

Explore our contributions to the iGEM community, as we proudly present a range of resources aimed at fostering collaboration and assisting future teams on their iGEM journey.

Over the course of our project, our team has made several contributions to the iGEM community. We are thrilled to present you with a range of resources that showcase our dedication to promoting collaboration within the iGEM community. Whether you’re a member of an iGEM team, a student, or simply someone passionate about this field, we invite you to explore the resources below. We hope that these contributions will help future teams with their iGEM journey.

Composite Parts

Our team has developed and registered multiple composite parts. Our favourite parts, Truncated PbEL04 ( and Chimeric Optimized Anti-PbEL04 Fluorescent Protein (COAPE-FP) BBa_K4139015, were used in our direct ELISA proof of principle test. More information about these parts can be found here.

Educational Videos

We decided to curate a number of educational videos that future iGEM teams can use. These are brief tutorials on how to perform the wet lab techniques and protocols that we use in the laboratory. To watch these videos, please visit this link.

Wiki Tutorials

We have put together an overview of the Markdown syntax that Starlight supports. We have also described how to use components to build your application. This is to support future iGEM teams in creating their wiki pages. More information about these tutorials can be found here.

Wet Lab Protocols

If you want to see a collection of all the protocols our team has used in the wet lab, please visit this link (insert link for lab experiments). We hope this will help future iGEM teams perform their synthetic biology experiments.