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Attribution Form

Internal Contributors

Team Members Contributions

NameRoleGeneral TasksSpecific Tasks
Fien EickmansStudentAnalysis
Background Research
Public Engagement
Analysis - She performed analysis of the DNA sequencing results and the Wilbur-Anderson assay data.
Investigation - As co-head of the wet lab, she lead and organised the experiments relevant to our project.
Conceptualization - She designed all parts in SnapGene and played an important role in designing lab protocols.
Background Research - Conducted research for the project development and the curation of the research plan, especially focusing on the DNA origami module.
Public Engagement - Conducted guest lessons for middle school and post-high school students and represented the 2023 iGEM team at the MSP student fair.
Writing - Contributed to the Engineering, Education wiki pages and the parts registry.
Floor VervurenStudentAnalysis
Background Research
Public Engagement
Analysis - Performed analysis of the DNA sequencing results and the WA assay data. Analysed TEM data from DNA origami.
Investigation - Performed wet lab experiments and assisted with testing the modules in and outside the laboratory.
Background Research - Conducted research for the project development and the curation of the research plan.
Public Engagement - Conducted a guest lesson for post-high school students and represented the 2023 iGEM team at the MSP student fair. Was partly responsible for keeping our social media updated.
Writing - Contributed to the Engineering, Education and Human Practices wiki pages. Played in major in documenting our parts on the registry. Was responsible for writing and publishing a series of blogs about the project.
RamĂłn ReszatStudentBackground Research
Software - Developed enzyme kinetics model for our bacteria and running molecular dynamics simulations of the DNA origami design, organized the team’s software repository.
Writing - Contributed to the Modeling wiki page, created the teams external presentation slides.
Background research - Performed literature review on applications of DNA templated nanomaterials.
Fundraising - Reached out to potential sponsors for research material and expertise, email communication with external institutes.
Chris DamourStudentAnalysis
Background Research
Data Curation
Project Administration
Wiki Coding
Analysis - Analysed TEM data from DNA origami
Conceptualization - Established the idea of nucleation sites with DNA origami and the design of the lattice.
Background Research - Lead the research on DNA origami including the fabrication of single stranded DNA with the dual plasmid system and design of the lattice.
Data Curation - Curated the data for DNA origami including model prediction and TEM imaging
Project Administration - Developed the project management software and guided team members with non-lab related tasks.
Software - Established the DNA origami models and developed a script to generate the sticky ends.
Wiki Coding - Coded the technical aspect of the wiki, including writing a script that synchronised our project management software and our wiki.
Visualization - Visualized the DNA origami alongside producing animations for both video deliverables.
Writing - Contributed to writing for the wiki.
Natalia Bermejo GagoStudentPublic Engagement
Public Engagement - Reached out to SRAL and raise awareness for our project among local art students.
Background research - Conducted background research during the project development related mostly to the origami module.
Fundraising - Contacted various biotech and regional companies as well as set up the various crownfunding campaigns.
Writing: participated in the wiki writing specially related to human practices and helped in the blog posts.
Natalia BartosStudentInvestigation
Public Engagement
Writing Fundraising Other
Notebook - Helped keeping track of the details regarding lab experiments.
Investigation - assisted in the wet lab throughout the project.
Public Engagement - Contacted teams regarding collaboration Fundraising – Assisted the team in sending emails to potential sponsors.
Writing – Contributed to wiki content, wrote scripts for educational videos, also assisted with proofreading and editing text in various parts of the project
Other - Currently working on an ongoing collaborative educational project about synthetic biology.
Alicia Del Prado RebordinosStudentInvestigation
Project Administration
Public Engagement
Investigation - Assisted with some experiments in the lab.
Project Administration - Managed the calendar, organised meetings and coordinated different team members. Helped solve internal issues.
Fundraising - Took care of finding and writing applications for available grants. Participated in establishing the crowdfunding avenues.
Public Engagement - Interviewed an expert from the SRAL institute, edited and uploaded it to YouTube. Represented the 2023 iGEM team at the MSP student fair.
Entrepreneurship - Came up with a contacting strategy and provided the organisation space for managing the funding. Found and contacted potential sponsors.
Visualization - Made the promotional video and the presentation video.
Writing - Reviewed and wrote content on grant applications and project presentations.
Mara Taracena WulffStudentAnalysis
Background Research
Investigation - As co-head of the wet lab, she lead and organised most of the experiments relevant to our project.
Conceptualisation - Defined our two bacterial systems along with Chris and Fien. Developed theoretical aspects of the mineralisation (SIMD) system. Curated protocols for the activity and mineralisation assay, DNA origami folding experiments, alginate bead entrapment, protein extraction, and thermogravimetric analysis.
Analysis - interpreted and analysed all experimental results for the SIMD module. Analysed DNA origami folding experimental data. Compared data with existing literature, catalogued experimental designs.
Background Research - Performed the literature review for the project and contributed to the curation of the research plan. Co-lead research activities for both modules.
Writing - contributed to the Engineering, Composite Part, and Project Description wiki pages.
Matei MarusciacStudentInvestigation
Background Research
Public Engagement
Investigation - helped and performed some of the biology based experiments and conducted the chemistry based experiments.
Analysis - Performed interpretation of collected ATR-IR data of the produced compounds.
Background Research - Research done on analytical techniques, measurements and chemical-related results
Public Engagement- Held lecture to educate peers and raising awareness for the project through both social media and social interactions, participate in writing grants and template emails. Involved in the promotional video.
Fundraising - Found potential sponsors and contacted already existing and new leads, as well as actively participating in holding meets that materialised into successful funding operations.
Isabella WalbeckStudentInvestigation
Public Engagement
Investigation - Helped with wet lab throughout the project.
Notebook - Tracked experiments in the notebook and also designed the cover page.
Public engagement - Was one of the speakers at a pitching event and at an educational lecture. Worked on funding by writing grants and contacting possible funding avenues.
Visualization - Designed our team logo, established our brand identity and did part of the animations on the ABCDna video series. Created some of the figures used in presentations and posts in social media.
Writing - Helped with writing scripts for the ABCDna videos as well as grant applications.
Iga KosarczynStudentInvestigation
Background Research
Public Engagement
Investigation - Performed the transformation of our constructed plasmid into E.coli, assisted in the testing of the modules in lab.
Background Research - Assisted with the research for the project’s development.
Notebook - Created a “wet lab” notion page in order to keep a record of laboratory activities.
Public Engagement - Participated in the SRAL interview.
Visualisation - Assisted Isabella with the team logo design and brand identity, did part of the of the animations on the educational ABCDna video series. Designed/drew posts for the social media page.
Writing - Wrote parts of the scripts for educational videos as well as contributed in the writing of wiki pages.
Erik Steen RedekerPIConceptualization
Background Research
Conceptualization - Guided the team throughout the research, including suggesting DNA origami.
Supervision - Supervised all of the work our team did in the laboratory.
Background Research - Reading scientific research articles, regulations/guidelines, and other documents.
Safety - Performing activities to ensure compliance with the safety guidelines or requirements of iGEM, Maastricht University, and the Dutch government.
David CortensPIBackground Research
Background Research - Reading peer-reviewed scientific research articles, regulations/guidelines, and other documents.
Supervision - Supervised all of the work our team did in the laboratory.
Kathia Jimenez-MonroyInstructorInvestigation
Investigation - Assisted with using laboratory equipement while ensuring the safety guidelines.
Supervision - Supervised all of the work our team did in the laboratory while providing assistance to our team members whenever needed.

External Contributors

NameInstitution TypeRelationship to TeamGeneral TasksSpecific Tasks
GenScriptIndustrySponsorInvestigationProvided us with a plasmid preparation service
Maastricht UniversityAcademicSponsorFundraisingProvided us with financial support
MacrogenIndustrySponsorInvestigationProvided us with sequencing
Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT)IndustrySponsorInvestigationProvided us with G-Blocks for SazCa module and synthesised all of our staples
Ramiro Marroquin GarciaAcademicExternal AdvisorConceptualizationResearcher PhD Candidate at Maastricht University, provided us with an idea that would help us in achieving proof of concept - testing of our SazCa enzyme by putting bacteria in alginate gel
Massimiliano SimonsAcademicExternal advisorConceptualizationAssistant Professor in Philosophy of Technology at Maastricht university offered us guidance and insight into the ethics of both our project and synthetic biology during an interview
Kate SeymourOtherExternal AdvisorConceptualizationHead of education and training / Senior paintings conservator at SRAL
She offered us insight into paintings conservation techniques, and how our project could be implemented through an interview.
Maximilian Nicolas HonemannAcademicExternal AdvisorConceptualizationM.Scopen in new window Biochemistry, Senior Scientist at capsitec GmbH
He provided us with valuable insight on the production of ssDNA.
Kevin KnoopsAcademicExternal AdvisorInvestigationMicroscopy Specialist at Maastricht University, who provided us with assistance and availability to use TEM microscope in order for us to visualise samples.
Hans DuimelAcademicExternal AdvisorInvestigationEducation-/Research Officer who perform our TEM sample preparation and TEM setup. Guided us through using the microscope.
Claudia VickersAcademicExternal AdvisorConceptualizationDuring an interview, she provided us with the insight into synthetic biology and its legal aspects
Marlowe UralAcademicExternal AdvisorInvestigation AnalysisMSP student, Investigation: helped us perform sonication, IR preparation and offered assistance in different chemical techniques, such as vacuum filtration and other separation methods. Analysis: helped the team in IR data analysis

Project Timeline

Project ActivityStart DateEnd DateTotal Time
Recruit Team Members09/12/202211/02/20239
Development of Project Plan7/03/202320/06/202315
Wet Laboratory Activities11/07/202306/10/202313
Dry Laboratory Activities25/06/202306/10/202316
Building the Team Wiki26/06/202312/10/202316
Last update:
Contributors: Christopher Damour
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