
Our measurement

Phsp-6, also known as heat shock protein six promoter, is a kind of induced promoter. It may be activated in response to the increasing level of ROS inside C. elegans caused by MC-LR, which is a kind of microcystin. LacZ gene enables C. elegans to reveal blue dots. It is widely used as a reporter gene. To provide more laboratory data on this new promoter, we combined Phsp-6 with LacZ gene and determined its activity by observing color changes of C. elegans.

Our Algalchip can also be applied to measure other unknown induced promoters. The unknown promoter will be used to activate LacZ gene. By placing different inducers and gene-edited C. elegans on our chip, we can roughly determine the activation mechanism of the unknown promoter by judging the movement and color changes of C. elegans.