerability of the supply chain. He said there could be instability in resource availability or increased supply chain vulnerabilities due to complex interactions such as geopolitical conflicts, natural disasters, climate change and global reliance on single-source or just-in-time inventory practices. This instability and vulnerability can lead to disruptions in the production and distribution of essential goods and services, causing economic hardship, price volatility, and even social and political unrest. To address this issue in the long term, organizations and governments must prioritize supply chain resilience, diversify sourcing options, invest in technology and infrastructure, and implement effective risk management strategies to ensure continued availability of critical resources and stronger supply chain systems. He warned us against falling into this same pattern of placing profit before planning as we design our project.
Science and Policy
We asked Dr. Herington why he felt that public policy and external government regulation should supplement or replace traditional approaches to risk management in research, which typically involve ethics regulations on an institutional or organizational level. He pointed out that scientists are placed under an immense pressure to produce results, publish papers, and obtain grants, and it can thus be against their personal interests to impose ethical constraints on themselves and their fellow researchers which limit what they can accomplish in the laboratory. An external incentive in the form of governmental regulation is necessary to ensure that proper safety procedures are being followed, however Dr. Herington also stressed that there must be a close collaboration and dialogue between scientists and public officials in creating these legal guidelines in order to bridge the understanding gap between them. He stated that policymakers themselves must ultimately make these value judgements, though, as they represent the public who will ultimately be affected by science and its regulations or lack thereof.
Accessible Design
Dr. Herington wrote in his article, “The Social Risks of Science” that the risks and rewards of scientific research are often unjustly distributed, with affluent countries, communities, or people of a certain race, sex, or ethnicity disproportionately reaping the benefits while marginalized groups are placed at a proportionally greater risk of harm [16]. Our team asked for Dr. Herington’s recommendations on project design elements that would transform our 3D bioprinter system into a solution to distributive injustice in terms of essential plant molecules, rather than a contributor to this issue. He replied that, in order to ensure that our project reaches those who would benefit the most from it, we should consider accessibility in our project design and implementation over profit. This may involve leaving our biosynthesis open-source, rather than placing it behind a patent wall. In addition, we should consider how much infrastructure is required for its implementation (electricity, refrigeration, sterile laboratory areas) and whether or not it exists in the areas where our technology would be most useful. Finally, he said that while our project itself should be cheap to create, we should also avoid using expensive precursors wherever possible, such as pricey bio-inks.
Risks of Our Project
When we asked Dr. Herington about the potential social risks that our project posed, he responded that biocontainment is the most commonly referenced hazard for genetic engineering experiments, however it is already well accounted for by existing policies, the iGEM competition’s safety regulations, and our hydrogel containment system. He felt that a much more serious risk imposed by our project was that of misuse, as a biosynthesis system such as ours which is designed to be cheap, open-source, and easy to use could create illicit drugs or biological weapons if placed in the wrong hands. He pointed out ricin as an example, a highly potent plant-based toxin that our project may be able to synthesize more efficiently than existing biomanufacturing techniques.
Our conversation with Dr. Herington provided many valuable takeaways for our project development and human practice initiatives. Firstly, he reminded us that because science is steeped in value judgments that greatly impact the public, we must allow public policy and the needs of our community to shape our scientific process in order to avoid harm and maximize the good we can accomplish. Constraints on our research should not be viewed as a loss, but as a means to assure the safety of our stakeholders. Secondly, in order to create a viable and long-term solution to the mounting problem of botanical shortages, we realized that we must balance issues of convenience and efficiency with those of sustainability and integration into existing supply chains as we design and market our biosynthesis system.
We also realized that, in terms of biosafety, we must research whether there are any harmful molecules whose ease or accessibility of creation will be improved by our project, such as illegal drugs or potent toxins. We should acknowledge and plan for the possibility of our project’s misuse, both through design elements and correspondence with policymakers. Specifically, Dr. Herington prompted us to consider how policy can interact with and regulate the use of biosynthesis systems such as ours to mitigate some of the safety risks associated with misuse of our project. We must ask ourselves: how can we keep our project accessible while preventing the types of misuse that Dr. Herington theorized may occur? This interview sparked the idea to research and explore how external policy and internal regulation can intersect to minimize the potential harms of our project.
Finally, based on the recommendations that Dr. Herington gave us for reaching a global user base with our project, our team made modifications to both our existing business plan and our design elements. The human practices team had initially planned to apply for a patent on our biosynthesis technology, however we weighed the financial sustainability of our project in the long-term against the barriers that a patent may pose on those who wish to replicate and refine our technology in order to supply essential medicines and other compounds to their communities. In addition, the human practices team must coordinate with our hardware team to determine the minimum infrastructure required to operate our printer, and both the financial and physical difficulties of producing our bio-inks.
Climate and Biodiversity Organizations
Team RoSynth has worked with climate and biodiversity organizations to ensure that our project is aligned with sustainable development goals, supplements current plant conservation efforts, and minimizes potential damage to ecosystems. Collaboration with these organizations has helped us to obtain guidance on responsible practices and to establish partnerships to facilitate access to resources for environmental research and development. Through these interviews, we have learned about the changing regulatory and ethical standards associated with biodiversity and climate change, which reduce legal and reputational risks while promoting responsible innovation in the area of synthetic biology.
Climate Safe Lending Network
Dr. Aaron Morehouse, Ph.D.

About Dr. Morehouse
Aaron Morehouse, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of Climate Safe Lending Network. He previously worked as the Managing Director of Brimstone Consulting Group, LLC, the Vice President of Advancement and Innovation of World Learning, and was the research advisor of Monitoring & Evaluating Climate Communication & Education (MECCE) Project, a partnership of over 100 scholars and organizations, including an Advisory Committee comprised of the IPCC, UNESCO, UNFCCC, and UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report. He is devoted to driving social and environmental progress through experiential, inclusive, culturally relevant, and internationally-focused education and training. His primary goal is to provide assistance to a diverse portfolio of projects, organizations, and companies, helping them align their teams, culture, and strategy effectively in their sustainability efforts [17].
Our Meeting
Members of the Hardware and Human Practices teams met with Dr. Morehouse over Zoom on August 4th, 2023 in order to obtain his advice on exploring current plant conservation efforts as part of our policy and practice initiative, as well as to learn how to improve curriculum design for our future educational practices.
During our meeting, Dr. Morehouse mentioned that global warming is threatening existing agricultural practices. He told us, for instance, that many companies in the Netherlands are buying farm land at higher elevations and building more greenhouses in order to better control the climate at which their plants are being grown. Dr. Morehouse said that our project has importance as another method of climate adaptation. Currently, plants are becoming extinct due to their specific geographical growing limitations and climate tolerances, which cannot evolve quickly enough to accommodate global warming and its impacts on the environment. The Lamiaceae herbs such as rosemary, lemon balm, oregano, and sage from which rosmarinic acid is derived primarily grow in Mediterranean climates. The Mediterranean climate type is characterized by hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters, and is located between 30。and 45。latitude north and south of the equator. This climate type is mainly located on the western side of each coast due to ocean currents, and is a unique ecosystem that is now being threatened by increased risk of fire.
Dr. Morehouse also placed the Human Practices team in contact with Dr. Carlos de la Rosa, the President and CEO of the Center for Plant Conservation, which is a California-based nonprofit organization invested in the seedbanking and preservation of endangered North American plants. While Dr. de la Rosa could not meet with us to interview, in our correspondence he offered us additional insights into the endangered valuable plant species that grow in mediterranean-type ecosystems worldwide and the threats that these plants face due to increasing wildfire frequency and overharvesting of plants such as sagebrush and some ornamental orchids and succulents, and asked us questions which aided us in articulating our vision for how our project could aid in solving the agricultural supply chain issues created by the climate crisis.
Dr. Morehouse is in favor of using laboratory methods to produce plant-derived chemicals without growing plants themselves in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the chemical manufacturing process and provide a more stable source of chemicals for countries that are experiencing agricultural issues and land loss due to global warming and rising sea levels. During our interview and subsequent correspondence, both he and Dr. de la Rosa offered us more information on conservation issues facing plants in similar climates to that which Salvia rosmarinus is native to. These facts that they provided helped us to better conceptualize the growing severity of the climate crisis and its impact on plants, and thus the growing importance of technological adaptations such as ours to help humanity satisfy its ever-growing need for plant compounds in the face of this crisis.
The Union for Ethical Biotrade
Maria Oliva, J.D.

About Ms. Oliva
Maria Julia Oliva is the director of Policy and Sector Transformation at the Union for Ethical Biotrade (UEBT), a non-profit organization that promotes “Sourcing with Respect” in terms of the ways that plant ingredients are grown, collected, researched, processed, and commercialized. Ms. Oliva obtained her Juris Doctorate in Environmental Law from Lewis & Clark Law School in 2002. She became the director of the project on Intellectual Property and Sustainable Management at The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) in 2002, where she engaged in legal consultation and research. Ms. Oliva went on to become a board member for the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labelling Alliance (UK), the Head of Policy for The UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), and she now serves as the Director of Policy and Sector Transformation at the Union for Ethical Biotrade [18].
Our Meeting
The intertwined conservation and entrepreneurship aspects of Team RoSynth’s project are closely related to Ms. Oliva’s work and background. The Human Practices team met with her on September 1st, 2023 over Zoom to learn how our project may interact with current plant conservation efforts, to obtain advice on implementing ethical biotrade practices into our project, to learn how we can respect the knowledge and rights of our local community as we implement our project, and to better craft the project’s policy content to address the complex bioethical concerns associated with synthetic biology research and biomanufacturing.
At a Glance
- Botanical products are important streams of revenue, but they are often associated with vulnerable landscapes. The species required for production may themselves be threatened, and these botanically-derived products are also often associated with poor and exploited communities.
- Based on trends seen in other natural flavorings, colorants, and medicinal plant compounds, synthesized chemicals such as those our project produces will likely not interfere with local agriculture practices, as we are targeting different markets from those that small-scale farmers of medicinal and aromatic plants sell to.
- Our project and other synthesis systems for botanically-derived chemicals would likely aid in conservation, and in the Union for Ethical Biotrade’s mission to preserve Earth’s biodiversity by promoting ethical trade practices.
- The burden of proof is on our team to demonstrate our project’s contribution to preserving plant diversity and helping humanity weather the effects of climate change on our supply of essential plant-based chemicals.
“Some plants are endangered in the wild. We are looking to reduce the pressure on these plants from overharvesting, and being able to produce something off-site would reduce the pressure.”
About UEBT
Issues of conservation and of preventing negative effects of mass commercial plant harvesting on communities and ecosystems have been addressed long before our project’s conception. In order to help us determine how our project would integrate with existing solutions to the unethical environmental practices of corporations and individuals, Ms. Oliva first told us more about them.
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is the international legal instrument for "the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources" that has been ratified by 196 nations [18]. The United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity outlined these principles for sustainable utilization of the world’s biodiversity to guide use of natural resources by a range of stakeholders, organizations and countries. More companies have since become interested in implementing these ideas into their supply chains.
Ms. Oliva told us that the central goal of her organization, The Union for Ethical Biotrade, is to take these biotrade principles established by the CBD and develop them into an official ethical biotrade standard. The standard lays out guidelines, a verification process for compliance, and permits use of a special label on UEBT-certified products. Companies sign up to improve their biodiversity practices and implement the standard in their operation process and overall supply chain, but they prioritize certain supply chains based on strategic importance, volumes, and risk.
The Current Market for Botanicals
Most of the companies that Ms. Oliva works with primarily focus on botanicals. They have roles in creating products such as beauty, food, fragrances, and flavors. These products are important streams of revenue, but are often associated with vulnerable landscapes. The species required for production may themselves be threatened, and these botanically-derived products are also often associated with vulnerable populations in places with high levels of poverty. Some producers fail to respect worker's rights and do not provide their employees with liveable incomes.
Ms. Oliva gave the example of sourcing vanilla from Madagascar. Many issues including ensuring fair wages and labor conditions for workers, maintaining consistent product quality, and establishing transparent supply chains can arise in this sourcing process when working with producers, and there are also biodiversity issues surrounding vanilla, such as the potential for deforestation and habitat destruction as vanilla cultivation expands, and the need for sustainable farming practices to protect local ecosystems and rare species.
The Demand for Synthetic vs. Natural Plant-Derived Products
“Would it be easier just to say stop using natural vanilla? - It depends.” In the 1800s, a German company successfully synthesized vanillin, a chemical which is the primary component of the extract of the vanilla bean. Currently, most of the world uses synthetic vanillin as a cheaper and more readily available alternative to natural vanilla extract for flavoring. But there’s still a high demand for natural vanilla extract and paste, which is the higher quality vanilla for flavoring purposes because it tastes richer, more complex, and less artificial. Ms. Oliva concluded that, based on trends such as these seen with natural flavorings, colorants, and medicinal herbs, synthesized chemicals such as those our project produces will likely not interfere with local agriculture practices, as we are targeting different markets from those that small-scale farmers of medicinal and aromatic plants sell to.
Our Project's Place in Biodiversity Preservation Efforts
Ms. Oliva commented that our project and other synthesis systems for botanically-derived chemicals would likely aid in conservation, and in the Union for Ethical Biotrade’s mission: “Some plants are endangered in the wild. We are looking to reduce the pressure on these plants from overharvesting, and being able to produce something off-site would reduce the pressure.”
She warned us, however, that the burden of proof was on us to demonstrate our product’s contribution to preserving plant diversity and helping humanity weather the effects of climate change on our supply of essential plant-based chemicals. She said that it is important for companies like this to show or to measure that they are making some positive contribution to climate change before making a product claim to this effect.
“There’s definitely a space for this…Biotech companies are not replacing substances, but they are generating new substances. What comes out of green biotechs are not exact replicas of raw plant materials, but isolated chemicals found in plants that have specific properties which are useful for incorporation into cosmetic or pharmaceutical products.”
“This is not, in any way, replacing traditional plant materials,” Ms. Oliva said of our project and the initiatives of other biotechnology companies. “In the previous example I gave, there is always a market for natural vanilla. Culinary professionals will always want to have the actual vanilla because it tastes much nicer. So your product is not replacing natural rosemary; you are complementing it.”
Her Advice for Implementation
Ms. Oliva also works with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) group to develop new synthetic biology policies, where she collaborates with a group of scientists and examines potential challenges such as the misuse and potential unexpected effects of synthetic biology. UEBT recognizes that the “green solution,” in which some European companies are developing technologies to sequester or reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses, is of interest to biotech companies, and she has attended several trade fairs in Europe where biotechnology was heavily represented. For her, the question is not whether solutions to problems of climate change and biodiversity employing synthetic biology are “good” or “bad” as ideas; she would be more interested in when and where these initiatives are being implemented and how they are being deployed.
Our project could potentially help to preserve biodiversity in areas rich in medicinal and aromatic plants, and Ms. Oliva suggested that we further qualify and develop our sustainability claims in our project marketing. According to one of her biodiversity reviews [19], we must prove that our project implements applicable United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in order to make substantiated sustainability claims. She told us that we could certainly make the connection between our project and plant conservation, and that by proving that our system can help to reduce the pressures on endangered plant species, we can make our project stronger and satisfy these criteria laid out by the UN for improving our world. There are SDGs relating to science, technology, infrastructure, ecosystems, and public health that we should aim to achieve with our project [21].
Our meeting with Maria Oliva provided us with foundational knowledge of biodiversity conservation efforts in the biotrade sphere, and of concerns raised by synthetic biology technologies such as the potential for misuse or unintended consequences, intellectual property and patenting issues that may hinder access to essential technologies, and the need for robust regulations and oversight to ensure responsible research and application, allowing us to better understand the issues we aim to tackle in our project. We learned that climate change is severely impacting biodiversity, but addressing it holds great promise for the green industries. Another important takeaway is that our project will likely not affect local medicinal and aromatic plant farmers as we are targeting different markets, and there is always a market for natural ingredients. This information reduces the severity of this ethical concern that we initially proposed. In terms of demonstrating our project’s stability, we believe that we can satisfy Ms. Oliva’s criteria and substantiate our claims by comparing the waste products, resource requirements, and environmental impacts of our synthesis system with those of standard chemical manufacturing, extraction, and bioreactor fermentation techniques.
Industrial Experts
In addition to considering the ethical, environmental, and economic impacts of our project during its design phase, we also aimed to craft the design and implementation of our project to satisfy the needs of our target industries, such as pharmaceutical companies and commercial chemical suppliers. We first sought feedback from industrial representatives whose companies were potential consumers of our biosynthesis system, and also spoke with the CEOs of two biosynthesis startups to obtain advice on entering the biomanufacturing industry, marketing ourselves to a wider range of commercial and individual clients, and competing with petrochemical manufacturers for supply contracts.
BioScene Pharmaceutical
Dr. Zaixin Chen

About Dr. Chen
Dr. Chen graduated with a Ph.D. in medicinal chemistry from the Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry in July 2000 and joined the Institute of Organic Chemistry at Aachen University of Technology in Germany as a postdoctoral researcher under the guidance of Professor Dieter Enders, engaged in the research and development of new drugs containing proline. In 2002, he joined the National Research Institute of Canada as a senior visiting scholar, engaging in the synthesis and pharmacological research of natural alkaloid analogues in multichiral centers. He returned to China in 2003 and joined Jiangsu Yabang Pharmaceutical Group to engage in the research and development of new drugs, focusing on raw materials and large-scale production processes. He has extensive experience in product development: he has published 19 research papers in domestic and foreign journals, applied for 8 patents, and 2 of his patents have been authorized. He is now the CEO of Jiangsu BioScene Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, in Jiangsu, China [23].
Our Meeting
Dr. Chen has rich industrial experience in research and development of pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates, optimization and improvement of synthesis processes, project approval, and research of new drug products. RoSynth reached out to him to get feedback about the potential market of our cutting-edge co-culture technology, and of synthetically produced rosmarinic acid. Our iGEM human practice lead Wenqi Di talked with Dr. Zaixin Chen, the CEO of Jiangsu BioScene Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., about our project over WeChat on July 14th, 2023.
Dr. Chen told us that although rosmarinic acid has strong antioxidant properties, RA cannot currently be used as a therapeutic drug. Compared to other drugs with specific indications in clinical trials, RA does not have an advantage. Compared to synthetic drugs, rosmarinic acid's effects may be less potent, and it might require high doses or specific formulations for efficacy. Additionally, its bioavailability can be poor, and it lacks the precise target specificity often required for treating complex medical conditions. Much global research regarding RA has ceased for clinical trials. However, there are some research groups who have modified the structure and specific targets of the RA to improve its therapeutic effects [24], which has thus far been promising. However, they are still at the very early stage of the clinical trials and therefore do not have any significant results yet.
Aside from clinical trials, rosmarinic acid’s supposed anti-aging and antioxidant properties have good supplemental and cosmetic applications, as this ingredient is incorporated into health and wellness products such as skin and hair-care oils. In beauty and wellness industries, these unsubstantiated claims about rosmarinic acid’s benefits can still increase the compound’s marketability. For example, there are currently bio-supplements such as the NMN products that are popular and renowned in China for their anti-aging properties. NMN stands for nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a precursor to a crucial compound known as NAD+. Studies have revealed that this molecule not only supplies the energy required for our bodily functions, growth, and maintenance but might also play a pivotal role in mitigating the aging process [25].
Dr. Chen suggested that, because RA does not have a very complicated structure, manufacturers could use chemical methods to synthesize it and obtain a very high purity. However, many of the requirements for supplements and cosmetics require the products to be natural or made by biological methods. Therefore, he believes our project could have great promise in the industrial sector using synthetic biological methods to optimize the yield of RA.
In response to the interview with Dr. Chen, our team learned more about the chemical and biological manufacturing market in China and around the globe and realized that our project may have great promise for industrial applications. We decided to emphasize our system’s production of rosmarinic acid for use in the supplement and cosmetic industries and our novel synthetic biological method in general when marketing our project to the public. Dr. Chen recommended that our possible future directions of research could include modifying the structure of RA (making changes to functional groups, altering the scaffold, modifying stereochemistry, or introducing substitutions to improve specific properties) in order to increase its chance for extra clinical applications. While we have taken Dr. Chen’s advice here into consideration, we decided to focus more on optimizing our project for versatility and customizability than on modifying our initial chemical product, so that our consumers can easily produce a range of chemicals far beyond rosmarinic acid to satisfy their varied needs.
Cayman Chemical Company
Jack Johnson

About Mr. Johnson
Jack Johnson specializes in gathering input from customer-facing teams, customer feedback, and market insights to offer recommendations for enhancing existing product lines and developing valuable new products. Mr. Johnson has a biomedical science background, and is experienced in pursuing new business opportunities with customers not currently associated with Cayman Chemical Company in his assigned territory. He also maintains relationships and handles sales responsibilities for existing domestic customers to create bulk product quotes [26].
Our Meeting
Catherine and Wenqi met with Jack Johnson, the Business Development Supervisor of Cayman Chemical Company, over Microsoft Teams on August 1st in order to refine our project hypothesis and investigate the prospective industrial applications of our 3D bioprinter. In meeting with Mr. Johnson, the Human Practices team sought to verify our assumptions about the needs and desires of our potential customer base that chemical companies value price and sustainability and identify real pains in the chemical supply industry. We believed that, by identifying and addressing these pains, we could shape our project itself as well as our marketing and scale-up strategies to better appeal to consumers.
“Although we did not sign a direct agreement with the United Nations, [Cayman Chemical Co.] does care a lot about the sustainability of the production process.”
Do Chemical Companies Care About Their Chemical Sources (Synthetic vs. Plant-Derived)?
Mr. Johnson explained that chemical companies are primarily concerned with the cost of manufacturing their chemicals. If they are able to make the chemical synthetically, they will do so unless there is a more cost-effective natural process to create it. Most of the products that Cayman sells are chemically synthesized, which can guarantee “cleaner” or more pure results. Cayman does occasionally source raw materials. Their cosmetics production team may have different needs for plant-based chemicals based on their customers’ demand for all-natural makeup and fragrances.
Chemical Sustainability
Mr. Johnson reported that Cayman has no formal statement on sustainability, but practically their company cares about preserving the biological sources of their materials. For their natural products, their investment in maintaining a sustainable supply of their raw materials is specific to what they are harvesting. Switching over from a natural product to synthetically deriving chemicals is likely to occur if raw material shortages occur or prices fluctuate. However, current methods for chemical synthesis involving synthetic biology are too expensive, time consuming, or simply do not work for the chemicals that Cayman supplies. Therefore, Cayman is not looking to use synthetic biological techniques to solve their production issues.
Comparing Yields
Mr. Johnson said that when Cayman purifies their chemical products, they run HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography) that separates the enantiomers in a given product mixture. When comparing purification techniques involving either chemistry or synthetic biology, it is a volume issue. HPLC can purify higher volumes of product than a petri dish can. Overall, Mr. Johnson told us that Cayman Chemical Co. does not deal a lot with microbial processes mainly due to cost.
Issues in Current Chemical Production Processes
If the purity of a given product is lower than what is anticipated, Cayman’s chemical manufacturers must add an additional step into the purification process. Cayman also works with proteins, both cultivating proteins synthetically and isolating them from raw source material. However, raw materials can vary in type and quality, and sources that reliably produce high-quality products can suddenly go out of business. Cayman can also evaluate and produce products from custom materials if the customer covers some of the additional cost.
What Cayman Liked About Our Project
Mr. Johnson told us that he liked our project’s sustainable idea of producing clean botanical chemicals using synthetic biology in a laboratory setting to avoid the unregulated cultivation and overharvesting practices of medicinal and aromatic plants. Also, our project overcame the geographical limitations of cultivating valuable plants. Without the geographical limitations of traditional agriculture and with the local chemical source our manufacturing method provides, it may be possible for our commercial customers to save on transportation costs and to open new industry locations, generating more economic value.
What We Can Improve
Mr. Johnson pointed out that Cayman Chemical and other large-scale chemical manufacturers will care primarily about the quantity of the chemicals that can be produced using our synthetic biology method when we transfer our product from a laboratory to an industrial setting, as well as the purity of the products that can be produced with our system.
To address this first concern, our Human Practices team worked with the Hardware and Wet lab teams as well as chemical engineering experts to develop an industrial scale-up plan for our product, and estimate the amounts of product that can be generated by our system within a certain time frame at different scales. To guarantee product quality and ease of purification for our potential customers, we will also need to assess the purity of the chemical product and intermediates produced by our hydrogel-encapsulated microbes, as well as develop cost-effective purification plans for both small and large-scale applications of our project that can be customized for the product molecule that our system is being used to produce.
Capra Biosciences
Dr. Elizabeth Onderko, Ph.D.

About Dr. Onderko
Dr. Elizabeth Onderko is the CEO and Co-Founder of Capra Biosciences, a biomanufacturing startup founded in 2020 that utilizes a unique bioreactor technology containing metabolically flexible, biofilm-forming bacteria to efficiently produce and purify complex hydrophobic products such as retinol without the need for petrochemicals (1). Dr. Onderko obtained her Ph.D. in Bioinorganic Chemistry from Penn State University in 2015, where her research focused on the catalysis of Cytochrome P450, a critical enzyme in many natural product synthesis pathways. She became a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the Naval Research Laboratory in 2017, where she invented the biofilm reactor that she then decided to commercialize together with the other Co-Founder of Capra Biosciences, Dr. Andrew Magyar [27].
Our Meeting
Team RoSynth’s Human Practices team met with Dr. Elizabeth Onderko, the CEO and Co-Founder of Capra Biosciences, on August 16th, 2023 over Zoom in order to better understand the process of founding a biosynthesis company and the marketing and product implementation strategies that companies such as hers use to compete with traditional chemical manufacturers and secure a substantial customer base. We hoped to gain inspiration for the effective design, marketing, and industrial scale-up of our own biosynthesis system if it were to be introduced as a commercial product, and thus prepare for benefitting the project and eventual commercialization.
At a Glance
- Biomanufacturing companies can either sell their products “B2C,” business-to-consumer, or “B2B,” business-to-business. Several different components of the personal care market which contain purchasers of chemicals.
- Combination of affordability and the eco-friendliness of biosynthesis can serve as an effective marketing strategy compared to traditional petrochemical methods.
- Downstream processing costs can comprise 50% of all production costs for a biosynthesis company, and these downstream processes such as isolation, purification, logistics, and the fulfillment of quality standards must be planned for well in advance of starting a business.
- Contract manufacturing organizations provide an accessible scale-up option for fermentation-based biosynthesis operations, but limited facilities can lead to production bottlenecks.
- If we wish to start a business based on our project, we must determine exactly what we are selling: chemicals produced with our hydrogel co-culture system, products produced with those chemicals, or our modified 3D bioprinter technology itself.
Capra Biosciences' Development Process
As Dr. Onderko explained the process of developing her company and finding its niche within the wider biomanufacturing market, she also gave us many important factors to consider about the ways in which we would categorize and advertise our own product to potential customers.
Dr. Onderko and her co-founder Dr. Magyar developed their biosynthesis system using biofilms while they were postdoctoral research fellows. They originally only had a working model on a laboratory bench scale, but developed the idea for their company and outsourced their industrial scale-up through a bioprocess scale-up company.
Dr. Onderko explained that biomanufacturing companies can either sell their products “B2C,” business-to-consumer, or “B2B,” business-to-business. Because a B2C sales strategy involves more marketing to the general public, Capra Biosciences chose to sell to other businesses–specifically those within the cosmetics industry. Retinol, the first commercial chemical product of Capra Biosciences, is a fat-soluble form of vitamin A that is commonly used as an ingredient in skincare products to reduce effects of skin aging [28]. Because it sells for $3000/kg [29], it was a lucrative molecule for the company to create. Dr. Onderko told us that several different components of the personal care/cosmetic market which could contain potential purchasers of chemicals:
- Brand name cosmetic companies manufacturing their own products
- 3rd party manufacturers that create generic cosmetic products and sell to brand names
- Chemical distributors that supply cosmetic brands and manufacturers
Capra Biosciences has targeted diverse customers across this range, as they are trying to obtain as many potential buyers as possible.
During our interview with Mr. Ferrer, the founder of RebX, he told us about some of the difficulties that biosynthesis companies such as his face when competing with traditional chemical manufacturers for customers, including higher costs, longer production time, and limited product volumes that can be produced using biosynthetic techniques. We asked Dr. Onderko how Capra Biosciences is addressing these concerns in their system design and marketing.
She responded that yes, “green premium” synthetic chemicals which cost more due to their sustainable manufacturing methods are a hard sell. While it is difficult to be cost-competitive with petrochemical manufacturers, it is also necessary, as any customer’s primary concern when purchasing chemicals is going to be price. She did tell us that sustainability paired with price-competitiveness can be a useful marketing tool for biosynthetically produced chemicals. In the personal care market especially, there is a lot of focus on the branding of products. Companies want to be able to market their products as “all-natural,” and biosynthetically derived chemicals can offer corporate customers this natural or petroleum-free label for their beauty products.
In terms of production quantity, Dr. Onderko told us that the quantity of product that can be produced using biosynthetic techniques depends on the exact production strategy used, but that biosynthesis companies must market themselves to customers who require product amounts that they can feasibly create. Dr. Onderko and her business partner encountered this issue with Capra Biosciences. When first devising their business plan, they were initially interested in creating lubricants for the aerospace industry using their system due to the high value and demand for these types of chemicals, however limitations on the volume of product that their biosynthesis system could create led them to instead market themselves as a business-to-business cosmetic chemical supplier.
In addition to sales and marketing, Dr. Onderko also pointed out many other factors that must be considered when founding a biosynthesis company, such as chemical analysis, purification, and logistics, the downstream costs associated with these processes which can comprise up to 50% of total production costs and the fulfillment of legal product purity standards. Dr. Onderko advised that we begin to think about these production and marketing details now in our entrepreneurship plans, as many startups neglect to plan ahead in these areas and suffer down the line because of it.
Industrial Scale-Up
We asked Dr. Onderko what the typical industrial scale-up process looks like for biosynthesis systems like the one developed by Capra Biosciences. She told us that conventional fermentation bioreactor scale-up is often done using CMOs (contract manufacturing organizations), large-scale facilities with huge fermenters that biosynthesis companies can essentially rent out for their individual use and modification. While this scale-up strategy is fairly accessible, Dr. Onderko also told us that CMOs are in short supply and that their demand is increasing as biosynthesis becomes a more established form of chemical manufacturing. There are often long wait times involved in contracting these facilities, and they can be costly to build out to an individual company’s specifications. A company with its own biosynthesis platform can avoid this CMO bottleneck, however it must take on the additional cost and effort of building and scaling its unique technology.
In Capra Bioscience’s own scale-up process, Dr. Onderko told us that her company faced challenges when determining how to sterilize their system and media without the use of an autoclave, and that it is difficult to find experts in such a niche field as bioreactor scale-up. She suggested that we consult with bioprocess scale-up contractors or synthetic biology experts directly, as the chemical engineers at the University of Rochester whom we mentioned we had an interest in contacting likely would not have biology experience and work mostly with petrochemicals.
Advice for Our Project
Dr. Onderko also gave us advice related to the potential commercialization of our project. Firstly, she pointed out that if we are planning to start a business, we need to determine what exactly we are selling. For us, this could be chemicals produced with our hydrogel co-culture system, products produced from those chemicals, or our modified 3D bioprinter technology itself. The market for our product and our business plan itself will obviously differ greatly depending on what facet of our project we plan to sell. If we are selling a chemical production platform, Dr. Onderko pointed out that we will also need to develop corresponding software, user interface, and tech support services in order to attract and maintain customers. Regardless of the product we are selling, we will need to establish the competitive advantage of our technology over existing products, which involves both identifying and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of our product’s would-be competitors. For more assistance on our entrepreneurship journey, Dr. Onderko recommended that we look into the Innovation Corps (I-Corp) program run through the National Science Foundation, a seven-week long intensive entrepreneurial training program that guides scientists and engineers through the process of commercializing their inventions [31].
Our interview with Dr. Onderko gave us many considerations to take into account as we create a business plan and begin to envision our project as a commercial endeavor. While creating a cosmetic product using the rosmarinic acid purified from our biosynthesis system would likely require more time and expense than we have available to us, marketing either our rosmarinic acid or our printer itself as a product is highly feasible. Based on which one of these potential items we select as the basis for a business, our market analysis, sales plan, advertising strategies, and existing competitors will change dramatically. If we orient our entrepreneurship plan around selling our modified 3D printer or individual printer parts, we must make our hardware design as intuitive as possible via user testing, and design official guides, software, and help tools to assist customers with their use. These are luckily already important facets of our 3D bioprinter, however we would need to expedite their creation if we wish to show this product to potential investors and obtain their feedback.
If we instead choose to create a chemical manufacturing business plan, we must devote a great deal of thought and research to our post-production processes, and our Human Practices team should coordinate with our Wet Lab team to determine the most efficient and cost-effective ways to purify rosmarinic acid from the media in which our hydrogels are submersed. Most importantly, we must extensively research commercial-scale biosynthesis techniques to devise an industrial scale-up plan, and consult with experts working with industrial bioreactors in this plan’s refinement. Could we design a hydrogel co-culture system that is compatible with existing contract manufacturing organization facilities? Should we instead design an entirely new platform for these large-scale hydrogels to avoid the CMO bottleneck that Dr. Onderko mentioned? Our interview with Dr. Onderko has allowed us to identify several next steps to pursue as we begin to develop an entrepreneurship plan.
Hardware Experts
The next step in our project development was extensive consultation with hardware experts in order to improve the design and user interface of our 3D bioprinter system in light of our small and large-scale commercial goals and the values–ethical, economical, and environmental–of our stakeholders. Our Hardware and Policy and Practice teams partnered together to work with these experts on our printer modifications, and almost every single aspect of our final hardware design, from our 3D-printed bioprinter adaptor components to our Bioink selection process and our printer’s target Bioink printing patterns as written into our G-code, was overhauled and influenced as a result of their feedback.
Dr. Alshakim Nelson, Ph.D., and LeAnn Lee
The University of Washington

About Dr. Nelson
Dr. Alshakim Nelson received his PhD in organic chemistry from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2004, and then became an NIH postdoctoral fellow at the California Institute of Technology. He joined the IBM Almaden Research Center as a research staff member in 2005, and in 2015 he became a professor at the University of Washington. His research focuses on the synthesis, characterization, and processing of stimuli-responsive and biohybrid materials for additive manufacturing (3D-Printing)43. His laboratory manipulates the viscoelastic properties of polymers by altering their macromolecular architecture and composition, and develops new materials for additive manufacturing with applications in the life sciences. Dr. Nelson was the project leader on the 2020 paper, “Compartmentalized microbes and co-cultures in hydrogels for on-demand bioproduction and preservation [30],” which inspired our team to utilize a similar hydrogel compartmentalized co-culture technique as part of our our multi-organism, metabolically distributed biosynthesis system.
Our Meeting
The Hardware and Policy and Practice teams organized a virtual meeting with Dr. Alshakim Nelson, a professor of polymer and organic chemistry at the University of Washington, on Friday, July 21st. We were joined by his Ph.D. student, LeAnn Le. As Dr. Nelson’s laboratory has successfully optimized cell-laden hydrogels for use in bioprinting and has actively printed lattice structures with these gels in which cells remained viable for extended periods; our hardware team sought advice from him on several aspects of our hydrogel and printer design process. From our conversation, they hoped to identify assays to quantify the mechanical properties of hydrogels, find 3D structures that are both possible to print utilizing hydrogel as ink and maximize gel surface area, and learn g-coding techniques to independently operate an additional channel on an originally single-channel printer.
“There could be a lot of value in multi-channel bioprinting, especially if it's affordable to many users."
- Dr. Nelson suggested using rheology to find the shear modulus of the bioink.
- He warned us to watch out for early crosslinking of the cell-laden gels; there might be oxidative stress between the printing cells as they are not in their native conditions.
- We must test multiple times to adjust the structure we wish to print.
- We must individually name the extrusion heads and syringe tips in our G-code.
- Extruder functionality is the priority when writing our code.
- Dr. Nelson mentioned that his lab uses a Hyrel printer, and the ability of our Ender printer to remain stable and print the bioinks smoothly is a concern.
- He advised us to keep the printer design as simple as possible so that it is easy to fix when debugging.
Issues to Tackle
- Dr. Nelson told us that current issues around 3D bioprinting involve accessibility due to high costs, and a lack of innovation into multi-material continuous printing. He advised that making our printer low-cost (around $500) would be ideal as it would make our project accessible for average labs.
- He also told us that we must control the viscosity of the bioink and make sure that our flow rate is not interrupted and chunky.
Through this interview, we obtained valuable advice on refining many of our 3D bioprinting techniques. For example, when developing G-code, we need to ensure precision, accuracy, and biocompatibility, which are essential for controlling the motion of the printer and the deposition of high spatial resolution bioinks, minimizing errors, and ensuring smooth printing. Biocompatibility is critical to ensure that the chosen materials and printing process do not compromise the viability and functionality of the bacteria and yeast being printed. Furthermore, optimizing the printed structure is crucial to achieve the desired bioprinting results while minimizing the risk of cell damage or material deformation.
Dr. Nelson was impressed by our customizable dual-channel 3D bioprinter idea. He highlighted the challenges and considerations related to G code programming for 3D printing, emphasizing the importance of testing to ensure the desired structure. He mentioned the need for extrusions heads to have different names from syringe tips in the G code for dual-channel printers. He emphasized that we should focus on simplicity and the effectiveness of the bioink we planned to print. Based on this interview, we decided to focus on making our technology low-cost, address the accessibility issues of multi material printing, and emphasize sustainability. Based on his feedback, we engaged in literature research, modeling and experimental testing for the optimal shape of the bioinks, and experimented with different shapes for printing. We realized that research labs could also be one of our project’s potential customers even on its current scale, as the ability to easily and cheaply modify a standard 3D-printer into a dual-channel bioprinter could be useful for laboratories looking to shape and refine the material properties of all manner of biomaterials (tissue, collagen, etc), as well as for laboratories looking to produce rare or expensive chemicals for research purposes, or to examine the biosynthetic capabilities of their own engineered organisms in many environments and relative concentrations. We have attempted to use minimal and inexpensive materials in our printer development to ensure the price of our overall design is accessible for average laboratories who wish to purchase our 3D bioprinting system for use in their own research.
Dr. Mark R. Buckley, Ph.D., and Kevin Ling
University of Rochester

About Dr. Buckley and Mr. Ling
In 2010, Mark Buckley completed his Ph.D. in physics at Cornell University. Following that, he served as a postdoctoral fellow under Dr. Louis Soslowsky at the University of Pennsylvania from 2010 to 2012. In January of 2013, he became a faculty member in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rochester. Throughout his career, Dr. Buckley has co-authored 16 publications covering diverse topics, ranging from three-dimensional tracking of swimming bacteria to investigating the mechanical properties of cartilage under shear loading. Currently, Dr. Buckley's primary focus is on "viscoelastic" soft biological tissues, such as cartilage and tendon, which display both fluid- and solid-like mechanical characteristics. His research revolves around exploring ways to control and leverage these complex properties to diagnose damage and disease, guide rehabilitation protocols, and assess treatment and repair strategies for these tissues [31].
Kevin Ling is a Ph.D. student in the Benoit Lab in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rochester. Mr. Ling’s research places a strong emphasis on the precise manipulation of biomaterial functionality and structure. He is exploring synthetic hydrogels with adjustable degradation and mechanical properties, intending to create a synthetic extracellular matrix that can effectively culture and deliver cells for regenerative medicine approaches. He is also working with polymers developed through reversible-addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerization (RAFT), a controlled, living polymerization method specifically designed for drug delivery applications [32].
Our Meeting
After selecting the types of hydrogel we would be testing for use in our 3D bio-printer, we met with several experts to ask for their recommendations of tests that we could use to investigate different properties of the hydrogels we may print with, especially the permeability and Young’s modulus of the printing materials. As part of this research process, Wenqi Di, Elizabeth Martin, and Allie Tay met Dr. Mark R. Buckley and Ph.D. Student Kevin Ling on July 24th, 2023 in Dr. Danielle Benoit’s lab in Goergen Hall, located in the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Rochester.
At a Glance
Dr. Buckley and Mr. Ling proposed several tests could be conducted in our hydrogel selection process:
- Swelling ratio [33], which is the the difference between the initial weight of the dry gel and the weight of the fully swollen gel divided by the initial weight of the gel. This value is then used to calculate mesh size.
- Mass of hydrogels before and after polymerization.
- Comprehensive Materials Testing System (MTS) for testing the mechanical properties of the material such as Young’s modulus and ultimate tensile strength.
Dr. Buckley also recommended hydrogel rheology to better understand the material properties of our gels, and suggested some experts to further reach out to and set up rheometry training sessions.
Dr. Buckley is experienced in the mechanical testing of biomaterials. He suggested that we determine the swelling ratio of the hydrogels we are considering and use this data to calculate the mesh size of each gel. He illustrated the importance of using these tests to determine the Young’s modulus and permeability of the hydrogels. After finding each gel’s modulus and permeability, he explained that we can then calculate the pore size and examine which hydrogel will be the best fit for our customized 3D bioprinting material. Dr. Buckley predicted that it would be very useful for us to use a rheometer to monitor gel formation and measure gel strength, as well as to learn and compile polymerization methods for each gel we are testing and further characterize them in order to find the gel which best suits our bioprinter by doing cell viability tests.
After listening to Dr. Buckley’s advice, the team decided to add additional testing cycles to our hardware module and to do rheometric analysis as one of our material properties tests, which led us to arrange subsequent meetings with biomaterial testing experts Kevin Ling and Ming Yang in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rochester Medical Center.
The meeting with Dr. Buckley and Kevin provided us with a substantial amount of background information, enabling us to better understand and contextualize the issues we aim to tackle in our project. Finally, an entire new problem came into our minds as a result of this consultation: what kind of tests should we use to better understand the fidelity and printability of our bioinks? At this stage, we were unsure about how to address this problem. We decided to reach out to Ming Yang, a Ph. D. student in Dr. Awad’s lab, for more suggestions and advice, as his research focuses on using rheometry to investigate the properties of 3D biomaterials.
Mr. Ming Yan
University of Rochester

About Mr. Yan
Ming Yan is an international biomedical engineering Ph.D. student with expertise in 3D bioprinting, biomaterials, and tissue engineering. He has 10+ years of experience in in vitro and in vivo laboratory research. He graduated with a Master’s Degree from Northwestern University and conducted research under Dr. Ramille Shah on how 3D printable Peptide Amphiphile (PA) bioink and decellular Extracellular Matrix (dECM) influences the behavior of cholangiocytes. He also has a patent for a viscous liquid environment moving machine and has been published in many core biomaterials journals. Currently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. working under Dr. Hani Awad on 3D-printable PCL Scaffolds Containing Carboxymethyl Chitosan-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (CMC/ACP) nanoparticles for enhancing osteoimmunomodulation in bone repair.
Our Meeting
On July 25th, 2023, the RoSynth Hardware Team met with Ming Yan in the iGEM Lab to discuss our printer design and material selection. Dr. Buckley suggested that we reach out to Mr. Yan as an expert consultant on 3D printing for biomaterials. The team sought his advice on preparing the bioinks for the printer. We wanted to know what tests he would suggest we conduct in order to determine which types of bioinks would function best in our 3D bioprinter among alginate, chitosan, collagen, GelMA, and Pluronic F127. We also wished to enhance the user experience of our printer, and hear whether he believed that our printer needles would work with the bioinks we were testing.
Mr. Yan described the different properties of the five bioinks we chose. He mentioned that alginate is not shear thinning. For collagen, he suggested that we could place a luer lock into our syringe and mix the hydrogel between syringes. He told us that alginate is very soft and will gel at 37 °C, and liquifies at 4 °C. Chitosan must be made in low-pH conditions. GelMA gels at 4 °C and liquefies at 37 °C. Mr. Yan also mentioned that we do not need to test the pore size of the bioink, as most microbes are not small enough to escape the bioink pores.
Mr. Yan mentored us on improving our gel printability and fidelity, making sure we could print the bioinks smoothly and that our yeast and E. coli cells would not die during printing. He stated that the needles of 3D printers can only print very soft materials and are easy to clog. He said that needles should work for our printing system, but that we must ensure our bioink stays in liquid form as it is being printed. He mentioned that GelMA solidifies at a different temperature than other bioinks, and this will affect its rheology results. Furthermore, he suggested that it is not necessary to investigate the pore size of the hydrogel, as this property does not generally affect microbe growth as the pore size was already large enough for the microbes to get through. Forgoing this aspect of gel characterization will allow us to focus on other important tests as we develop our final 3D printer design.
Mr. Yan introduced us to the many variables involved in 3D bioprinting technology. Our printer design and bioink protocols have been heavily influenced by our conversation in-person with him, and we stayed connected with him and sought his guidance for our 3D printer. He also supplied us with some of his synthesized GelMA to test for compatibility with our printer.
Jim Alkins
University of Rochester

About Mr. Alkins
Jim Alkins began his career in the US Navy directly out of high school, where he served for four years aboard the USS Virginia and was responsible for maintaining the ship’s electrical systems. Upon returning from service, he began a 33-year-long career at Eastman Kodak Co., where he managed one of the company’s prototyping machine shops. Because much of this work involved experimentation, his name is listed on 12 Kodak patents. In 2015, Alkins became a member of the University of Rochester faculty. Over the past seven years, as a senior laboratory engineer and manager of the Fabrication Shop, he has provided mentorship to numerous students, spanning all levels of expertise and skills [34].
Our Meeting
On July 24th, Wenqi Di, Elizabeth Martin, and Allie Tay met with James Alkins, the manager of the Ronald Rettner Hall Fabrication Shop at the University of Rochester. We sent our computer-aided design (CAD) to James prior to meeting with him, and hoped to receive feedback from him on the viability of our current printer part designs and on any modifications that would be required in order to 3D print the models.
We learned that there is a larger tolerance needed on the CAD models, instead of the models being line to line because the parts need clearance. Additionally, we learned that some of the parts we wanted required too much filament to 3D print, and machining these parts would be an equally accurate, but more cost-effective solution if their designs were slightly changed. Based on Mr. Alkins’ feedback, the base design of the printer was redesigned to incorporate aluminum channels, a plastic block as the syringe height offset, and a CNC polycarbonate base in order to secure all parts in the correct dimensions. Additionally, the offset tool in Onshape, a computer-aided design software system that helps CADing parts from the software for 3D printing [35], was used to create larger spaces between parts that need to come in contact, so they can interact correctly. Other parts, like holes, were also changed to give clearance.
Marketing and Strategic Planning
After seeking advice from experts in different fields to guide the development of our project's wet lab and hardware components, we began speaking with business experts to learn how to introduce our product to the market, and plan for the possibility of founding a startup business based on our project.
Ain Center for Entrepreneurship
Erin Sefca and Heidi Mergenthaler

RoSynth organized the workshop and invited guest speakers of the Ain Center: Erin Sefca, the Program Manager for the Ain Center, and Heidi Mergenthaler, the Senior Program Manager, and Emma Derisi, Academic Counselor and Coordinator for Undergraduate Global Initiatives at the University of Rochester. We worked with them on practicing defining our project’s value proposition, developing a business model canvas and learning how to conduct effective customer discovery.
Our Meeting
The iGEM Rochester 2023 Team met with guest speakers from the University of Rochester’s Ain Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation for recurring workshops to learn the basics of the entrepreneurial process and develop our entrepreneurship plan. Events took place at the University of Rochester River Campus on July 18th, 2023, July 26th, 2023, and July 31st, 2023.
“You must show how your project fixes a pain for your customers.”
In Context
Meeting with the Ain Center was part of our initial planning process for the launching of our product into the biosynthesis market. In a series of entrepreneurial workshops, the Ain Center staff taught us how to ask open-ended questions during interviews with potential beneficiaries or investors of our project in order to receive the most information from them, as well as how to identify potential customers for our biosynthesis system using a customer discovery session. We then focused on developing a value chain for medical and aromatic plant compounds to identify pains and shortcomings which our product could address, and transitioned to conducting customer discovery interviews with representatives from industries who would be utilizing our product, and to conducting end-user testing. We created customized marketing and business plans for our project based on iGEM’s entrepreneurship framework with the guidance of the Ain Center team.
What is a Value Proposition?
A value proposition is a specially crafted statement which conveys the value and uniqueness of a product or service by succinctly describing what the product or service does, who it is for, and what specific pain points it is fixing for this audience. A strong value proposition can help with customer acquisition and retention [52].
During our first workshop, we studied value propositions from companies like Airbnb and Vimeo and brainstormed a simple and precise value proposition for our product based on these inspirations. During our second workshop, we refined our previous wording: we decided to change “parallel culture biosynthesis system” to “optimized 3D bioprinter” to further reduce the use of scientific jargon in our statement, which might cause confusion for people without a science background. We added a better description of our project and its uniqueness into our value proposition to make it more appealing to the public.
What is a Business Model Canvas?
The business model canvas is widely used in the entrepreneurial field and it helps organize the the key components of the business model including customer segments, distribution channels, resources required to develop the business, the key processes and activities required to deliver the value propostion, external organzations that the company engages with to enhance the development process, different revenue steams of the project, and pricing of the entire research and development process including variable costs and fixed costs [36].

What is Customer Discovery?
Customer discovery is the process of discovering potential customers for our product, networking with them via different social media outlets and email, and arranging structured conversations with them to obtain their feedback on our project and refine our ideas to better address their specific pains. This process is important because the problems that customers are actually experiencing and seeking fixes for may be different from those that we hypothesize before building the actual product, therefore listening to and acting based on their viewpoints rather than simply making assumptions about their needs can help us reshape our project to be more appealing to them, leading our team’s research in the correct direction and saving us both money and effort. As we worked with the Ain Center on this process, we devised open-ended questions to use when talking to industrial representatives from Cayman Chemical and in order to get a better idea of the prevailing trends in the chemical manufacturing industry and uncover other important information, such as more possible applications for our project.

RebX Biotech
Rodrigo Ferrer

About Mr. Ferrer
Rodrigo Ferrer is a Spanish biotechnologist who graduated from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, and the CEO and Co-founder of RebX. RebX is an early-stage biomanufacturing startup that focuses on providing sustainable chemical ingredients using synthetic biology. Currently, Mr. Ferrer’s team is developing genetically engineered fungal strains and refining the fermentation process for the production of 35+ chemicals which are commonly used in flavorings and fragrances [41].
Our Meeting
Team RoSynth met with Rodrigo Ferrer over Google Conference on August 2nd. During this meeting, Mr. Ferrer offered us constructive feedback on our entrepreneurship plan thus far and advice for further development and presentation of our entrepreneurship efforts before the iGEM judges in November.
Do Chemical Companies Care about the Origins of their Chemicals?
“Chemicals” is a very large category, but the chemical products that RebX is creating will target the personal care market, which includes fragrance and cosmetic manufacturers, cosmetic chemical distributors, and brand-name cosmetic companies. Mr. Ferrer told us that, in researching the needs of companies within these industries, they tend to care about two things with regards to the chemicals they source: replacing petrochemicals in the chemical manufacturing process for sustainability and consumer preference reasons, and finding a reliable and cheap supply of chemicals with which to create their products.
What is the Federal Approval Process for Selling Biomanufactured Chemicals?
Fragrances have some government regulation, but their ingredients do not require FDA approval, which is why RebX is targeting this market. Mr. Ferrer told us that food production and agriculture are highly regulated processes, however, and that obtaining legal approval to sell synthesized chemicals for specific purposes is a major hurdle that biosynthesis companies face. He also said that if our system is being used to make a product that has already been produced with traditional chemical manufacturing or extraction techniques, it would be an easier approval process for us as we can validate our product’s quality with standard chemical analysis techniques. Pharmaceutical compounds still require approval, but not from the FDA. The approval process becomes more rigorous if our system is being used to produce a novel drug.
Could Our Project Displace Farmers?
In terms of marketing to fragrance and cosmetics companies, Mr. Ferrer said that these companies would not generally care about any negative impacts of our project on agriculture or farmers unless they are also sourcing raw materials from them. Mr. Ferrer’s opinion on the general ethical implications of our project was that technology always disrupts existing systems, but there are still many kinds of work for farmers even if they are no longer growing medicinal and aromatic plants. They can always make a profit growing essential food crops and spices, for instance. Our project would allow for less land to be used for agriculture, which could be beneficial if that land instead went towards housing or preserving ecosystems. Mr. Ferrer also pointed out that prices of land used for housing developments are much higher than land sold for farming, so farmers can sell uncultivated land for housing and make a profit.
The Human Practices team noted that his opinion is somewhat controversial, as poor rural farmers often rely on their land to produce vital crops for themselves and their communities, and cannot simply sell their land for profit like Mr. Ferrer is suggesting. Nevertheless, his general sentiment–that the business of MAP farmers would not be significantly affected by biosynthesis systems such as ours–is one that was echoed both by the farmers that we spoke to and by biotrade experts.
Is There Business Potential in the Chemical Manufacturing Industry?
Mr. Ferrer told us that utilizing synthetic biology for chemical manufacturing is expensive, which is why SynBio manufacturers such as his company tend to target the fragrance and cosmetic industry or produce rare and in-demand pharmaceuticals that these markets have higher markups on the price of the products than does food or fuel. He does believe that commercial demand exists for biosynthetically produced chemicals, however. Even for large-scale chemical distributors, the price fluctuations of raw materials and the chemicals produced from them can pose an important problem to their business, and can be as critical of an issue as ingredient scarcity and supply chain issues. Biosynthetic techniques can solve this cost fluctuation issue where extraction and chemical synthesis cannot, as biosynthesis is neither reliant on unstable medicinal and aromatic plant markets, nor on the constantly shifting petroleum market. Generally, Mr. Ferrer advised that there is business potential for our product in the chemical manufacturing and supply industry so long as our product addresses a pain that companies in this sphere experience and is priced competitively when compared to existing manufacturing techniques.
What Did You Wish You Knew Before Starting a Business?
Mr. Ferrer offered two pieces of advice for us. Firstly, he told us that we should plan simple and cheap “short loop” experiments to demonstrate to investors that our microbes can make our desired compound, such as cytotoxicity tests. Secondly, he told us to talk to many people throughout our project development and improve our product before it is even introduced to the world.
What Market Research Did You Conduct During Business Development?
Mr. Ferrer told us that the RebX staff never conducted market research themselves, but instead examined existing market reports to understand the current market for biosynthetically sourced chemicals and its growth trends. He suggested that we do the same, and added that we can write to large associations of biomanufacturing companies to ask for statistics if data is not readily available online. He also said we should keep in mind that, in terms of current chemical manufacturing prices, many manufacturers list much higher small-scale prices than those they actually sell for on a long-term, constant supply basis to corporate buyers.
How Did RebX Market Itself?
According to Mr. Ferrer, the RebX team marketed their products to investors based on competitive pricing, as their biosynthesis system allowed for their products to be sold for less than petrochemical derived alternatives. As they consulted with investors, they simply asked what these cosmetic manufacturing companies paid for their chemical ingredients, how much they wanted to pay for their chemicals, and whether they experienced issues with cost fluctuation of their ingredients as purchased from their current suppliers. Our team observed that, on their website, RebX also markets their ingredients based on their natural, non-petrochemical sourcing.
Did RebX Have a Full Business Plan When They Won the iGEM Startup Competition?
Mr. Ferrer explained that his startup won first place in the startup showcase at the 2022 iGEM Grand Jamboree, and that this contest mainly involved pitching their company to potential investors. He said that his team had a “roadmap,” for their business development when initially advertising themselves to potential customers during this competition, but not a highly developed plan for large-scale implementation.
Advice for Our Project
Mr. Ferrer said that, when he competed in the startup showcase last year, he noticed that many startup teams lost points with the judges because they did not propose a detailed implementation strategy for their product. If we want to be judged favorably in entrepreneurship, he suggested that we have a long-term implementation plan for our product ready before the competition.
Mr. Ferrer stated that, because rosmarinic acid has no clinically proven therapeutic benefits, we should not attempt to market our current product to pharmaceutical companies. If we want to enter the pharmaceutical market or prove to investors that our biomanufacturing system can be used to make drugs and drug precursors, we should first identify pharmaceutical compounds that share a similar chemical pathway with rosmarinic acid and that our current system can easily be modified to produce.
Mr. Ferrer said that it is okay if our project itself focuses on a small-scale system and a specific product molecule, as many iGEM teams adopt a narrow focus for their projects due to the short time frame of the competition. For our final presentation, however, we should provide ideas for an industrial scale-up of our system and what resources and facilities would be required to scale our project. He suggested that we consult with chemical engineers to aid us in developing this plan, as he himself is attempting to recruit chemical engineers to his own company in order to refine his system design.
From this interview, we learned that we should avoid positioning rosmarinic acid as a drug in our marketing due to its lack of proven efficacy in a pharmaceutical context, and instead explore more commercially promising opportunities for marketing rosmarinic acid, such as its uses in fragrances and hair/skin-care products. If we decide to attempt to sell our product to pharmaceutical companies, we should emphasize the exploration of high-value molecules that can be created using our biosynthesis system, and present our molecule as a proof of concept. We should use some of the resources that Dr. Ferrer suggested to identify molecules with similar synthesis pathways to rosmarinic acid that can generate more revenue. Our Human Practices team must prepare a strong proposed implementation for our product and format our product pitch based on Mr. Ferrer’s feedback. The team will stay connected with Mr. Ferrer and possibly prepare a mock presentation for him before traveling to Paris.
Code Blue Consulting
Bill Saltzstein

About Mr. Saltzstein
Mr. Saltzstein is the founder of Code Blue Consulting, which offers consultancy services in the realms of technology, business advancement, and marketing, and has catered to wireless and medical device clients and partners since 200051. He has over 40 years of experience in research and development, specifications, architectural and design stages, all the way to execution, testing, and the attainment of regulatory endorsements with various business experiences in biomedical fields. He worked for Medtronic Physio Control as the Director of Advanced Development, and went on to found Code Blue Communications, Inc. and Cocoanut Manor, LLC, which led the Sales and Marketing efforts in North America. He also serves as the Global Business Development Manager for ConnectBlue's medical and healthcare divisions [40].
Our Meeting
The Human Practice team lead met with Mr. Saltzstein on August 17th, 2023 over Zoom to discuss the first draft of our project’s business plan and hopefully receive feedback from him on improving our existing business strategies. During this interview, Wenqi came to know that Mr. Saltzstein is also a fan of 3D printing and has a 3D printer at home, so she also asked him about the different printer functions he values when using his 3D printer in order to improve our team’s existing hardware design.
“Combine sustainability with something economical.”
Focusing on a Proof-of-Concept
During our previous interviews, we realized that chemical suppliers and cosmetic companies mainly value large quantities and low prices in their chemicals, whereas that chemicals for pharma need to have clinically proven efficacy, which can be a hurdle for some chemicals like rosmarinic acid. Our rosmarinic acid product is better suited for cosmetic and nutraceutical companies than for use in pharmaceuticals. We have considered marketing our biosynthesis system based on its potential to produce compounds with greater medicinal value than our proof-of-concept molecule, however Mr. Saltzstein advised that, though different companies have different value equations, we should focus on one path to prove that our system is viable. We should show higher regulatory firms the right vision first by proofing our concept as an early stage project.
Combining Sustainability with Cost-Effectiveness
Mr. Salzstein told the team that, from his previous experience, our extensive consideration of the environmental and social impacts of our project is strong as our method does not require a lot of transportation and does not have issues with worker rights for traditional agriculture practices for chemical extraction, but economic value is still of tantamount importance for customers when making their purchasing decisions. Customers always prefer economical products. An economical product with sustainable values is definitely better, but not the reverse. This meeting has inspired the team to brainstorming our project implementation and specifically our scale-up plan, since our 3D printing method is useful on a small scale as it is highly customizable and it does not satisfy these potential customers' needs.
3D-Printer Home User Feedback
As a home 3D printer user, Mr. Saltzstein suggested that we make our printing material more affordable to increase its accessibility to the average user. Whenever there is an issue with his printer, Mr. Saltzstein will find the solution online, print the parts he needs, and add them to his printer to fix the problem. He suggested that we create a teleservice (B2C model) for our printer so that whenever our users experience an issue, we have a customer service team available to find solutions remotely for them.
Business Plan Feedback
Mr. Saltzstein has created many business plans throughout the course of his career, and he has also helped to review many external business plans. After looking at our proposed plan, he recommended that we should include our interdisciplinary team backgrounds on the business plan. We should also address our intellectual property ownership and any commitments that company has to the University, and we should check the standard University of Rochester’s Technology Transfer Agreement. He suggested that some portions of the administration work should initially be outsourced because in its beginning phase, our company will not have the full-time employees necessary for a startup. He suggested that we should consult with regulatory agencies like the FDA when necessary and think internationally, not just about business opportunities in the US.
Intellectual Property
As the final step in our process of optimizing our project for use as a commercial biosynthesis system, the Human Practices team explored the process of securing the intellectual property rights to the hardware components that we designed to transform a standard 3D printer into a dual-channel bioprinter. While in practice our project is open intellectual property that is licensed through Creative Commons and so can be used freely, securing intellectual property (IP) rights is a crucial first step in any real-world business venture, and one that we believed our team should plan for at least in theory to establish a well-rounded business and implementation plan.
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Dr. Shalini Sitaraman Menezes, Ph.D.

About Dr. Menezes
Dr. Shalini Sitaraman Menezes is the founder and director of Patented.Network, the founding member of Menezes Gaonkar & Associates, and a patent agent from the Patent Office of India. She is also a consultant of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) [57]. Patented.Network offers customers end-to-end patent services from Mumbai, India to the United States. Dr. Menezes graduated with dual master degrees both in Physics and Law (LLM, Banking, Corporate, Finance, and Securities Law). After working for several years on Intellectual Property law, in 2023 she obtained her Ph.D. in Finance from Goa University studying the valuation of patents.
Our Meeting
As part of our Entrepreneurship initiative, Team RoSynth’s Human Practices team met with Dr. Menezes on August 28th over Zoom to discuss the process of obtaining and perhaps licensing or selling a U.S. utility patent for the hardware components that our team is developing to transform a regular 3D printer into a dual-channel bioprinter. We knew that we could not directly implement Dr. Menezes’ patenting advice for our current hardware components, but many startup businesses have originated from iGEM teams. With enough improvement and development of our bioprinter system following the competition’s conclusion, filing for a utility patent could still be a future possibility for us.
“Whether you keep or sell your patent depends on your appetite for risk”
After conducting some independent research on U.S. patents using the United States Patent and Trademark Office website and perusing the website of Patented.Network to discover more about Dr. Menezes’ business, we compiled questions asking for clarification on specific steps of the patent application process, and on patent evaluation and sales. Dr. Menezes offered us useful background information on patents and their requirements, and described the factors that our team should consider when choosing which patent to apply for and whether to keep, license, or sell our patent for use and development by another entity. Some of her most important points are detailed below.
- If we believe that we can secure the funds and machinery, chemicals, and biological resources required to run a biosynthesis business, we should keep the patent that we obtain and use it to create a startup. If not, we can also sell or license a patent to gain capital without the extensive financial, temporal, and labor commitment of running a business.
- A usage license is the equivalent of “renting” the use of IP from the original owner in exchange for periodic payments, and allows both you and the licensee(s) to work simultaneously on the invention. By contrast, patent acquisition is a one-time purchase which buys exclusive use of your IP by another entity.
- Evaluating the worth of a patent for sale and licensing is a complex and non-objective process which differs depending on how far along in development an invention is, and whether it has already been commercialized.
- Patents do not extend past the country in which they are obtained, and there is no international patent authority. If we wish to conduct business in multiple countries, we must apply for a separate patent in each country and abide by each nation’s application requirements and IP laws.
- To patent an invention, it must be proven “not obvious” by an expert in the field: it must be deemed a step above the prior art and landscaping of its field in terms of its innovation, though this determination process is not codified and is thus subjective to the examiner.
- If we encounter any depictions of similar technology to our invention in the scientific and technological spheres or in popular media (“prior art and landscaping”) during our patent application planning, we must extensively re-design our products to avoid overlap with existing IP. However, this only holds if the other technology is already patented. Also, US is now a first-to-file country, which means that the team does not need to be the first to invent something to hold a patent on it.
- A provisional patent application is a good choice for securing an invention that is not yet fully fleshed out: while it does not legally protect your IP rights, it is a cheaper and less labor-intensive process than the full application which reserves a 12-month window to file for a nonprovisional patent, and creates official documentation for your invention which can provide a basis for legal challenge to others who attempt to secure the same invention as their IP after your provisional application is filed.
- The patent application fee for our team will likely cost around $100-200 as we qualify for reduced micro entity fees, but the assistance of an attorney in the application process will cost us $3000-5000.
Consulting with Dr. Menezes has helped us to become aware of our full host of IP protection options as we develop a patent plan. Incorporating our strengthened background patent knowledge with our existing business plan and hardware developments, we determined from Dr. Menezes’ advice that a provisional patent would be most practical for our team to theoretically file for. Because of our conversation, we can also ensure that our team’s hardware components meet the objective and subjective, examiner-specific requirements for patent eligibility. While our entrepreneurship goals mean that our team would not sell a patent that we obtained, we could consider licensing our IP on a temporary basis if we consider developing a startup business in order to bring in extra capital for that process. Licensing a patent could also help to achieve a balance between our entrepreneurship goals and our value of accessibility, as this would allow us to maintain ultimate ownership of our ideas while simultaneously letting versions of our project (and thus its benefits) be created, improved upon, and distributed across the world. Overall, in this interview we learned how to safeguard our intellectual property and capitalize on its potential benefits to better shape our project’s entrepreneurship initiative.
Concluding Remarks
Every aspect of our project has been informed by feedback from our local Rochester community and the wider world, synthetic biology and hardware experts, and careful consideration of how our project will impact the world. Biosynthetic industrial production techniques currently offer low production yields while requiring expensive equipment and extensive facilities. While these techniques can offer a more sustainable solution for the ever-growing human demand for plant-derived chemicals, their price and efficiency is not yet competitive with petrochemical synthesis or chemical extraction. This problem prompted our team to design an affordable and productive parallel culture 3D dual-channel bioprinter. From our stakeholder and expert interviews during project development, we have learned that our product has the potential to positively impact laboratories, individuals, and cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical companies. In our interviews, we have also received affirmations that traditional farmers' businesses will likely not be significantly affected by our technology, and that we should not force our product into markets whose values don't align with synthetic chemical production, instead targeting commercial and scientific markets for which these types of products are accepted and in-demand.
As we met with industry and researchers in biosynthesis and 3D printing, in addition to clarifying certain specifications for all of our product markets, we learned about the emerging industry of biomanufacturing as a whole. Ultimately, we concluded that the main consumers of our partners' 3D bioprinting will be research laboratories and companies whose chemical supply chains have been affected by climate, geographical, and financial constraints. There may be a similar market for our project upscaling plan using a robotic liquid handling arm and mega-petri dish.
Subsequent meetings in both academia and industry allowed us to refine the details of our 3D bioprinter design together with the RoSynth hardware team, and inform possible future directions for our wetlab development. One example of a change we made in response to this feedback was to design our bioprinter using low-cost materials and hydrogel precursors in order to make our end product more accessible to average users, and to create a detailed printer user manual and purchasing guide in order to increase the accessibility of our system for others who wish to build and use it.
Finally, we considered how our project would impact our local chemical supply chain and the world at large. Our project will likely have a positive impact on laboratories and companies that want a cheaper 3D printed solution or on-demand plant-derived chemicals. Our 3D printers can produce the chemicals they need regardless of geographical and geopolitical constraints, which would enable researchers to avoid extra waiting periods and shipping costs and also allow companies using our system to also save on transportation, storage, and processing costs while simultaneously reducing their greenhouse gas and toxic waste emissions. When designing our project, we ensured through literary research and expert consultation that our genetically engineered microbes would remain contained within their respective hydrogels during the biosynthesis process, and instituted strict laboratory protocols to ensure the project was safely conducted throughout the entire process.
In summary, we have designed a biosynthesis system that will provide a stable, local source of plant-derived chemicals, minimizing environmental pollution while maximizing industry profits. Our project has been developed based on advice from biomanufacturing researchers, companies in biosynthesis, pharmaceutical, and chemical supply industries, and biotrade organizations, ensuring we have gained a wide range of perspectives and advice across academia and industry. The future for the RoSynth team will be to use feedback from our startup sessions and end-user testing to complete our proof-of-concept, continually refine our prototype past the iGEM competition, and perhaps, with enough redesign, to eventually bring our 3D bioprinter to market.
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