Medal Critera
We created this page to direct users to the links showing how our team is meeting the criteria for each medal.
Medal Criteria
All criteria must be met
Number | Name | Explanation | Links |
1 | Competition Deliverables | Complete the following Competition Deliverables: Wiki, Project Promotion Video, Presentation Video, Judging Form, and Judging Session | Wiki, Project Promotion Video, Judging Form |
2 | Project Attributions | Describe what work your team members did and what other people did for your project using the standardized form and standard URL | Attributions |
3 | Project Description | Describe how and why you chose your iGEM project documented with standard URL | Project Description |
4 | Contribution | Make a useful contribution for future iGEM teams documented with standard url | Contribution |
All Bronze and Silver criteria must be met
Number | Name | Explanation | Links |
1 | Engineering Success | Demonstrate engineering success in a technical aspect of your project by going through at least one iteration of the engineering design cycle documented with a standard URL | Engineering Success |
2 | Human Practices | Explain how you have determined your work is responsible and good for the world documented through a standard URL | Human Practices |
Gold Medal Special Prizes
Name | Explanation | Links |
Best Model | Models and computer simulations provide a great way to describe the function and operation of BioBrick Parts and Devices. Synthetic biology is an engineering discipline and part of engineering is simulation and modeling to determine system behavior before building your design. Designing and simulating can be iterated many times in a computer before moving to the lab. This award is for teams who build a model of their system and use it to inform system design or simulate expected behavior before, or in conjunction with, experiments in the wetlab. | Modelling |
Best Integrated Human Practices | How does your project affect society and how does society influence the direction of your project? How might ethical considerations and stakeholder input guide your project purpose, design, and experiments you conduct in the lab?? How does this feedback enter into the process of your work all through the iGEM competition? Document a thoughtful and creative approach to exploring these questions and how your project evolved in the process to compete for this award. | Integrated Human Practices |
Best Education | How have you developed new opportunities to include more people in shaping synthetic biology? Innovative educational tools and outreach activities have the ability to establish a two-way dialogue with new communities by discussing public values and the science behind synthetic biology. Document your approach and what was learned by everyone involved to compete for this award. | Education |