
Here are the results from this summer's work.

General Results

Growth curve and cell growth dynamics

The OD730nm values of both strains (Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Synechococcus sp. PCC 11901) were done at the same time for ten days. No lag phase is observed for either strain, which means the cultures that they were inoculated from were probably not at the right phase. By the OD730mn values that the original cultures had, they were probably at the stationary phase when it is recommended that they are at exponential growth phase for inoculation to generate a growth curve. The logarithmic growth phase is advisable since the cells actively divide and the growth rate is somewhat constant, which makes the increase in cell numbers more consistent and predictable, thus it is easier to observe growth dynamics and quantify growth patterns. Since the cell density from the original culture was too high to inoculate, the lag phase was 'skipped' and the culture started exponential phase directly (graph 1).

The cells were grown at 30ºC, under 300 µmol m/2s, the cells were grown at 180 rpm. (Note: Synechococcus sp. PCC 11901 strain doubling times and growth rate were not found in published literature since this strain is very new in cyanobacterial research. )

Graph 1 Growth curve of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in BG-11 medium: The cells were monitored by optical density (OD) measurements at 730 nm. The y-axis represents the optical density readings which serve as an indicator of cell density. The x-axis shows the duration of the experiment in days.

Strain Growth Rate (OD730nm/Day) Doubling Time (Days)
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 0.243 ± 0.009 2.853 ± 0.112
Synechocystis sp. PCC 19901 0.501 ± 0.019 1.381 ± 0.044

Table 11. Growth rate and doubling time of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Synechococcus sp. PCC 11901. Calculations done using equations: Doubling Time (DT) = (t2 - t1) / log2(Off / ODi). Growth Rate (GR) = ln(2) / Doubling Time

Study Growth Rate (OD730nm/Day) Doubling Time (Days)
Cui et al.33 0.186 ± 0.006 not published
Eungrasamee et al.43 0.099 ± 0.010 7.4 ± 0.4
Alphen et al.49 0.07 ± 0.005 8 hours

MTR Results

Gene extraction

The MTR target genes: MtrA, MtrB, MtrC and CymA, were extracted and amplified from the genome of Shewanella Oneidensis MR-1 using OneTaq (NEB) polymerase. The PCR primers were designed to introduce CyanoGate overhangs in the extracted operons allowing their integration into Lv0 acceptor plasmid vectors. The MTR operons: MtrCAB, MtrCA and MtrAB, were extracted via PCR extraction (One-Taq polymerase) but with primers that did not introduce overhangs. A second PCR (Q5 polymerase) was then performed on the initial PCR product with overhang primers to produce MtrCAB, MtrCA and MtrAB g-blocks (gene with overhangs). All extracted genes and operons were analysed using agarose gel electrophoresis to determine the presence and size of the fragments. Appropriate negative controls were used for all gel electrophoresis runs (negative control was water).

The PCR extraction was successful, seen in figure 1 and 2, but only after troubleshooting (which involved using different enzymes, different annealing temperatures; and different extension times). The annealing temperature was determined used NEB Tm calculator. While One-Taq polymerase worked on the first try, Q5 and Platinum SuperFi II DNA Polymerase were preferred due to their very high fidelity. Finally, the bands from the gel were extracted, cleaned and taken forward into level 0 Cyanogate acceptor plasmid vector. All the extracted genes have been uploaded onto the IGEM registry.

Working Conditions for Q5 polymrase:
Gene/Operon Annealing Temperature Extension Time
CAB 68°C and 64°C 3 minutes
CA 71°C, 68°C, and 64°C 1.5 minutes
AB 71°C, 68°C, and 64°C 1.5 minutes

*64°C not preferable due to noise

Working Conditions for One-Taq polymerase:
Gene/Operon Annealing Temperature Extension Time
CAB 50°C 6 minutes
CA 50°C 3 minutes
AB 50°C 3 minutes
A 50°C 5 minutes
B 50°C 5 minutes
C 50°C 5 minutes
CymA 55°C 5 minutes

Figure 1: PCR with OneTaq of MtrA, MtrB, MtrC and CymA. A. 1 Kb DNA ladder diagram (New England Biolabs). The ladder is not to scale and it is provided for reference purposes only.

Figure 2: PCR with Q5 polymerase to introduce overhangs in extracted operons; MtrCAB, MtrAB, MtrCA.

Assembly of Mtr genes and Operons into Cyanogate Vectors:

Assembly into Level 0 vectors was sucessful for all 4 genes (MtrCAB subunits and CymA) and 3 operons after multiple attempts with troubleshooting involved. All reactions were done in silico to infer the size of the fragments. Initially colony PCR allowed identification of colonies with correct inserts which were then confirmed by diagnositc digestions shown in figure 3, 4, 5. While digestion with BsaI cuts out the gene from the vector via two cuts, digestion with PvuI leads to linerisation allowing checking of the construct’s size. It is important to note that MtrC gene had an extra BsaI site which was the restriction sites used in Lv0 -> Lv1 cyanogate assembly. Likewise, the 242bp faint bands visible for MtrCAB, MtrCA and MtrC, demonstrate the presence of an extra BsaI site and thus the requirement for domestication (figure 5 and 6). Also, while the single cut bands for MtrCAB, MtrCA and MtrAB look bigger than their expected size, the gel was run longer and the sizes were confirmed.

Figure 3: Diagnostic digestion on MtrA and MtrB. 1 Kb DNA ladder diagram (New England Biolabs). The ladder is not to scale and it is provided for reference purposes only.

Figure 4: Diagnostic digestion on MtrC and CymA. 1 Kb DNA ladder diagram (New England Biolabs). The ladder is not to scale and it is provided for reference purposes only.

Figure 5: Diagnostic digestion on MtrCAB, MtrAB and MtrCA. 1 Kb DNA ladder diagram (New England Biolabs). The ladder is not to scale, and it is provided for reference purposes only.

Figure 6: Diagnostic digestion on MtrC, showing 242bp band suggesting requirement for domestication.

Assembly into Level 1 vectors was sucessful for MtrA, MtrB, MtrAB, and CymA only. We were unable to take MtrCAB, MtrCA and MtrC into Level 1 vectors due to numerous failed attemps it took to domesticate the extra BsaI site in MtrC gene, thereby consuming vauable time. Similar to level 0 assemblies, colony PCR allowed identification of colonies with correct inserts (Figure 7 and 8) which were then confirmed by diagnositc digestions. Nenvertheless, we have added all the different level 1 composite parts onto the IGEM registry. Importantly, we used the PtrC10 protomor (BBa_K4849013) from the Cyanogate toolkit as it gave us the option to express the Mtr compex in both Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and E. coli.

Figure 7: Positive colony PCR results showing Level 1 MtrA and Lv1 CymA. MtrA size with the promotor, and terminator is approximately 1500 bp. Colonies 4 and 5 were successful. CymA size with the promotor, and terminator is approximately 800 bp. Colonies 1 and 3 were successful.

Figure 8: Positive colony PCR results showing Level 1 MtrB. MtrB size size with the promotor, and terminator is approximately 2100 bp. Colony 1 and 2 were successful.

Finally, as level 1 vectors could be used in E. coli and our teams decision to scrap any more attemps to chrecterise Mtr in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (due to failed attemps with Biosafety and time taken to transform Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803), only MtrAB was taken into Level T cyanogate vector (figure 9). The sucessful assembly was confirmed via diagnostic digestions.

Figure 9: Positive colony PCR results showing Level T Mtr AB. MtrAB size with the promotor, terminator and the end linker approximately 3300 bp. Colonies 5, and 6 were successful.

Important Note: All the assemblies were checked via whole plasmid sequencing (againt reference) conducted by the Edinburgh Genome Foundry. The genome sequencing report can be found at the bottom of the page.

MTR Chassis (LvT) Link to Parts Repository
Ptrc10 - MtrA - TrrnB - End-linker 1
Ptrc10 - MtrB - TrrnB - End-linker 1
Ptrc10 - MtrC - TrrnB - End-linker 1
Ptrc10 - MtrCAB - TrrnB - End-linker 1
Ptrc10 - MtrCA - TrrnB - End-linker 1
Ptrc10 - MtrAB - TrrnB - End-linker 1
Cym Gene Link to Parts Repository
Ptrc10 - CymA - TrrnB - End-linker 1

Sepcial LvT Synechocystis MTR constructs:
  • i) pSEVA421 acceptor - Ptrc10 - MtrCAB - TrrnB - Ptrc10 - CymA - TrrnB - End-linker 2

Other LvT Synechocystis MTR constructs:
  • i) pSEVA421 acceptor - Ptrc10 - MtrA - TrrnB - Ptrc10 - CymA - TrrnB - End-linker 2
  • ii) pSEVA421 acceptor - Ptrc10 - MtrB - TrrnB - Ptrc10 - CymA - TrrnB - End-linker 2
  • iii) pSEVA421 acceptor - Ptrc10 - MtrC - TrrnB - Ptrc10 - CymA - TrrnB - End-linker 2
  • iv) pSEVA421 acceptor - Ptrc10 - MtrCA - TrrnB - Ptrc10 - CymA - TrrnB - End-linker 2
  • v) pSEVA421 acceptor - Ptrc10 - MtrAB - TrrnB - Ptrc10 - CymA - TrrnB - End-linker 2

Domestication: MtrCAB, MtrCA and MtrC

Domestication involves using primers to make precise modifications to a DNA sequence, in this case, changing a single base pair so the DNA sequence does not have a recognition site for a restriction enzyme. Domestication was done by PCR followed by restriction digestion and ligation. Primers were designed allowing elimination of the restriction site by changing a single base pair. The domestication PCR for MtrCAB and MtrCA can be seen in the gel below (figure 10). The domestication PCR also introduced new cut sites on the linear DNA allowing digestion and then re-ligation into a plasmid.

Due to the band smears, gel extraction was chosen over PCR cleanup. Once the linear domesticated DNA was cleaned, it was digested and re-ligated in a thermocycler. However, diagnostic digestion gels of the domesticated plasmid showed that the domestication did not work. Moreover, the digestion and re-ligation step was performed in a water bath, but the domestication did not work checked via digestions. However, after several attempts, the domestication for MtrCAB and MtrCA was successful but due to time constraints and previous difficulty in taking our genes from Lv0 to Lv1 parts, we decided to drop MtrCAB, MtrCA and MtrC.

Figure 10: Domestication PCR conducted at different temperatures (trouble-shooting).

Primer Name Sequence
MtrC Domestication Forward Primer CAGTgaagacATtggacTCGCAAATTTAGAAAT
MtrC Domestication Reverse Primer CAGTgaagaCAGTCCAATCACTGGCATGTC
CyanoGate Level 0 Primers - Reverse TTGAGTGAGCTGATACCGCT

Ferricyanide assay: (Mtr Characterisation in Synechocystis)

The potassium ferricyanide assay provides a biochemical alternative to electrical measurements, enabling the recording of the rate at which electrons are produced and secreted extracellularly by the metabolically active Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.

Once dissolved in a solution, potassium ferricyanide dissociates, leaving the ferricyanide ion. This ion is freely present in the culture media but cannot enter the cells. This property makes ferricyanide suitable for the assay.

In this assay, potassium ferricyanide in a water solution (displaying a yellow hue) is reduced by a single electron to produce transparent potassium ferrocyanide. This change in color reduces the recorded absorbance at 420 nm. By plotting a linear regression line over time, the rate of electron escape from the cyanobacterial cells can be estimated. (AC Gonzalez-Aravena et al, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/c8ra00951a)

Formula 1: reduction reaction of ferricyanide ion to ferrocyanide

To become familiar with the technique, we attempted the assay in the wildtype Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (figure 11). However, due to time constraints, we were unable to repeat the experiment in both the wild-type and bio-engineered strains to characterize the successful functionality of the different MTR composite systems, most importantly, MtrCAB, MtrCAB-CymA, CymA.

Table 1: Absorbance of ferricyanide at 420nm over time in minutes

Time (minutes) Absorbance (420nm)
35 -0.003
85 -0.0235
140 -0.033
200 -0.04
260 -0.0555
320 -0.0685
Figure 11: Linear regression plot of 1mM ferricyanide reduction by Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 , measured as absorbance (420nm) over time(minutes). Data shown is the mean of experiment done in technical triplicates, OD(630nm) of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cell culture was 1.44, blanking done at time =0.
Co-Tranformation of Ccm and Mtr: (Mtr Characterisation in E. coli:)

Attempting to charactize the mtrAB cassette in E. coli, we needed to introduce the cytochrome c maturation gene cascade (ccmA-H) which is lacking in E. coli (but present in Cyanobacteria) to the organism, as heme folding is crucial for the individual mtr subunits appropiate assembly and therefore transport to the membrane/periplasmic regions.

Using ccmA-H cassette in pSB1C3 vector (obtained from iGEM Edinburgh 2012, BBa_K917006), we have underwent co-transformation of the ccmA-H genes with mtrA,B,AB in lvl 1, this was possible as each plasmid had conferred different antibiotic resistance selection (chloramphenicol for ccm, ampicillin for level 1 mtr).

We have then miniprepped the samples and did diagnostic digestions using NotI restriction enzyme which linearises the cyanogate vector, and EcoRI which linearizes the ccm vector. While we strongly believe that the co-transformations were succesful as multiple colonies had grown on the LB plates with both antibiotics added, the quality of the digestions was rather poor (figure 13). A potential reason for the survival of colonies on ampicillin colonies although lack of ccmA-H shown in digestion could be due to presence of the vector without the gene.

Figure 12: Diagnostic digestion on MtrA, MtrB and MtrAB co-transformed with Ccm.

Membrane Fractionation and Heme Staining (Future Experiments – in both Synechocystis and E. coli):

Continuing the characterization efforts, membrane fractionation of the co-transformant E. coli would have been carried out to yield the cytoplasmic, membrane, and periplasmic fractions, each enriched with proteins typically localized there.

Running the fractionated samples on an SDS-PAGE would enable the separation of protein bands based on their size. We could then confirm the presence of mtrA and mtrB in the periplasmic and membrane fractions by staining the resulting gel with a heme-staining solution, which selectively stains proteins containing a heme group.

hisG-dapA Results

Finding the optimal ligation efficiency for hisG and dapA using CyanoGate

The most optimal insert:vector ratio has been described in this work, concluding that a higher ratio may be more suitable for the E. coli MG1655 genes hisG, dapA and lysC when applying the CyanoGate system for transformation - with a 10:1 insert:vector ratio showing highest success potential of bands appearing through colony PCR following a white-blue screening using Golden Gate assembly, although a 2:1 insert:vector ratio showed higher colony counts. Being native E. coli genes, this finding may be more relevant for further cloning experiments using genes from E. coli. Additionally, an increased number of cycles through thermal cycling following assembly could be more appropriate for these genes - suggesting an adjustment to the recommended 5 cycles by Vasudevan et al. (2019). This project may therefore demonstrate useful troubleshooting guidance for further cloning experiments using the newly developed CyanoGate system, or for cloning experiments specifically involving the genes hisG, dapA and lysC.

Considerations for replicating the experiments

The proposed increase of the insert:vector ratio for level 0 and level 1 transformations should be considered when replicating the experiments using native E. coli MG1655 genes hisG and dapA following the modular platform CyanoGate. The presented modifications relating to thermal cycling should also be considered for further repeats of this experiment.

Ninhydrin Test For Amino Acids

Ninhydrin test on dapA and hisG overexpressed strains. Shows 2% amino acid standard solution (2% AA), Wild type (WT), dapA level 1 overexpressed strain (dapA) and hisG overexpressed strain (hisG) both under Ptrc10 promotor. dapA shows a 1.48x increase compared to WT and hisG is 1.57x. Error bars are standard deviations. p=4.73E-5.

Ninhydrin test to quantitatively determine relative levels of amino acids between level 1 transformed strains and wild type (WT Control) E.coli (TOP10). A 2% amino acid standard was prepared to provide further comparison. The ninhydrin reaction involves ninhydrin (C9H604) reacting to amines or a-amino acids. The development of a deep blue colour indicates the presence of amino acids in the sample. This can be quantified with a spectrophotometer reading absorbance at 570nm, and provided the initial OD of the cell cultures for comparison is known, quantitative results can be drawn.

Our results, obtained using the ninhydrin protocol in the protocol section on an overnight culture of E.coli cells in stationary phase, suggest that the transformants are successful in overexpressing hisG and dapA and that this does correspond to increased amino acid expression. Compared to the wild type there were significant differences in the absorbance of the analytes from dapA and hisG. Stationary phase was used as this would mimic the cell culture makeup of the panel waste. After use the culture would have grown stagnant and so based on our growth curves, an overnight culture was sufficient to plateau the growth rate into a stationary phase.

BYJU'S (2022). Ninhydrin Test - Reaction, Principle, Procedure, Result Interpretation. [online] BYJUS. Available at:

Mass Spectrometry for Amino Acid Production

Mass Spectrometry processed M/Z results displaying decreased production of L-Cystine between control strain (WT) and overexpressed strain (dapA) and increased production of L-Lysine between control strain and overexpressed strain.

To further verify that increase in amino acid concentration was due to histidine and lysine concentration respectively, we used mass spectrometry. Samples were sent off to the university's Waddington Laboratories for M/Z analysis. Overxpression of target amino acids was expected to reduce expression of other amino acids. Cystine production was tested to confirm this, and results came back positive, indicated by the reduced expression of Cystine. Results showed an increase in lysine production in the dapA overexpressed strain, and expected decrease in cystine production.

Biosafety Results

Completed Level T Constructs:

LvT eYFP constructs:

pSEVA421 Acceptor
End-linker 1
pSEVA421 Acceptor
End-linker 1

LvT Synechocystis KS constructs:

pSEVA421 Acceptor
End-linker 2
pSEVA421 Acceptor
End-linker 2

LvT E. coli KS construct:

pSEVA421 Acceptor
TECK120029600 Terminator

Biosafety Analysis

Level T eYFP constructs were made in order to characterize PcopM195-BCD zinc-inducible Synechocystis promoter by measuring eYFP fluorescence. Level T Synechocystis KS constructs were supposed to be transformed into Synechocystis to characterize kill switch activity. Level T eYFP and KS constructs were screened by colony PCR. For each construct there were colonies that gave a correct size amplicon (Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1. cPCR of Level T eYFp constructs.

Figure 2. cPCR of Level T Synechocystis Kill Switch constructs.

Table 1: Expected amplicon sizes:
Construct Expected Amplicon Size
LvT-PrnpB-eYFP (TY1) 1494 bp
LvT-PcopM-eYFP (TY2) 1544 bp
LvT-PrnpB-NucA (KS1) 2401 bp
LvT-Prbc-NucA (KS2) 2356 bp

Cultures from colonies that gave the correct cPCR band were set up, plasmids were purified and screened by restriction digestion for correct insertion (Figure 3 and 4). After digestion, while the correct number of bands was observed, they were all slightly larger than expected. Due to time constraints, decided to continue with Synechocystis transformations. Importantly, we later also sent the Level T constructs to Edinburgh Genome Foundry for sequencing by Oxford Nanopore technology and analysis. The sequencing report showed that most reads of the Level T Kill Switch constructs were of the approx. expected size, which suggested that larger than expected size bands observed after restriction digestion were likely an experimental error.

Figure 3. Restriction digestion of Level T eYFP constructs with BciVI and AvaI enzymes.

Figure 4. Restriction digestion of Level T Synechocystis Kill Switch constructs with BciVI and AvaI enzymes.

Table 2: Expected band sizes following digestion:
LvT Plasmid AvaI Digest (AvaI) BciVI Digest (BciVI)
LvT-PrnpB-eYFP 4857 bp 2617 bp and 2240 bp
LvT-PcopM-eYFP 4907 bp 2667 bp and 2240 bp
LvT-PrnpB-NucA 5764 bp 3524 bp and 2240 bp
LvT-Prbc-NucA 5719 bp 3479 bp and 2240 bp

Figure 5. Colony PCR of Level T E. coli Kill Switch construct.

We performed the Synechocystis transformation protocol received from ABOA-Turku’s iGEM team with some modifications. First, the main Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 culture used for transformations was a mixture of two cultures that were at OD630=0.8, and not at OD750=0.8 (mid logarithmic growth phase) as suggested in the original protocol. Second, the recommendation was to keep plates at 30°C and 50 µE until slight green film arose (ca. 2-4 days), however, we only had a shaking incubator with a light source at our disposal, so we kept the plates there. Synechocystis transformations failed - there was no green bacterial film on the plates after a week, the plates started drying out and had to be disposed of. Importantly, even if we were able to grow the film of cyanobacteria it would not have been possible for us to select for transformed cells because it requires multiple rounds of addition of antibiotic by increasing its concentration and waiting for colonies to grow, which is a slow process for Synechocystis and can take up to a couple of months, which in the case of iGEM timelines is unfeasible.

Because Synechocystis transformations failed we decided to try and characterise NucA-NuiA kill switch in E. coli. For this purpose, we ordered a G-block encoding the whole Kill Switch cassette with the same NucA and NuiA sequences, but with Synechocystis promoters substituted with corresponding E. coli promoters, zinc-inducible PzntA promoter for antitoxin and constitutive Anderson promoter (BBa_J23114) for toxin. The G-block also contained the required overhangs to allow direct assembly into a LvT acceptor vector. We ran cPCR of level T E. coli KS constructs (Figure 5). Positive control failed because no template DNA was added, but three colonies, 2, 3, and 8, gave the expected amplicon size (1930 bp), so we decided to proceed to Kill Switch characterization with colony 2.

We set up two overnight cultures, one from colony 2 that gave the correct cPCR band size for level T E. coli KS construct, and the other one from a blue colony containing the empty vector (WT+vector). We used these initial cultures to make new cultures in triplicates with or without added 400 µM Zn2+ for both KS and WT+vector control. For KS characterisation, we grew these cultures in a shaking incubator at 37C, 160 rpm, and took OD600 measurements at 1 hour intervals to produce growth curves (Figure 6). From growth curves, cells containing Kill Switch plasmid or empty vector grew better without added zinc, indicating that the addition of 400 μM ZnSO4 slows down cell growth. Importantly, there was no apparent decrease in growth of cells containing the Kill Switch in media without added zinc compared to those grown with added zinc. This could be due to nuclease not being expressed, thus unable to kill the cells. Notably, NucA requires divalent metal ions like Mn2+ or Mg2+ as cofactors, the optimal concentration for these being around 5 mM, while NucA activity was shown to decrease with increasing concentration of monovalent salt. LB media contains a high concentration of NaCl but no divalent salts, meaning that NucA might not function due to lack of cofactors. Alternatively, zinc-inducible promoter might not function as expected, leading to constitutive expression of antitoxin, thus inhibiting nuclease. In future experiments, NucA and NuiA expression should be verified by Western Blotting before characterizing the Kill Switch. Also, LB media should be supplemented with appropriate concentrations of divalent salts to ensure the presence of cofactors for NucA.

Figure 6. Growth curves of E. coli TOP10 cells with or without Kill Switch plasmid in media with or without added 400 μM ZnSO4.

Figure 7. CFU/mL (log10) values for E. coli TOP10 cells with or without Kill Switch plasmid in media with or without added 400 μM ZnSO4. KS and WT+vector cultures (in triplicates) were grown in media with or without zinc were sampled every 2 hours (for 6 hours total), diluted, and plated onto LB + Spec + 400 µM Zn2+ and LB + Spec (without zinc) plates, respectively.

For checking the viability of cells containing the KS in conditions with and without added zinc compared to WT+vector control we performed colony forming unit (CFU) counting assay (Figure 7). In general, the experiment was unsuccessful since the numbers of colonies observed after plating 10 µL of culture diluted by the factor of 107 were too low to be able to accurately deduce the CFU number in original undiluted samples. Thus, in the future the experiment should be redone by plating lower dilution or higher volume of cells. Moreover, as noted previously, since NucA requires divalent metal ions like Mn2+ or Mg2+ as cofactors, ideally the plates should be supplemented with them. From our results, at 6 hours, no significant difference in CFU/mL numbers was observed between KS-containing cells grown with or without added zinc (2 sample t-test, p-value > 0.5).

A comprehensive list of the parts designed can be found on our contributions page.

Salinity Results

Salt growth curve of BL21 (DE3) cells

To determine the level of growth and salt tolerance in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3), a growth curve was made, incubating the E. coli in various concentrations of NaCl in LB media. 29ml LB media was inoculated with 1ml overnight culture of E.coli and the initial OD600 was measured. This was then followed by measurements taking 1ml of media every hour for 6 hours. 1% salt has been removed as the initial OD600 was significantly higher than those of the others, which may have affected the results. The results showed a significant decrease in growth after 6 hours of the E.coli BL21 after 3% NaCl (w/v) LB (Figure 1). The doubling time of the E.coli can be seen to steadily increase until 3.5% where the doubling time begins to increase significantly as the concentration of salt in the medium rises (Table 1). The E.coli grown in 0.5% salt (no additional salt), grew at the fastest rate for the first 5 hours with a doubling time of 1.05 hours in comparison to 1.5% salt with a doubling time of 1.09 hours. However, more testing would be necessary to determine if this difference is due to increased salt in the medium. The E. coli grew at 0.5% then saw a decline between hours 5 and 6, which was not mirrored in other cultures at different concentrations. However, a decline before recovery had been seen in other cultures, such as 3.5% in hour 5.

Figure 1: 6 hour Growth Curve of BL21 (DE3) Cells In LB Media of Varying Salt Concentrations. 1% Salt LB was removed due to a likely error in protocol affecting results. LB media containing various salt concentrations were inoculated with BL21 (DE3) Overnight culture and the OD600 was measured every hour to measure the growth of the Escherichia coli.

Table 1 - Doubling Times of Salty E.coli Cultures at 6 hours. Doubling times were calculated using the formula Dt = hours/ log2( final OD600/ Initial OD600)

Lysogeny Broth Salt Concentration (%) Doubling Time at 6 Hours (Hours)
0.5 1.29
1.0 1.38
1.5 1.23
2.0 1.26
2.5 1.32
3 1.40
3.5 1.65
4 2.05
4.5 2.35
5 3.85
5.5 2.27

stpA level T

Due to being unsuccessful in extracting purified stpA gene from genomic DNA, a gene block was designed to be inserted into a cyanogate level T vector with correct cut sites and overhangs for an assembly reaction wherein the restriction enzyme BbsI would cut the gene block revealing sticky ends which could then be ligated into the level T vector. A level T reaction was conducted and the reaction product was transformed into TOP10 cells which were then spread onto XGAL-IPTG plates for blue/white selection. White colonies were then picked and colony PCR was conducted to confirm successful transformation. The PCR product was then run on 1% agarose gel and the gel was analysed using a UV imager (Figure 2). The results showed bands of the expected size across the white colonies indicating that the plasmid had been successfully constructed and transformed.

Figure 2: Imaged Agarose gel electrophoresis. Colony PCR was performed generating bands at the expected positions between 1.5 and 2kb.

The ggpS gene was extracted from synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 by PCR from genomic DNA. The gene was then purified by gel extraction and ligated in an assembly reaction into the CyanoGate level 0 backbone. A further digestion and ligation was performed to assemble the gene along with the constitutive promoter ptrc10, which functions in both synechocystis as well as E.coli and the terminator pC0.082. This level 1 assembly was then transformed into E. coli TOP10 cells and confirmed by colony PCR and digestion. However, the final plasmid was found to be around 1kb larger than anticipated (Figure 3). Nevertheless, the correct band sizes indicating that ggpS has been successfully ligated into the level 1 vector and transformed were present. The decision was then made to proceed with error-prone PCR using ggpS in this backbone.

Figure 3: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis image of undigested Level 1 construct and digested with NotI and BbsI. Plasmid miniprep was digested with NotI and bbsI and run on 1% agarose gel in gel electrophoresis and imaged. Repeats can be found on the right.

However, after repeated attempts, this error-prone PCR was unsuccessful as when run with dye on 1% Agarose gel and imaged, the bands indicated two PCR products, one at 4.5kb and one at 2.5kb consistently. In silico there was considered no reason to believe that primer mis-annealing should take place and so it was hypothesised that either the plCH47732 level 1 acceptor vector, the PTRC10 promoter, or pC0.082 terminator in level 0 was incorrect. A PCR reaction was performed using the level 0, level 1, and genomic PCR extract as template DNA and all templates except the level 1 were successful (Figure 4).

To circumvent the plCH47732 backbone, epPCR of ggpS was performed again using the level 0 assembly as a template and NEB Taq polymerase. The genomic Forward and Genomic Reverse primers were used. These primers when digested, would generate the overhangs necessary to assemble into a pJUMP29-1A acceptor vector with a constitutive PJ23100 promoter, pET ribosome binding site, and L3SAP51 terminator. The resulting library was digested with BbsI, creating 1.5kb double-stranded linear DNA fragments. These digested fragments were then used in a level 1 JUMP assembly reaction to generate level 1 constructs with a GFP selection marker. Fluorescent colonies were picked for colony PCR to check for successful assembly and transformation. However, the first attempt was unsuccessful.

After a subsequent attempt utilising longer extension times, the colony PCR indicated successful assembly and transformation of the epPCR library (Figure 5). The bands were at approximately 1.8kb as expected in colonies 1, 2, and 4. These results were not demonstrated in our final report. The error-prone PCR library was then transferred to the Edinburgh Genome Foundry, along with chemically competent cells for heat shock containing the stpA level T plasmid for transformation and subsequent performance of the assay.

Figure 4: Agarose gel electrophoresis image: Q5 PCR of ggpS from ggpS, lvl0 and lvl1P1 templates, and Q5 of pICH47732 backbone from lvl1 template.

Sanger sequencing of the digested ggpS epPCR library showed that the consensus sequence from the sequencing matched the expected sequence from in-silico testing.

Figure 5: UV Imaged Agarose Gel electrophoresis. 4 Colonies were picked for colony PCR using P1 and P2 primers. Results show colony 1,2 and 4 with the expected band size.

Salinity Report

Sequencing Report