| HUST-China - iGEM 2023

Our Team

Principal Investigators

Yi Zhan

Associate professor and deputy secretary of the party branch in College of Life Sci. & Tech., Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech. (HUST). Dr. Zhan really helps us a lot.

Yunjun Yan

Professor and principle investigator of College of Life Sci. & Tech., HUST. Prof. Yan provides lab for us to experiment. He gives us many precious suggestions to our project.

Kang Ning

Professor of College of Life Sci. & Tech., HUST. His main research area is bioinformatics. Thanks for his suggestions to our modeling.

Yu Zhou

Student Affair Officer in College of Life Sci. & Tech., HUST. This year, she is the primary PI of our team and helps us finish our project in many areas. Thank for her assistance through the whole season.


Xiaoman Xie

Post-doctoral in College of Life Sci. & Tech., HUST. This year, she provided us with a lot of experimental guidance and helped us complete the project.

Bohan Wang

Doctor in College of Life Sci. & Tech., HUST. This year, he provided us with a lot of human-practice guidance and helped us make a integrated social research for our project.

Team Leaders

Yue Wu

Per aspera, ad astra.

Xingyi Wen

Stay foolish.

Team Members

Rui Tang

Ashes to ashes,and dust to dust.

Yundi Chen

Dream big, stay focus.

Aijin Zeng

No sacrifice,no victory.

Shengbiao Wu

Keep trying, the success is on the way.

Yikai Du

Truth may be blamed,but shall never be shamed.

Xiyuan Zhang

Hello world!

Junye Li

Hurry up,manman.

Yuhan Zou

Better be your own universe.

Shuo Yan

Je ne veux pas travailler.

Zhengdong Wu

Sharp tools make good work.

Zhu Rui

The ideal of life is for ideal life.

Zeyu Miao

Learn and live.

Linyi Qi

Love is zero but zero is the beginning of everything

Xuan Liu

Let life be beautiful like summer flowers.

Anxin Guo

Do not forget your original aspiration.

Yemu Chen

Enjoy the Journey.

Ke Zhou

Love the life yo live, live the life you love .

Haoran Nie

When your heart is set on something, you get closer to your goal with each passing day.

Chengyu Sun

Science has no end.

Xinghao Xiong

The world opens itselt before those with noble hearts

Yihan Rao

Rather clumsy.

Zeyang Li

A light heart lives long.

Shaoheng Lv

We've made the chioce, so go fight against your fate.

Pinrong Qian

We are all made of the dust of stars.

Sutong Fan

Let bygones be bygones.

Yingying He

Carpe diem.


Daining Gu

We will converge by wind in spite of different footprints.

Yuanhan Sui

Science lights our dream so bright.

Zhichao Li

Power is the only truth in the world.

Da Zheng

Ain't it fun, living in the real world.

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