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Sustainable Development Goals

"The Sustainable Development Goals are not just a list of problems; they are a list of solutions." - Ban Ki-moon, Former UN Secretary-General

In 2015, the United Nations (UN) adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to serve as a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future" (The 17 goals | sustainable development). SDGs are designed to promote better health conditions, economic growth, human rights, environment protection, etc., and unite people to a more prosperous and harmonious world.
As iGEM Team Heidelberg 2023, we are exploring how our project is tackling the mixed plastic waste problem to support the SDGs. We aim to contribute to innovative infrastructure (SDG9) in countries with different waste management infrastructures and improve cities' and communities' sustainability (SDG 11), focusing on municipal mixed plastic waste. ReMixHD wants to upcycle mixed plastic waste into high-quality products to support a circular economy focusing on responsible consumption and production (SDG12). Lastly, we want to present a mixed plastic waste recycling method as an alternative to current methods that result in high CO2 emissions to combat the climate crisis (SDG 13).
Additionally, as part of our inclusivity efforts, we have been advocating for equality for the hearing impaired and organised a workshop to support women in science.
Furthermore, we are currently conducting an investigative study to track the recycling of mixed plastic waste in alignment with our four SDGs.


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SDG 11

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SDG 12

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SDG 13

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Tracking mixed plastic waste

Since 2021, the European Union (EU) has prohibited the trade of hazardous and non-recyclable plastic waste with non-OECD countries (Plastic waste shipments, 2021). This move was prompted by the environmental and public health damage caused by the uncontrolled plastic waste trade before the ban. (Read more about waste export) Despite these regulations, Greenpeace reported illegal plastic exports from recycling companies.
We are conducting an investigative study to enhance transparency within the current waste recycling system and better understand the life cycle of mixed plastic waste. This study uses location trackers to trace the destination of our mixed plastic waste after disposal, providing valuable insights into the European recycling landscape.

What is the potential impact of mixed plastic waste tracking?

Through our investigative project, we want to capture the attention of iGEM communities and the broader public on the issue of waste export, particularly regarding illegal waste exports. Simultaneously, our efforts to combat waste align harmoniously with the advancement of four SDGs:
Countries that receive plastic waste tend to be countries that need to establish waste management. Better infrastructure and innovation are required to prevent further plastic waste pollution.
Cities tend to produce high amounts of municipal waste as well as mixed plastic waste, which is exported to other countries.
Exporting waste, especially mixed plastic waste, is not sustainable, as plastic resources leave the material loop. To promote sustainability, we need to adopt patterns of consumption that prioritize the reuse and recycling of plastic waste.
Landfills of plastic and waste transport release a lot of CO2. Combating waste export could reduce CO2 emissions.

Our Investigative Odyssey to Identify Plastic Waste Export Streams:

At first, we thought the project would be quite simple – just get some trackers, stick them onto the mixed plastic waste, throw them away, and wait for the results. However, after consulting with various technical and environmental experts, we realized the project was more challenging than we had initially anticipated. In the following sections, we'll explain how the feedback from our stakeholders has affected our project.

Battery choice:

Our trackers were originally designed to operate with lithium batteries. Considering the elevated fire risk associated with lithium batteries, we aimed to transition to NiMH batteries, as recommended by Jakob from Greenpeace. However, upon investigation, we discovered that there were no NiMH batteries compatible with our trackers. Consequently, we have opted for Alkaline batteries, as they are both compatible with our trackers and exhibit a lower fire hazard.

Study design:

Initially, our plan was to dispose of the trackers in German post-consumer waste. However, while visiting a plastic waste sorting plant, we learned that plastic waste is typically compressed, which could potentially destroy the trackers. Consequently, we decided to redirect our efforts towards recycling stations in British supermarkets. We also found a previous plastic waste tracking study showing plastic waste from supermarket recycling containers was being exported to foreign countries.


We are fully aware that disposing of batteries and non-plastic materials in plastic recycling containers is incorrect. Also, we conducted research to understand the potential risks this could pose to downstream recycling companies and the environment. In an effort to mitigate these risks, we have also switched to Alkaline batteries for our trackers.

Additionally, we recognize that there is a significant amount of incorrect battery disposal in trash bins daily. Considering the potential value that our research could bring, we believe it is justifiable to proceed with our study using a limited number of trackers.

First results:

Due to our careful planning and project considerations, we managed to send out our trackers in September and October 2023. We put 9 trackers wrapped in mixed plastic packaging into recycling bins meant for soft plastics at British supermarkets. Given that recycling processes can take a while, we'll be waiting for results for the next three months. This means the project will keep going beyond the wiki freeze and iGEM.

We're really looking forward to digging deeper into the recycling system and collecting valuable data to improve transparency in the European recycling system. We will update our results in our wiki page in the coming months.

Results by December 14th, 2023:

Out of the 9 trackers we released in Cardiff, 5 could be traced during their subsequent transportation, while 4 trackers sent their last signal 4 days after release, indicating the same location where they were discarded. Among the 5 trackers that exhibit further location changes, 2 of them last signaled at a distribution center near Bristol, where they are expected to be transported to other plastic waste processors (Tracker 2 and 4). Tracker 2 is also updating its location. Two trackers were able to update their locations in recycling companies after leaving Bristol (Tracker 1 and 3). So far, all the trackers stay in the UK according to their last signal.

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