Basic Parts

During this project, our team designed the following basic parts.

Coding sequences
Part Number Part Name
BBa_K4601000 CatCh
BBa_K4601001 ChrimsonR
BBa_K4601002 Jaws
BBa_K4601003 NpHR
BBa_K4601004 NpHR-P240T-F250Y
BBa_K4601005 NpSRII
BBa_K4601006 NpHTRII-EnvZ
BBa_K4601007 Jaws-NpHTRII-EnvZ
BBa_K4601008 NpHR-NpHTRII-EnvZ
BBa_K4601009 NpHR-P240T-F250Y-NpHTRII-EnvZ
BBa_K4601010 NpSRII-NpHTRII-EnvZ
BBa_K4601041 AmpR
BBa_K4601051 CmR

Ribosomal binding sites (RBS)
Part Number Part Name
BBa_K4601100 Synthetic RBS designed for CatCh
BBa_K4601101 Synthetic RBS designed for ChrimsonR
BBa_K4601102 Synthetic RBS designed for Jaws
BBa_K4601103 Synthetic RBS designed for NpHR
BBa_K4601105 Synthetic RBS designed for NpSRII
BBa_K4601106 Synthetic RBS designed for NpHTRII-EnvZ
BBa_K4601131 Synthetic RBSes designed for LacZalpha
BBa_K4601132 Synthetic RBSes designed for LacZalpha
BBa_K4601133 Synthetic RBSes designed for LacZalpha
BBa_K4601134 Synthetic RBSes designed for LacZalpha
BBa_K4601141 Synthetic RBSes designed for AmpR
BBa_K4601142 Synthetic RBSes designed for AmpR
BBa_K4601143 Synthetic RBSes designed for AmpR
BBa_K4601144 Synthetic RBSes designed for AmpR
BBa_K4601151 RBS for CmR

Na+ Riboswitches
Part Number Part Name
BBa_K4601021 Na+ Riboswitch v1
BBa_K4601022 Na+ Riboswitch v2

Composite Parts

During this project, our team designed the following composite parts.

Opsins expression cassettes under the control of T7 promoter in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
Part Number Part Name
BBa_K4601200 CatCh expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
BBa_K4601201 ChrimsonR expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
BBa_K4601202 Jaws expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
BBa_K4601203 NpHR expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
BBa_K4601204 NpHR P240T F250Y expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
BBa_K4601205 NpSRII expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
BBa_K4601206 NpHTRII-EnvZ expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
BBa_K4601207 Jaws-NpHTRII-EnvZ expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
BBa_K4601208 NpHR-NpHTRII-EnvZ expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
BBa_K4601209 NpHR-P240T-F250Y-NpHTRII-EnvZ expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region
BBa_K4601210 NpSRII-NpHTRII-EnvZ expression cassette in the Evolution.T7 mutational region

superfolder GFP expression cassettes under the control of diffrent promoters and Na+ riboswitches
Part Number Part Name
BBa_K4601221 sfGFP-LVAtag expression cassette under the control of the J23110 promoter and of the Na+ riboswitch v1
BBa_K4601222 sfGFP-LVAtag expression cassette under the control of the Na+ riboswitch v2
BBa_K4601223 sfGFP-LVAtag expression cassette under the control of the pOmpR promoter

LacZ𝛂 expression cassettes under the control of diffrent promoters and Na+ riboswitches
Part Number Part Name
BBa_K4601231 LacZ𝛂 expression cassette under the control of the J23110 promoter and of the Na+ riboswitch v1
BBa_K4601232 LacZ𝛂 expression cassette under the control of the Na+ riboswitch v2
BBa_K4601233 LacZ𝛂 expression cassette under the control of the pOmpR promoter
BBa_K4601234 LacZ𝛂 expression cassette under the control of the J23110 promoter

AmpR expression cassettes under the control of diffrent promoters and Na+ riboswitches
Part Number Part Name
BBa_K4601241 AmpR expression cassette under the control of the J23110 promoter and of the Na+ riboswitch v1
BBa_K4601242 AmpR expression cassette under the control of the Na+ riboswitch v2
BBa_K4601243 AmpR expression cassette under the control of the pOmpR promoter
BBa_K4601244 AmpR expression cassette under the control of the J23110 promoter

CmR expression cassettes under the control of diffrent promoters and Na+ riboswitches
Part Number Part Name
BBa_K4601251 CmR expression cassette under the control of the J23110 promoter and of the Na+ riboswitch v1
BBa_K4601252 CmR expression cassette under the control of the Na+ riboswitch v2
BBa_K4601253 CmR expression cassette under the control of the pOmpR promoter
BBa_K4601254 CmR expression cassette under the control of the J23110 promoter