
iGEM Registry

As part of our project, we uploaded new parts to the iGEM registry, all of which can be accessed on the parts page. Additionally, we added new documentation to existing parts: BBa_K2170214 and BBa_K1150016. These parts describe the signal peptides BM40 and HA, which we used as part of our study to assess the secretion efficiencies of different combinations of signal peptides, promoters, and cargos. We also added documentation to part BBa_K1722006, which we used as our weak promoter in the secretion study.

Protocols in the Experiments page

We have also uploaded our protocols to Experiments. These protocols were used for many different aspects of the wet lab, including cloning, PCR workflow, cell culturing, and reporter assays. Furthermore, we added information to an existing protocol titled “Calibration Protocol - Fluorescence Standard Curve with Fluorescein” in order to optimize it for use on our plate reader, VICTOR® Nivo™, and for use with different cell culture solutions. We hope that the uploaded protocols can be utilized by future iGEM teams to advance their projects.