
During the experimental phase of BI-BYE we have used, created many different protocols and methods. As we know that having a neat and organized protocol manual is very helpful to every iGEM team, we have created three experimental bundles as another contribution to the iGEM community!

The first manual is targeted towards use in routine laboratory operations, which we call the "Protocols" (including bacteria culture, cell culture, solution preparations, protein extraction et al.).

The second manual details the experimental methods for our validation experiments, making it easy for other teams to repeat our experiments. we call it “Methods" (including bacterial lab methods, cell lab methods and hardware methods). The third manual is “laboratory instrument” that created specifically for our team members, helping us operate safely.

We hope our manuals help the future iGEMers a better lab experience!

1. Protocols


2. Methods


3. Laboratory instrument

Laboratory instruments.pdf