
As an emerging discipline, synthetic biology is gradually entering the public's awareness. Our team seizes this opportunity, using our project, NCDriven-deHCHO, to educate students and the public about the boundless possibilities of synthetic biology and the dangers of formaldehyde.

We hope that more individuals can grasp the innovative thinking inherent in synthetic biology and its emphasis on ethics and responsibility. If we can open the doors to synthetic biology for students and guide them into this interdisciplinary field, our educational objectives will be achieved.

Simultaneously, in our earlier work on IHP, we realized the urgent need for more people to have a concrete understanding of the hazards of formaldehyde, enabling them to take measures to protect their physical health.

SynBio Lecture

Collaborating with OUC-China, we co-hosted a lecture on the developmental history of synthetic biology during a summer camp for high school students at the School of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China. The students attending the summer camp displayed a keen interest in biology. Our aim with this lecture was to introduce them to the field of synthetic biology and potentially inspire them to consider it as a future career path.

The lecture's theme was "From Concept to Reality: The Evolution of Synthetic Biology." We divided the history of synthetic biology into five stages: "Origins - Initial Development - Rapid Advancement - Maturity - Remarkable Leap" and shared notable achievements from each stage.

We took the students on a journey, starting with Jacob and Monod's groundbreaking discovery of the lactose operon in E. coli and progressing to contemporary synthetic biology topics such as cell-free systems and AI-driven de novo protein design. Through these illustrative examples, our goal was to convey how synthetic biology has evolved from a conceptual idea to practical applications, addressing real-world challenges along the way.

Throughout the lecture, we aimed to plant the seed of synthetic biology in the minds of high school students. We hope that this lecture provided them with a deeper understanding of synthetic biology and potentially sparked their interest in pursuing a career in this exciting field in the future.

Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2
Figure 1.3

Figure 1. Summer Camp Lecture for High School Students

Popularization Comics

At the beginning of our project, we discovered that SUSTech-OCE was also engaged in projects related to indoor air pollutant control. Through discussions and exchanges, we found common ground and decided to collaborate on a theme related to the harmful effects of formaldehyde on human organs. Our joint effort led to the creation of educational comics.

Our starting point was the release of formaldehyde from construction materials, and we provided a detailed depiction of how this 'little demon,' formaldehyde, infiltrates various organs and components within the human body, including the eyes, lungs, brain, and DNA. In the end, the mascots from both of our teams collaborated to prevent and eliminate formaldehyde.

Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2
Figure 2.3
Figure 2.4

Figure 2. Popularization Comics- English Version

Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2
Figure 3.3
Figure 3.4

Figure 3. Popularization Comics- Chinese Version

Finally, we posted the finished comics on the official WeChat public platform of Haide College. Through our sharing and promotion, we helped more students and the public gain awareness of the hazards of formaldehyde, thereby raising their self-protective awareness.

Figure 4
Figure 4. Comics on WeChat Public Platform

Peer Guiding

At the end of May, we established an iGEM Club and conducted campus-wide recruitment activities at OUC. Our goal was to attract more fellow students, including younger ones, to join our synthetic biology-focused club. This initiative aimed to increase awareness about synthetic biology and the iGEM competition while also preparing reserve members for our participation in the 2024 iGEM competition.

Following the recruitment process, we dedicated four weeks of the summer break to guide our younger peers in introductory studies of biochemistry and molecular biology. Additionally, we incorporated literature readings on advanced techniques such as Golden Gate, SELEX, and CRISPR-Cas. We structured the schedule to cover one round of learning each week, with specific assignments assigned for each week's study material. At the end of each week, the younger students were required to submit their study notes and assignments. Throughout this period, they approached us with questions related to the study material.

Figure 5
Figure 5. Summertime schedule of molecular biology

At the beginning of the fall semester, we conducted an assessment to evaluate the learning progress of our younger peers. The test paper was designed to include a combination of True/False Problems, Single Choice Problems, and Thought Problems. It primarily assessed their understanding of topics related to proteins, enzymes, DNA, and RNA structures, functions, and properties.

Additionally, we included a Bonus section covering Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Human Practice, and Modeling. This segment aimed to test everyone's knowledge beyond the scope of molecular biology and their understanding of the iGEM competition.

In mid-September, we selected six reserve members and organized a meeting to acknowledge our younger peers' dedication up to that point. During the meeting, we shared our upcoming study schedule, which includes a deeper dive into the actual textbook content related to synthetic biology. We also shared many of the experiences we gained during our competition preparation process.

Figure 6. The Meeting With 6 Reserve Members

The content covered during the summer training closely aligns with the curriculum for second-year students at Haide College. Our intention was to support these younger peers who share an interest in synthetic biology with their coursework, providing them with early exposure to foundational concepts. In the future, we plan to guide these younger students in exploring outstanding projects from previous iGEM competitions, giving them the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge.

SynBioGenius Boardgame

Nowadays, board games are gaining popularity among teenagers. We have designed a game called "SynBio Genius Venture World." This game aims to disseminate knowledge about synthetic biology in an entertaining manner, simulate the research process, and foster entrepreneurial thinking.

Figure 7
Figure 7. The Instruction Manual of Our Boardgame

We have designed four types of cards and one map for the board game, simulating the foundational experiments, innovation projects, risk events, and research breakthroughs that occur during the process of synthetic biology entrepreneurship. Each event card includes detailed explanations, allowing players to acquire knowledge while having fun.

Figure 8. Four types of produced cards

Figure 9
Figure 9. The Map of Our Boardgame

Our board game uses an engaging and educational format to convey knowledge of synthetic biology, enabling players to grasp the fundamental concepts of molecular biology, biochemistry, and life sciences. We aim to spark players' interest in science by simulating the research process. Throughout the entrepreneurial journey in the game, we cultivate players' scientific methods, critical thinking, and ethical awareness, encouraging them to contemplate the impact of scientific research on society and ethics.

Joint Biology Podcast

We have partnered with ZJUT-China, NNU-CHINA, and XJTLU-CHINA to create a biology-themed podcast on the NetEase Cloud Music platform. We believe biology is a captivating and promising field, and our target audience extends beyond biology majors. We aim to attract more people to embark on a journey of exploring biological knowledge.

In our biology-themed podcast, we cover various topics, including:

  • Introduction to Renowned Biologists: Exploring the life stories of famous biologists and their significant contributions to the field of biology.
  • iGEM Competition and Tracks Overview: Increasing awareness about the iGEM competition and encouraging individuals with interest and potential to participate, fostering innovation in synthetic biology.
  • Popularizing Biological Knowledge: Providing foundational information about biology.
  • History of Synthetic Biology: Tracking the evolution of synthetic biology and emphasizing its crucial impact on shaping the future.

We strived to make biology understandable, compelling and inclusive while highlighting the extraordinary progress and possibilities in the field.

Figure 10
Figure 10. Biology-themed Podcast on NetEase Cloud Music

WeChat Public Platform

The WeChat Official Platform is followed by people of almost all age groups in China. Leveraging the vast number of followers on the Haide College official WeChat account, we have created an iGEM Lab column. Here, we posted articles related to synthetic biology knowledge and the iGEM competition. With the support of its substantial follower base, more individuals can access our science communication section.

Figure 11
Figure 11. iGEM lab Column

Our articles are categorized as follows:

  • Synthetic Biology Popularization:
    - Leading readers into the field of synthetic biology.
    - Introducing the main research areas and applications of synthetic biology.
    - Explaining novel biotechnologies such as CRISPR-Cas, common DNA fragment assembly methods, aptamers, biological circuit design, kill switches, etc.
  • Project-Related:
    - The application of E.coli in synthetic biology.
    - The dual nature of formaldehyde.
  • iGEM Competition Promotion:
    - Introducing the iGEM competition and its tracks.
  • Human Practice:
    - Promoting our work in Human Practice (HP) on the WeChat Official Account platform, allowing more people to learn about the progress of our team in HP efforts.
Figure 12.1
Figure 12.2
Figure 12.3

Figure 12. Posted articles on the WeChat Public Platform

Our column has already totally accumulated over 3600+ views. It will be passed down through generations of our team members, bridging the gap between the field of synthetic biology and the general public.


In addition to our core outreach efforts, we undertook creative and engaging communication activities to connect with our audience on various platforms. We designed and released a playful mascot emoji stickers on our WeChat Official Account, adding a touch of fun and relatability to our communication with followers. This emoji pack not only reinforced our team's identity but also made our content more enjoyable for readers.

Figure 13
Figure 13. The Mascot Emoji Stickers

Moreover, we participated in graffiti art activities on manhole covers and left our mark on campus by painting our project's initial logo on it. This unique and visually striking initiative not only raised awareness of our project but also caught the attention of passersby.

Figure 14
Figure 14. Graffiti Art on School Manhole Covers

These unconventional communication methods allowed us to extend the reach of our project and generate interest in our work, fostering a stronger connection between our team and the community.