Transformation of Wildtype CBS7435 and Erg6-KO resulted in strains of both with Module 1, Module 1 and 2 and Module 1, 2 and 3. Only the last ones were of further interest for us. Success of Transformation is somewhat plausible, since they grew on media containing NTC, ZEO and HYG simultaneously for a long time, which should not be possible with linearised plasmids Morphology is also consistent with Pichia. However, no colony PCR was conducted and therefore no molecular biological evidence exists to confirm presence. No Testosterone or Pregenolone acetate could be confirmed in our samples.
Sterol quantification using HPLC
HPLC analysis could not ascertain the presence of Testosterone or Pregnenolone acetate.
The following diagram compares the growth of the produced mutant with steroid hormone pathway with similar strain lacking said pathway.
Growth curves of different yeast strains with and without our testosterone pathway
Unsurprisingly, the unmodified wildtype with its normal membrane lipid pathways shows the best growth. However, the growth of the other strains is surprising. First, the unmodified ΔErg6 strain shows the worst growth, significantly lower than the modified ΔErg6 strain. This is counterintuitive since one would assume that the added expression of 6 transgenic proteins and stress from xenobiotic cholesterol and steroid hormones slow growth. A mix up of modified and unmodified ΔErg6 strains was ruled out by growth assays in YPD with and without antibiotics. Another surprise is the very similar growth of both modified strains. Again, one would assume that a strain with an unmolested membrane lipid metabolism grows better than one where a key enzyme was knocked out. These unusual findings point toward some unrecognized experimental error and demand repeat of experiment with fresh pre cultures.
What to do now?
Current data shows clearly that our strains are unable to produce Testosterone. The question now is, what can be learned and what are possible ways forward. Some possibilities.
The strains do not contain our plasmids. This can be ascertained using simple colony PCR. This would elucidate whether the problem is faulty genes or an unfeasible pathway.
The plasmids were damaged during simultaneous integrationThis could be possible through homologous recombination with the homologous promotor and terminator sites. This could also be determined through colony PCR and if true possibly remedied by sequential transformation.
The strain produces testosterone but very small amountsCells used for extraction were cultivated for only 24-36h before harvest. Together with the rather weak constitutional promotors this could mean that just not a lot of testosterone is produced, less than is lost through chemical/biochemical degradation. One of the possibilities is therefore a redesign of the used regulatory elements, a swich to stronger promoters, or methanol induced promotors. These would allow a biomass accumulation before production is turned on.