Tallahassee Bioengineering Symposium 

An exciting event showcasing the wonders of biological and biomedical engineering 

The 2023 FSU iGEM Team's research focuses on the rare disease Trimethylaminurea (TMAU), commonly known as "Fish Odor Syndrome". This disease prevents the patient from processing the compound Trimethylamine (TMA), leading to a strong, harsh odor that smells exactly like rotten fish. This disease is so rare that there isn't an accurate statistic from the National Institute of Health to determine how many people suffer from this condition. Given that there is no therapeutic for this condition, and a small sample of research around the world, the 2023 Team decided to develop a possible solution which involves creating a probiotic. Team Lead, Elizabeth Moore and Associate Team Lead, Sai Devulapalli will present the team's research as one of the Speaker Presentations.

Dr. Cesar Rodriguez is a Research Faculty I & Entrepreneur in Residence at the FSU College of Medicine. Dr. Rodriguez is the cofounder and director of the FSU iGEM program. Dr. Rodriguez focuses on computer-aided design of engineered cells and the development of engineered cells for cell-based therapeutics and enhanced bioreactors.

Dr. Tristan Driscoll is an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. His research group uses a combination of molecular tension sensors, quantitative live cell imaging, and engineered fibrous environments to study how force transfers though extracellular and cytoskeletal networks which can dictate the downstream signaling and feedback mechanisms that can both maintain or inhibit tissue regeneration. The overall goal of this work is to identify and target natural homeostatic mechanisms in order to prevent or reverse fibrotic disease processes.

Dr. Leo Liu is an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. Dr. Liu and his team are intrigued by fundamental fluid mechanics and the pathology of leading mortality diseases (such as heart attacks and strokes). Dr. Liu and his team aim to improve human living conditions by furthering our fundamental understanding of living fluids such as blood and developing diagnostic and therapeutic medical devices. The Liu Lab's current research topics include complex fluids, soft-matter physics, mechanobiology in thrombosis and hemostasis, physics-informed machine learning, and intelligent medical devices.

Dr. Jonathan H. Dennis is an Associate Professor of Biological Science at Florida State University.The long-term goal of Dr. Dennis's research is to apply and develop state-of-the-art techniques to large-scale detailed analysis of chromatin structure, thereby revealing the relationship between the regulation of chromatin architecture and cellular processes and clarifying the role of chromatin structure in the origin and mechanisms of disease. Dr. Dennis and his team have mapped nucleosome distribution and have demonstrated that nucleosome repositioning is widespread, transient, genetically-encoded, and may potentiate regulatory factor binding.

Dr. Douglas Storace is an Assistant Professor of Biological Science at Florida State University. Dr. Storace and his team demonstrate principles of neuroscience using recently developed low-cost neuroscience recording devices in invertebrate model organisms. Neuroscience is a scientific discipline focused on understanding the nervous system that draws from many disciplines including biology, chemistry, mathematics and engineering. Enhancing access to hands-on neuroscience activities is one important way that educators can broaden access to STEM learning across a broad array of students.

The Society of Biomedical Engineers (BMES) is a professional society dedicated to promoting a collaborative and inclusive community to advance human health through education and education. Our local FAMU-FSU chapter promotes professional skills and community amongst our members through a variety of events. BMES is an open forum for anyone hoping to learn more about the med-tech industry and learn more about Biomedical Engineering.

Dr. Yan Li is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. Dr Li and her team's research revolves on Glioblastomas (GBM) which is the most malignant brain tumor and has poor 5-year survival rate. Patients bearing GBMs exhibit poor prognosis and high mortality. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as a novel drug delivery vehicle with high barrier penetrability as a GBM therapy. EVs of CAR-neutrophils, i.e., NPEVs, contain various cytolytic proteins and have shown potential as anticancer agents recently.

Dr. Samuel Grant is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. Dr Grant's team utilize high field magnetic resonance imaging & spectropscopy, which can be used to investigate a variety of neurodegenerative diseases & processes. Using the high magnetic fields of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Dr. Grant's team are able to investigate elements not usually available to clinical MRI. Dr. Grant's team use sodium MRI and localized spectrosopy to assess the progression of ischemic stroke & migraine in preclinical models, as well as the efficacy of cellular and pharmaceutical therapies.

Dr. Christina Holmes is an Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. Dr. Holmes' lab aims to understand and engineer the cell-material interface for applications in drug delivery, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine. Dr. Holmes and her team are developing materials-based controlled delivery strategies for a range of nanotherapeutics, including nucleic acid- and protein- nanocarriers and cell-derived extracellular vesicles. Dr. Holmes' team is particularly interested in bone repair & regeneration as well as investigating mesenchymal stem cell-based therapies in combination with their materials-based strategies.

The Office of STEM Teaching Activities (OSTA) was formed by the FSU College of Arts and Sciences in 1983 with the function to coordinate all activities related to science and mathematics teaching within the College of Arts and Sciences and to serve as the College's liaison with the College of Education. Over the years OSTA has initiated many activities for K-12 teachers and students, and for undergraduate and graduate students at Florida State University. The OSTA is is dedicated to translating the results of STEM education research into impactful STEM programs for K-12 students and teachers.

The Neuroscience Graduate Student Association (NGSA) provides an avenue for academic, professional, and social activities to the graduate students of the interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience at Florida State University. The main goals of this organization are to facilitate academic and professional development of its members, and to promote collegiality and social interaction among the students and the faculty of the Program in Neuroscience, and to foster public awareness of the importance of the brain and the benefits of brain research through outreach to the local community.